Bernard d'Abrera


*** Not in Gale

The Australian entomologist and Natural History photographer, is arguably the best-known 'Butterfly Man' in the world. Scientist at the Lepidoptera British Museum (Natural History) in London and a Fellow with the International Society for Complexity, Information and Design (ISCID).

From ISCID profile:

A graduate of the University of New South Wales, Bernard d'Abrera first began his series on the butterflies of the world in 1970, with Butterflies of the Australian Region, now in its 3rd Edition. Since that time he has completed The Butterflies of the World in 18 volumes, Butterflies of the Afrotropical Region, The Butterflies of Ceylon, Butterflies of the Oriental Region, Butterflies of the Neotropical Region, Butterflies of the Holarctic Region, and Concise Atlas of the Butterflies of the World.

Bernard d'Abrera has also completed a monograph (1 volume) on the Hawkmoths of the World entitled Sphingidae Mundi, and 2 volumes of a projected 3-volume set on the Saturniid Moths of the World (Saturniidae Mundi). He is also revising his famous 1975 book devoted to The Birdwing Butterflies of the World (Ornithoptera Mundi). All his books are based on the peerless collections held in the British Museum (Natural History) in London.

Biographical entry

Jacques Dalechamps


*** Not in Gale

French botanist, physician, surgeon.

Galileo Project entry

Dalechamps's most important scientific work is the Historia generalis plantarum (1586-1687), the most complete botanical complilation of its time and the first to describe much of the flora peculiar to the region around Lyons. His other more or less original work is the Chirugie franciose (1570).

Much of his effort was directed toward editing and translating earlier scientific and medical writings.

Dr. Cham E. Dallas

*** Not in Gale

Toxicologist. Chair and Professor, Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences University of Georgia, 2002-present. Chair, Editorial Board for Nuclear, Radiological, and Conventional Weapons, State of Georgia Public Health Medical Readiness, 2002-present. Associate Professor, 1995-2002; Assistant Professor, 1990-1995 at the University of Georgia. Since its inception in 1995, Dr. Dallas has been the Chair of the Coordinating Committee Program, which governs the graduate academic and research program at UGA. He teaches in four of the graduate toxicology courses and has been the recipient of several teaching awards at UGA. His research interests involve the toxicokinetics of environmental contaminants, with specific applications in radioecology, genotoxicology, inhalation toxicology, and risk assessment. These studies have included the validation of predictive models of the kinetics and toxicity of inhaled toxins, as well as the measurement of biomarkers of the impact of environmental toxins on molecular and genetic endpoints. Field investigations have included investigations at the Savannah River Site and in the regions contaminated by the Chernobyl nuclear accident in the former Soviet Union . Dr. Dallas has an active history of federal extramural research funding; he has been Principal Investigator on toxicology research projects totaling 1.3 million dollars over the last decade and Co-Principal Investigator on another 1.2 million dollars of research funding.

Southeastern Center for Emerging Biologic Threats, Faculty webpage

Cham E. Dallas, Ph.D.,Associate Professor of Toxicology, University of Georgia, "The Real Issue: Into The Exclusion Zone". Dr. Cham Dallas, Associate Professor of Toxicology at the University of Georgia, led a research team into the Exclusion Zone. This area contains the highest radioactive contamination following the world's worst nuclear disaster at Chernobyl. Dr. Dallas shares how Christian Leadership Ministries helped him combine his professional pursuits with spiritual ministry in this formerly closed area of the world.

In 1998, Dr. Dallas became the Director of the University of Georgia Interdisciplinary Toxicology Program, which is one of only three Strategic Academic Excellence Programs funded by the University System Chancellor's Office in Georgia. Dr. Dallas serves as the Civilian National Consultant for Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) for the U.S. Air Force Surgeon General, in which he works to coordinate the military, academic, and medical community response to the use of WMD within the U.S.

In 2002, Dr. Dallas became the Director of the Center for Leadership in Education and Applied Research in Mass Destruction Defense (CLEARMADD), funded by the Centers for Disease Control as a Specialty Center in Public Health Preparedness. The mission of CLEARMADD will be to reduce the casualties and social disruption in WMD events by preparing specialty professions that will encounter the unique and unprecedented circumstances in domestic WMD attacks.

Education: B.A., Biology, University of Texas, Austin, 1975; M.S., Toxicology (1982) and Ph.D., Toxicology (1984), University of Texas School of Public Health, Houston, Texas.

Honors: Richard B. Russell Undergraduate Teaching Award for the University of Georgia (University-Wide Teaching Award), May 1994; Phi Delta Chi Teacher of the Year Award (College-Wide Teaching Award), 1994; Dedication for the Georgia Pharmacist Magazine, 1993; Teacher of the Year, University of Georgia College of Pharmacy, May 1992; Richard K. Seavers Award for Excellence in Research in Environmental Science, University of Texas School of Public Health, June 1982.

Member: Faculty advisor, Christian Pharmacists Fellowship International

Department of Pharmaceutical & Biomedical Sciences, College of Pharmacy, University of Georgia, Atlanta: Faculty biography webpage

Most recent faculty page

UGA College of Pharmacy Develops First WMD Pharmacy Practice Rotation in United States

John Dalton


The English chemist and physicist John Dalton provided the beginnings of the development of a scientific atomic theory, thus facilitating the development of chemistry as a separate science. His contributions to physics, particularly to meteorology, were also significant. Quaker.

Free Dictionary entry

Biographical entry

Biographical entry

German entry

Biography in Scientists of Faith: 48 Biographies of Historic Scientists and Their Christian Faith, by Dan Graves. Kregel Resources, Grand Rapids, MI, 1996. ISBN 0-8254-2724-X.

Stephen Dalton


Stephen Dalton began photographing wildlife when, as a young boy, his photographer father gave him a box Brownie camera. Fascinated by insects, Dalton began work on the development of high speed flash equipment, lens, and camera shutter that would enable him to photograph insects during free flight, a feat no photographer had yet accomplished.

Famous Photographers entry

Personal website

Raymond V. Damadian


Raymond Damadian (born 1936) was the first to take a nuclear magnetic resonance image (MRI) image of a human body, and went on to develop the MRI as an indispensable tool for medicine.

Inventors' Hall of Fame page

"Raymond V. Damadian: Super-Scientist Slams Society's Spiritual Sickness! Dr. Raymond Damadian, Pioneer of MRI". First published in:
Creation Ex Nihilo 16(3):35-37, June-August 1994.

Carl Wieland. "The Not-so-Nobel Decision: Recognition denied for achievement of great scientist-who is also a creationist"

ICR peofile

Kelly Damphousse

*** Not in Gale

Sociologist. Assistant Professor, Sociology, University of Oklahoma. Dr. Damphousse was born and raised in northern Canada. He attended Lethbridge Community College, earning an associates degree in Law Enforcement in 1982. He graduated from Sam Houston State University with a BS in Criminal Justice (specializing in law enforcement and police science) in 1987. He completed his Ph.D. at Texas A&M University under Howard Kaplan, Director of the Laboratory for the Studies of Social Deviance (the deviance lab). His dissertation examining the long-term consequences of drug use by adolescents was completed in 1994. After graduation, he took a position as Assistant Professor in the Department of Justice Sciences at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. After a year there, he took a position as Assistant Professor in the College of Criminal Justice at SHSU (to be closer to his wife's family). After two years, he took a position in the Department of Sociology at the University of Oklahoma (to work at the home of a national championship football team), where he has been ever since. He directs several research projects, most notably the American Terrorism Study and the Oklahoma City Arrestee Drug Abuse Monitoring project.

Faculty webpage, University of Oklahoma

Texas State University page

James Dwight Dana


James Dwight Dana, geologist and zoologist. In 1840 he had been made editor of the American Journal of Science, or "Silliman's Journal" as it was commonly known, and on the retirement of Silliman in 1849 was appointed Professor of natural history in Yale College, though he did not take up his duties until six years later. In 1864 the title of the professorship was changed to that of geology and mineralogy. This position he retained until he resigned from active duties in 1890.

Free Dictionary entry

doi: 10.1130/1052-5173(2003)013<0020:JDDMZG>2.0.CO;2
GSA Today: Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 20-21.

James H. Natland. "James Dwight Dana (1813-1895): Mineralogist, Zoologist, Geologist, Explorer,"Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science, University of Miami, Miami, FL , USA.

Biography in Scientists of Faith: 48 Biographies of Historic Scientists and Their Christian Faith, by Dan Graves. Kregel Resources, Grand Rapids, MI, 1996. ISBN 0-8254-2724-X.

William Louis Daniel


Geneticist, educator. Assistant Professor, Illinois State University, Normal, 1967-71, Associate Professor, 1971-72; Assistant Professor, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, 1972-76, Associate Professor genetics, 1976; Director section for genetics dept. pediatrics, University of Illinois College Medicine, Urbana, 1975-94; Assistant Director School of Life Sciences, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, 1995. Education: BS, Mich. State University, 1964, Ph.D., 1967. Diplomate American Board Medical Genetics.

Honors: Recipient Eagle Scout award Boy Scouts of America, 1955, numerous teaching awards, University of Illinois; named Outstanding Community Leader, 1972. Fellow American College Medical Genetics; member Genetics Society of America, American Genetics Association, American Society Human Genetics, N.Y. Academy of Sciences, Illinois Academy of Sciences, AAAS, Phi Kappa Phi. Roman Catholic.

Author: Medical Genetics for Health Professionals, 1979, (with others) Genetics and Human Variation, 1982, 86, 91, 95; Contributor of articles to professional journals.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

L. Ann Daniels


Biologist. Health educator. Registered health education specialist, N.C. Society Public Health Educators. Associate control biologist, Cutter Pharmaceutical Laboratory, Raleigh, N.C., 1973-75; Director health education City of Eden (N.C.), 1975-77; Director allied and public health education Bowman Gray School Medicine, Winston-Salem, N.C., 1977, instructor health education, 1980; Adjunct instructor health education University N.C., Chapel Hill, 1980; Consultant on education and training VA Medical Center., Salisbury, N.C., 1981. Board of Directors American Cancer Society, Winston-Salem, 1982, Battered Women's Services, Winston-Salem, 1983, Consumer Counseling-Credit Services, Winston-Salem, 1984. B.S., N.C. Central University, 1973; M.Ed., University NC, 1979.

Honors: Recipient Outstanding Woman Achivement award Professional Business League, Winston-Salem, N.C., 1982.

Member ASTD, National Association Professional Consultant, National Association Female Executives, National Society Prospective Medicine, Triad Trainers Guild (program Director Winston-Salem 1982-83), Eta Sigma Gamma. Baptist.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Egnatio Pellegrino Rainaldi Danti


aka Egnazio Danti / Ignazio Danti

*** Not in Gale

Italian astronomer, mathematician, cartographer, scientific instruments, optics.

Galileo Project entry:

In 1574 he determined by observation that the equinox was eleven days earlier than the calendar. Danti continued to pursue this issue, and was one of the more important figures in the reform of the calendar. He published his grandfather's translation of Sacrobosco's Sphere with his own commentary on it. He also published other astronomical work and mathematical works (as for example an edition of some of Euclid). Danti prepared huge mural maps in Florence (in the Palazzo Vecchio) and later in the Vatican, and he published a work on a surveying instrument that he improved upon. Danti published the Perspective of Euclid together with that of Eliodoro Larisseo. He translated Ptolemy's Geography.

Danti constructed an astronomical quadrant and an equinoctial armillary mounted on the facade of Santa Maria Novella for observations meant to determine the true equinox in order to correct the calendar. He later built a gnomon in Santa Maria Novella for that purpose, and after he moved to Bologna the more famous gnomon in the cathedral there. He published extensively on astronomical instruments. He built anemoscopes (instruments to show the direction of the wind) for a number of aristocrats in Florence and Bologna. He build anemoscopes (to indicate the direction of the wind) in Florence and in Bologna. He mapped the region embracing Perugia and later the papal states. He perfected the rado latino, a surveying instrument.

Danti was a member of the Accademia del Disegno in Perugia and later in the Accademia of Santa Luca in Rome.

MacTutor entry or here

Biographical entry

Dr. Nancy M. Darrall

Botony. Holds a B.S. with first class honors in agricultural botony from the University of Wales, Abery-stwyth, an M.S. in speech and language pathology and therapy from the University of London, and a Ph.D. in botany from the University of Wales. Had 14 years of experience working in the area of environmental research at the National Power, Technology and Environmental Centre at Leatherhead, studying the environmental impact of electricity generation, and in particular the physiological effects of gaseous air pollutants on agricultural crops. Affiliated with Bolton Primary Care Trust.

Christian Answers profile

Nancy M. Darrall. "Tracing mother Eve using mitochondrial DNA"

The Genesis Agendum Autumn Lecture in London, 11 November 2004; "Human Language - an Embarrassment for Evolution Theory?"

Testimony in In Six Days: Why Fifty Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation, edited by John F. Ashton, Ph.D. Master Books, Inc., Green Forest, AR, 2001. ISBN 0-89051-341-4. Chapter

Cunradus Dasypodius

(c. 1530-1600)

*** Not in Gale

German mathematician, astronomer, mechanic.

Galiileo Project entry

Dasypodius published extensively on mathematics, at the textbook level. He also did some astronomy and he translated Hero's Automata into Latin and drew upon it for the famous clock. In 1571-74, he designed the famous clock in the cathedral at Strasbourg.

Thomas Davenport

Dominican friar, physicist, and philosopher.

From biographical entry:

"I have always been inspired by the wonder of God’s creation, even down to its smallest parts, but as a Dominican I have begun to see more clearly the place of that creation in His providential order and hope to share the beauty of His loving plan, even down to the smallest individual."

Catholic Scientists entry

Biographical entry

Bolton Davidheiser


Zoologist. Author of Evolution and Christian Faith (1969). Gaduated from Swarthmore College, where he earned his A.B. degree, and Johns Hopkins University, where he earned his Ph.D. in zoology with an emphasis on genetics. He served as Professor of Biology at Westmont College, Santa Barbara, California, and as Professor of Biology at Biola College at La Mirada, California.

Dedicated website

Tribute page

From Obituary:

"As a teenager I asked a Sunday school teacher, ‘Some people say Christ died for us. How could that be?’ The Sunday school teacher did not know either, and although I went to church regularly, it was not until many years later that I first learned from a radio evangelist about the gospel of salvation by grace through the atonement made by Christ upon the cross. Then I heard it again from another evangelist. With this new understanding I really believed and received Christ as my personal Savior."

L. Merson Davies


*** Not in Gale

Davies was a paleontologist (specializing in foraminifera), a member of several scientific royal societies, a lieutenant-colonel, and an active member of the Evolution Protest Movement. In The Bible and Modern Science (1953), he argued both for the gap theory and for geological effects of the Flood.

Edward B. Davis


Scholar. History of Science; Research: Robert Boyle; Religion and science since 1650; Anti-evolutionism. Professor of the History of Science, Messiah College, 1996-present; Associate Professor of Science and History, Messiah College, 1990-1996; Assistant Professor of Science and History, Messiah College, 1985-1990; Visiting Assistant Professor, Departments of History and Philosophy, Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN), 1984-85

B.S. (Physics), Drexel University (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), June 1975; M.A. (History and Philosophy of Science), Indiana University (Bloomington, IN), October 1981; Ph.D (History and Philosophy of Science), Indiana University ( Bloomington, IN), August 1984. Dissertation title: "Creation, Contingency, and Early Modern Science: The Impact of Voluntaristic Theology on 17th Century Natural Philosophy". Major Professor: the late Richard S. Westfall.


Edward B. Davis. "A Whale of a Tale: Fundamentalist Fish Stories" from Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith, 43:224-237 (1991), with minor editorial changes.

Robert Scott Davis


(Born February 14, 1954, in Shirley, MA). Computer programmer. Historian. Wallace State College, Hanceville, AL, director of Family and Regional History Program, 1991-present. Education: Piedmont College, B.A., 1978; North Georgia College, M.Ed., 1980; Pickens Area Vocational-Technical School, Certificate in Computer Programming, 1982; University of Alabama at Birmingham, M.A., 1996.

Memberships: Society for Documentary Editing, Georgia Historical Society, Blountsville Historical Society. Baptist.

Honors: National Award of Merit, National Genealogical Society, 1986; grant for England, R. J. Taylor, Jr. Foundation.

Author: Kettle Creek: The Battle of the Cane Brakes, Georgia Department of Natural Resources (Atlanta, GA), 1975; Georgia Citizens and Soldiers of the American Revolution, Southern Historical Press (Easley, SC), 1979; Kettle Creek Battle and Battlefield, Washington-Wilkes Publishing (Washington, GA), 1979; Thomas Ansley and the American Revolution in Georgia, Ansley Reunion Press (Red Springs, NC), 1980; Research in Georgia: With a Special Emphasis on the Georgia Department of Archives and History, Southern Historical Press, 1980; Encounters on a March through Georgia in 1779: The Maps and Memorandums of Lieutenant John Wilson, 71st Highlanders, Partridge Pond Press (Sylvania, GA), 1986; Quaker Records in Georgia: Wrightsborough, 1772-1793, Friendsborough, 1775-1777, Augusta Genealogical Society (Augusta, GA), 1986; Georgians in the American Revolution: At Kettle Creek (Wilkes County) and Burke County, Southern Historical Press, 1986; History of Montgomery County, Georgia, Wolfe Publishing (Roswell, GA), 1992; Pickens Past: A Photographic History of Pickens County, Georgia, Wolfe Publishing, 1995; Cotton, Fire, and Dreams: The Robert Findlay Iron Works and Heavy Industry in Macon, Georgia, 1839-1912, Mercer University Press (Macon, GA), 1998; A Blountsville Picture Book, Blountsville Historical Society (Blountsville, AL), 1999; Requiem for a Lost City: A Memoir of Civil War Atlanta and the Old South, Mercer University Press, 1999; (Complier) Supplement to the Wilkes County Papers, 1773-1833, Southern Historical Press (Greenville, SC), 2000; Tracing Your Alabama Past, University of Mississippi Press (Jackson, MS), 2003.

Contributor of more than six hundred articles to genealogy and popular history journals, and to magazines and newspapers, including Journal of the North Carolina Friends Historical Society, Atlanta Historical Journal, Huntington Library Quarterly, Georgia Historical Quarterly, Georgia Librarian, and Railroad History.

Contemporary Authors Online, Gale, 2004.

Robert Scott Davis collection, University of Georgia

Biography and Bibliography

William Morris Davis


Theistic evolutionist. Geologist, meteorologist, and the leading U.S. physical geographer of the early 20th century. The son of a Philadelphia Quaker businessman, Davis studied science at Harvard University. After a spell as a meteorologist in Argentina, Davis served with the U.S. North Pacific Survey before securing an appointment as a lecturer at Harvard in 1877. Becoming a professor, he taught geology at Harvard 1876-1912. During those 30 years, Davis became the most prominent U.S. investigator of the physical environment. Developed Davisian system of landscape analysis based on "cycle of erosion". Author of Elementary Meteorology (1894), Geographical Essays (1909), Coral Reef Problem (1928), etc. In all he wrote some 500 papers, chiefly on physical geography but also on the teaching of geography in schools and universities. These included 42 papers on meteorology.

The Father of American Geography: William Morris Davis

Biographical entry

Biographical entry

Davis, William M. 1909. Geographical Essays. Boston: Ginn & Company. (Only Chapter 1 available)

Free Dictionary entry

Verne E(lbert) Davison


Wildlife biologist. State Game Department, Ellis County, OK, ranger and manager of game refuge, 1923-1935; U.S. Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Washington, D.C., soil, water, fisheries, and wildlife regional biologist in South Dakota, North Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana, 1935-37, in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, Louisiana, and Arkansas, 1937-1964, and in western states, 1964-1969; writer and researcher, 1969-1991. Cattle rancher in Ellis County, OK, 1921-1935. Conducted research and demonstrations on the lesser prairie chicken, 1931-1935. Fisheries research scientist for American Embassy, Burma, 1952; aquatic biologist for U.S. Department of State, 1952; fisheries specialist in South Vietnam, 1966.

Member: Wildlife Society (charter member), Soil Conservation Society, National Audubon Society, National Wildlife Federation, American Ornithologists Union. Presbyterian.

Honors: Conservation award from Nash Motors, 1954; outstanding performance award from Soil Conservation Service, 1958; superior service award from U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1959.

Author: Fish for Food from Farm Ponds, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1944; Bobwhites on the Rise, Scribner, 1949; Homemade Fishing, Stackpole, 1953; (With John M. Lawrence and Lawrence V. Compton) Waterweed Control on Farms and Ranches, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1962; Attracting Birds: From the Prairies to the Atlantic, Crowell, 1967. All published by the U.S. Government Printing Office: Protecting Field Borders, 1939; Shrubs for Wildlife on Farms in the Southeast, 1940; Southern Piedmont Experiment Station, Watkinsville, Georgia, --Aug. 1942--A Bluegill Bream Caught by a Small Girl, Grace Wither, in a Farm Pond, (photographic print), 1942; Bicolor Lespedeza for Quail and Soil Conservation in the Southeast, 1948; Lespedezas for Quail and Good Land Use, 1954; Managing Farm Fishponds for Bass and Bluegills, 1955; (With William W. Neely) Managing Farm Fields, Wetlands, and Waters for Wild Ducks in the South, U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1959, revised edition published as Wild Ducks on Farmland in the South, 1966, 1971; Warm Water Ponds for Fishing, 1965; (With Dale H. Arner) Wild Turkeys on Southeastern Farms and Woodlands, 1970. Contributor of about two hundred articles to technical and popular magazines.

Collected papers

Contemporary Authors Online, Gale, 2004.

Sir Humphry Davy


The English chemist and natural philosopher Sir Humphry Davy isolated and named the elements of the alkaline-earth and alkali metals and showed that chlorine and iodine were elements.

NAHSTE profile

Free Dictionary entry

German entry

Bryan Dawson

Mathematician. Ph.D. in mathematics from University of North Texas. Served as the editor for a journal of the Kappa Mu Epsilon national mathematics honor society. Author of more than 15 papers.

Union University faculty page and publications

AIG profile

Podcast: Indigienous Mathematicians

Cherokee math professor develops new calculus book

Peter Donald Day


(Born in Sydney, Australia). Biologist. Certified education, England. Professor liturgy, St. John's Seminary Wonersh, Guildford, Eng., 1995; housemaster, Senior biology master, Farnborough Hill College, Hampshire, 1977; head of biology, Holt School, Whittingeham, Scotland, 1973-77; biology master, Skibbereen Convent School, 1969-73; Relief Assistant Teacher, Oakhill College, Sydney, 1960; Relief Teacher, Trinity Grammar School, Sydney, 1959. Consultant for standing committee College of Preceptors for Secondary Education, Eng., 1982; Member International Patristics Conf., Oxford, England, 1991. Education: BA, Open University, Eng., 1978; MEd, Brunel University, Eng., 1982; BTh, Southampton University, Eng., 1995.

Member: Fellow Royal Anthropol. Institute,

Author: Eastern Christian Liturgies, 1972, The Liturgical Dictionary of Eastern Christianity, 1993.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Ennio De Giorgi



MacTutor entry

The Ennio De Giorgi Mathematical Research Centre

From Society of Catholic Scientists entry:

"De Giorgi was an Italian mathematician most famous for solving one of 'Hilbert’s problems.'...De Giorgi also solved another famous mathematical problem having to do with the Calculus of Variations, namely 'Bernstein’s Problem,' which had to do with surfaces with minimal surface area. De Giorgi was one of the leading mathematicians of the 20th century. He received the Wolf Prize in mathematics in 1990, considered one of the highest awards in that field. He was also elected to membership in many scientific societies, including the Académie des Sciences in Paris, and the (U.S.) National Academy of Sciences. He wrote of himself: " 'Having the need to declare my identity, I would begin by saying that I am Christian and Catholic and as such I recognize that I am a sinner, I hope in Mercy by the Lord, and this hope helps me through life’s difficulties, helps me to bear what I believe to be the greatest pain, which is the death of loved ones, as I wait for the resurrection of those who have passed.' "

Jan Cornets De Groot


aka Johan Hugo de Groot

*** Not in Gale

Dutch scientist specializing in mechanics, optics and hydraulics.

Galileo Project entry

De Groot was a distinqueshed amateur scientist, and best known for the experiment he performed with Stevin, published in Stevin's Waterwicht (1586), in which they proved that lead bodies of different weights in falling traverse the same distance in the same time. He was also knowledgable in optics. With Stevin in building windmills on contract.

Kenneth de Jong

*** Not in Gale

Not Kenneth A. De Jong, Professor of Computer Science, George Mason University

Linguist. Associate Professor of Linguistics, College of Arts and Sciences, Indiana University, Bloomington. Research Interests: The relationship between speech actions and linguistic structure. "I am particularly interested in how speech actions are organized into fluent utterances, how this organization is governed by the prosodic conventions of a particular language, and how this organization indicates the relationship of the utterance to the surrounding discourse. I also have more general interests in the role of speech production and perception in the formation of linguistic conventions." Research includes a project to study English dialects through computer synthesis. His acoustical analysis of Brooklyn English has uncovered a connection between simplifying the act of speaking-those who "talk Brooklyn" do so simply because it is easier-and how a language changes. B.A. at Calvin College, 1984; M.A. at Ohio State University, 1987; Ph.D. in Linguistics, Ohio State University, 1991.

Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. Faculty webpage

Media Relations page

Charles Jean de la Vallée Poussin


Mathematician. From biographical entry:

"Charles-Jean de La Vallée Poussin taught mathematical analysis at the Université catholique de Louvain university for over sixty years. He was also in charge of rational mechanics, mathematical physics and the history of science for shorter periods. His figure undoubtedly dominated mathematics in Belgium during the first half of the twentieth century and his value was recognized worldwide."

MacTutor entry

From Society of Catholic Scientists entry:

“Saying that the existence of God and the immortality of the soul are the basis of every moral law and social life, Dr. Poussin declared that he who denies these truths constructs a most cruel doctrine forbidding men to raise their eyes to heaven. Catholic academicians, he added, could not have a greater honor than the opportunity to render the testimony of their Faith...Pointing to the assertion made by some that Faith and Science are mutually contradictory, Dr. Poussin said the history of science proves the contrary to be true. There is no possibility of a contradiction between real Science and Faith, because God is the source of both and God cannot contradict himself."

John R(obert) De Laeter, AO, Cit(WA), BEd(Hons), BSc(Hons), Ph.D., DSc(W Aust), FTS, CPhys, FInstP, FAIP


Australian physicist. Researcher. Dr. John R. De Laeter is the Emeritus Professor of physics at Curtin University of Technology, Department of Applied Physics in Perth, WA, Australia, and until his retirement was the University's Deputy Vice Chancellor of Research and Development. Previously Dean of Science, Curtin University, Perth, 1974-80; Head of physics Department, Curtin University, Perth, 1966-74; Senior Lecturer, Curtin University, Perth, 1960-65; Senior master Department of Education, Perth, 1956-59. Education: BSc, University Western Australia, 1954; BEd, University Western Australia, 1958; Ph.D., University Western Australia, 1966; DSc, University Western Australia, 1985; DTech, Curtin University, Perth, 1995.

Amongst his many honours and recognition he received the ANZAAS medal, the Kelvin Metal of the Royal Society of WA, the WR Browne medal of Australian Geological Society and has been recognised as an Officer of the General Division of the Order of Australia.

Editor Science and Tech. Policy, 1993, 94; Contributor of articles to science and professional journals

IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry), webpage

Curtin University of Technology, webpage

In a fitting tribute to a renowned Australian scientist, the Centre of Excellence in Mass Spectrometry (CEMS) (est. 1999) was re-named the John de Laeter Centre of Mass Spectrometry in 2002. Over the past four decades, Emeritus Professor John de Laeter has won acclaim as a researcher and science visionary who was the driving force behind many science landmarks in WA: Technology Park, Scitech Discovery Centre and CEMS. Along the way, de Laeter has gathered local, national and international awards in a career that's embraced nuclear physics, atomic weights, geochronology, mass spectrometry, astrophysics, education and business. Who's Who devotes nearly half a page to him. There's even a planet bearing his name (Minor Planet de Laeter 3893 - a main belt asteroid orbiting between Mars and Jupiter). Item here

Item here April 9, 2002. "Today the Centre of Excellence in Mass Spectrometry was officially renamed the John de Laeter Centre of Mass Spectrometry at a special ceremony at Curtin University of Technology that also saw the opening of the new Western Australian Argon Isotope Facility, a sub-set of the Centre."

John De Laeter Centre of Mass Spectronomy

Testimony in On the Seventh Day: Forty Scientists and Academics Explain Why They Believe in God, edited by John F. Ashton, Ph.D. Master Books, Inc., Green Forest, AR, 2002. ISBN 0-89051-376-7.

Augustus De Morgan


English mathematician and logician. Author of Essay on Probabilities (1838), Formal Logic (1847), Trigonometry and Double Algebra (1849), and treatises on calculus; with George Boole, laid foundation for modern symbolic logic; developed new terminology for logical expression; formulated De Morgan's laws; introduced and rigorously defined term "mathematical induction."

MacTutor entry

Biographical entry

Biographical entry

Free Dictionary entry

Saint Vincent de Paul


French clergyman. Renowned for his benevolence, zeal, and genius for practical organization; founded hospitals, and started two Roman Catholic religious orders: Congregation of the Mission (1625), known as Lazarists or Vincentians, and, with St. Louise de Marillac, Daughters of Charity (1633), also known as Vincentians. Canonized (1737).

Catholic Encyclopeduia entry

Saint of the Day profile

Larry Michael Deal


Geologist. Biologist. Project inspector USDA Soil Conservation Service, Ozark, Alabama, 1976-78, Engineering Assistant, 1978-80, surveyor, 1980-81; land surveyor O'Neal Ham Inc., Ozark, 1978-82; Senior geologist Mountain Coals Inc., Bulan, Ky., 1982; Consultant, London, Kentucky, 1984. Student, Enterprise State Jr. College, 1974-76; B.S. in Biology, Troy State University, 1979; B.S. in Geology, Auburn University, 1981.

Member: American Institute Professional Geologists (Associate), American Association Petroleum Geologists (jr.). Baptist.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Dr. Frank Dean

*** Not in Gale

Research Manager at Ion Science Ltd. in Fowlmere.

"My work concerns gas sensors, particularly for production-line leak testing. It's a fascinating job, and I really enjoy it. A sensor (a thermometer, for example) is often effective by engaging a very subtle or tiny physical effect. Therefore one has to be ready for anything, and ready to try anything. It is thrilling to see something of the molecular world from day to day. On rare occasions this comes as a revelation. It is a very special moment, similar to the time you first feel the heart pulse. If I am in the laboratory, I tend to pace up and down in a state of nervous agitation; if not, I head straight there. I wish to share the discovery with someone. Often I can only thank God.

"I have no doubt at all that every iota of human knowledge is from God, and science is just the part of that knowledge which is ascertainable by observation and experiment."

From here (see 1/2 down)

Claude F. M. Dechales, S.J.


*** Not in Gale

French-born mathematician. Engineer. Specialist on navigation. Catholic.

Galileo Project entry

Dechales is best remembered for his Cursus seu mundus mathematicus, a complete course of mathematics, including practical geometry, mechanics, statics, geography, magnetism, architecture, optics, astronomy, natural philosophy, and music. He taught the arts of navigation and military engineering.

He became a Jesuit in 1636 and was for a time a missionary in Turkey.

Stephen W. Deckard

From CreationWiki: "Dr. Stephen W. Deckard has a Doctorate in Education from the University of Sarasota, and an M.S. in Biology from University of Illinois, plus substantial postgraduate work at Northern Illinois University. He has taught on the faculties at three Christian institutions, and was formerly the Vice President of Academic Affairs at Vision International Education Network. He is currently an Professor of Education at Liberty University and a faculty consultant for the Graduate Center for Research and Evaluation. He is also an Adjunct Professor for Newport University, Newport Beach, National University, Azusa Pacific University, and the Institute for Creation Research."

Martin Ralph DeHaan


Founder, Radio Bible Class. DeHaan moved to Chicago to attend the College of Medicine of the University of Illinois and prepare for a career as a doctor. During his years there, he met Priscilla Venhuizen, whom he eventually married. In 1914 DeHaan graduated as class valedictorian, was licensed to practice medicine, and was married, all within a matter of months. He established a practice in Byron's Corner, 14 miles east of his hometown. He settled down to become a much-loved but obscure country doctor. Seven years later, the church-going doctor faced a crisis following an almost fatal reaction to some medicine he had been given. He reexamined his life while in the hospital and had a born-again experience. The following year he sold his practice and entered Western Theological Seminary to prepare for the ministry. He also gave up the use of alcohol, which he had been known to abuse occasionally.

"Martin R. Dehaan, 1891-1965"

Collected writings

Dr. Cees Dekker


*** Not in Gale

Dutch Professor of Molecular Biophysics, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. Specialist in single-molecule biophysics, carbon nanotubes, molecular electronics, nanotechnology, single-molecule techniques (SPM, nanostructures, tweezers,..) Master degree in Experimental Physics, University of Utrecht, 1984 Ph.D. in Physics, University of Utrecht, 1988. Ph.D. thesis: "Two-dimensional spin glasses".

1984-1988 research assistent (promovendus), University of Utrecht

1988-1993 permanent scientific staff (universitair docent), University of Utrecht

1990-1991 visiting researcher in the group of dr. R.H. Koch, IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, USA

1993-1999 permanent scientific staff (universitair hoofddocent), Delft University of Technology

1999-2000 Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Professor, Delft University of Technology

2000-now Professor of Molecular Biophysics, Delft University of Technology

Recipient, 2003 Spinoza Prize.


Faculty page

"An Interview with Professor Cees Dekker"

Recommends Science and Christianity: Conflict or Coherence? by Henry F. Schaefer III. The Apollos Trust, Watkinsville, GA, 2003. ISBN 0-9742-975-0X.

Richard Delamain(e)

(? - c. 1645)

*** Not in Gale

(Born: unknown first recorded in 1629. Died: before 1645 when his widow petitioned). English mathematician. Cartographer. Instrument-maker.

Galileo Project entry

Delamain is known almost entirely for his essay, Grammelogia, or the Mathematical Ring, which deals with practical mathematics and a couple of instruments, and for the controversy the work generated with Oughtred. He also published The Making, Description, and Use of . . . a Horizontal Quadrant, 1631, which was part of the controversy. He constructed a number of mathematical instruments, including a large silver sundial. Two instruments were central to the quarrel with Oughtred and the charge of plagiarism--the circular slide rule and the horizontal instrument (a sundial with other uses as well). His mathematics was wholly practical, and the circular slide rule was a calculating device.

MacTutor entry

Delamain became mathematics tutor to Charles I, who was king of Great Britain and Ireland (1625-49). Delamain was the same age as the king he tutored, both being born in 1600. Delamain became a student of Oughtred and they were great friends at first. Oughtred wrote:

As I did to Delamain, and to some others ... I freely gave ... my helpe and instruction. ... But Delamain was already corrupted with doring upon instruments, and quite lost from ever being made an artist.

They had a bitter dispute over the invention of a circular slide rule. Oughtred described the slide rule in 1622 but the circular slide rule was not described by him until 1632. Delamain described a circular slide rule in a 32 page pamphlet Grammelogia which was sent to the King in 1629 and published the following year. His fame as a mathematician rests on this work.

As well as mathematical instruments Delamain also made sundials.

Keith S. Delaplane

*** Not in Gale

Entomologist. Professor of Entomology, University of Georgia Entomology. Education: B.S., Purdue University, Animal Science, 1983;M.S., Louisiana State University, Entomology, 1986; Ph.D., Louisiana State University, Entomology, 1989.

Honors: Winner, Silver Medal, Academic Books, Apimondia Congress, South Africa 2001; Journal of Apicultural Research, Gold Medal Winner at 2003; Apimondia Congress, Slovenia.

Member: The Christian Faculty Forum (CFF) at the University of Georgia

"The central fact of my life is that I am a believer and follower of Jesus Christ. This is not irrelevant to this website nor to my professional program at the University of Georgia. To the contrary, it establishes the performance criteria and guiding philosophy for every professional activity and personal interaction I undertake. It establishes my worldview-a Christian worldview."

Author: Honey bees and beekeeping: A year in the life of an apiary, The Georgia Center for Continuing Education, 138 pp., 1993. 2nd edition. 1996; (with D.F. Mayer). Crop pollination by bees. CAB International, Oxon, United Kingdom, 2000, 344 pp.; (editor, withWebster, T.C). Mites of the honey bee. Dadant & Sons, Hamilton, Illinois, 2001, 280 pp. Senior editor, Journal of Apicultural Research,

Keith S. Delaplane (Athens), University of Georgia Entomology, Faculty page

University of Georgia Honey Bee Program

Dr. Keith S. Delaplane. Christian Student Survival Conference, Session 2, "Naturalism: What You See is All There Is"

Guillaume Delisle


French geographer. Chief geographer to King Louis XV (1718); through use of astronomical observations created world and continental maps of a new order of accuracy; published maps showing voyages of discovery and exploration; regarded as a founder of modern cartography.

Galileo Project entry

Biographical entry

Delisle's most important work is a world map (1700), as accurate as the data available at that time permitted and the first map on which the errors of Ptolemy were wholly absent. Delisle is called the founder of modern cartography. He was geographer to Louis XV.

Catholic Encyclopedia entry

Jean Andre Deluc


Jean Deluc is principally remembered for having invented the dry pile, a type of electric battery, but his contributions to geology and meteorology were no less important. Authority on Swiss Alps; tried to reconcile science with biblical book of Genesis.

Collected papers

Conchology profile

William A. Dembski


*** Not in Gale

A mathematician and a philosopher, William A. Dembski is Associate research Professor in the conceptual foundations of science at Baylor University's Institute for Faith and Learning (1999 - present) and a senior Fellow with Discovery Institute's Center for the Renewal for Science and Culture in Seattle (1996 - present). He is also the Executive Director of the International Society for Complexity, Information, and Design (ISCID). Dr. Dembski previously taught at Northwestern University (Postdoctrinal Fellow, 1992-1993), the University of Notre Dame (Postdoctrinal Fellow, 1996-1997), and the University of Dallas (Adjunct Assistand Professor, 1997-1999). He has done postdoctoral work in mathematics at MIT (1988), in physics at the University of Chicago (1989), and in computer science at Princeton University (1990). A graduate of the University of Illinois at Chicago where he earned a B.A. in psychology (1981), an M.S. in statistics (1983), an M.A. in philosophy (1993) and a Ph.D. in philosophy (1996), he also received a Ph.D. in mathematics (1988) from the University of Chicago and a master of divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary (1996). He has held National Science Foundation (1982 - 1985) graduate and postdoctoral fellowships.

Dr. Dembski has published articles in mathematics, philosophy, and theology journals and is the author/editor of seven books. In The Design Inference: Eliminating Chance Through Small Probabilities (Cambridge University Press, 1998), he examines the design argument in a post-Darwinian context and analyzes the connections linking chance, probability, and intelligent causation. The sequel to The Design Inference appeared with Rowman & Littlefield in 2002 and critiques Darwinian and other naturalistic accounts of evolution. It is titled No Free Lunch: Why Specified Complexity Cannot Be Purchased without Intelligence. Dr. Dembski is currently coediting a book with Michael Ruse for Cambridge University Press titled Debating Design: From Darwin to DNA.

He is academic editor of Foundation for Thought and Ethics, Associate editor of Origins & Design, and serves on the editorial board for Princeton Theological Review and the advisory board for Torrey Honors Program, Biola University.

Member: Discovery Institute-senior Fellow, Wilberforce Forum-senior Fellow, American Scientific Affiliation, Evangelical Philosophical Society, Access Research Network.

WILLIAM A. DEMBSKI Biographical Sketch

Curriculum Vitae

Access Research Network

Official home page

Discovery Institute

Biographical entry


Recommends Science and Christianity: Conflict or Coherence? by Henry F. Schaefer III. The Apollos Trust, Watkinsville, GA, 2003. ISBN 0-9742-975-0X.

Thomas Denman


***Not in Gale

English obstetric physician, surgeon. Student of William Smellie.

"Biography of Thomas Denman (1733-1815)":

Denman's eldest son became chief justice of England, one of his two daughters married Dr. Matthew Baillie, the morbid anatomist, and the other Sir Richard Croft, M.D.

Denman was the first physician whose authority made the practice general in England of inducing premature labour in cases of narrow pelvis and other conditions, in which the mother's life is imperilled by the attempt to deliver at the full time. This had been suggested before, but never successfully established as a rule of practice; while since Denman's time it has never been opposed in Europe except by certain theologians. His first publication was "A Letter to Dr. Richard Huck on the Construction and Method of using Vapour Baths," London, 1768. He recommends the use of an apparatus in which steam from the spout of a kettle is introduced within the envelope of blankets in which a patients body is enclosed. This method, now in common use, was then known to very few people. In the same year were published Essays on the Puerperal Fever and on Puerperal Convulsions, papers only of temporary interest. In 1782 he published An Introduction to the Practice of Midwifery, which reached a fifth edition in 1805, and is a lucid, philosophical work, still to be read with advantage. His most popular work appeared in 1783, Aphorisms on the Application and Use of the Forceps and Vectis on Preternatural Labours, on Labours attended with Hemorrhage and with Convulsions, a duodecimo volume in which all the important points of the subject are stated with admirable precidion. It has had seven English and three American editions, and was translated into French. In 1786 three separate essays appeared "On Uterine Hemorrhages depending on Pregnancy and Parturition," "On Preternatural Labours," "On Natural Labours"; and in 1787 "A Collection of Engravings to illustrate the Generation and Parturition of animals and of the Human Species." In 1790 he wrote a paper "On the Snuffles in Infants" in the Medical Journal. This is the first accurate description of the nasal and laryngeal catarrh of congenital infantile syphilis. The symptoms are accurately described, but Denman failed to discover their pathological nature, and though he had noted that calomel was sometimes useful he did not learn that mercury was curative, a fact now so well known that Sir William Jenner, speaking of this affection before a royal commission in 1867, stated that he had told a clinical assistant who failed to prescribe it that he was guilty of the death of the patient. Denman subsequently published further observations on the same subject, "Observations on Rupture of the Uterus," "On the Snuffles in Infants," and "On Mania Lactea," 1810; and "Plates of Polypi of the Uterus," 1800, and "Observations on the Cure of Cancers," 1810. The book on cancer contains more conjecture and fewer observations than any of his other writings, the general characteristics of which are the exact record of observation and the strict relation of his conclusions to his facts.

Biographical entry

Educated at Bakewell grammar school; studied medicine at St George's Hospital, London from 1853; surgeon's mate in the navy, surgeon, 1757; attached to the ship Edgar to 1763; continued his medical studies, attending the lectures on midwifery of Dr. Smellie; graduated MD, Aberdeen, 1764; began practice as a physician, Winchester; surgeon to a royal yacht; lectured on midwifery, and continued to do so for fifteen years; physician accoucheur to the Middlesex Hospital, 1769-1783; licentiate in midwifery, College of Physicians, 1783; moved to Feltham, Middlesex, 1791 and reduced his practice; made the practice of inducing premature labour in cases of narrow pelvis and other conditions general in England.
Denman's other publications include: Aphorisms, respecting the distinction and management of preternatural presentations [London, c 1780]; Directions for the application of the forceps [London, c 1780]; An Essay on Uterine Hemorrhages depending on Pregnancy and Parturition (J Johnson, London, 1785); An Essay on Difficult Labours (J. Johnson, London, 1787-1791).

"Instruments of Denman"

B. Lynn DeOgny


Research biologist. Laboratory executive. Cytology certified, University of Oklahoma, 1961. Research biologist, Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Oklahoma City, 1967-74, California Institute Technology, Pasadena, 1975-81; Research Associate AMGEN, Thousand Oaks, California, 1981-83, DNAX, Palo Alto, California, 1983-85; v.p. OCS Labs., Inc., Denton, Texas, 1985; research biologist, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Dallas, 1985; Consultant pharmaceutical cos. and labs. Education: B.S. in Science, Central State University, Edmond, Oklahoma, 1966.

Member: National Association Female Executives. Baptist.

Contributor of article to Clinica Chemica Acta, 1974.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Thaddäus Derfflinger


Astronomer and Benedictine monk who made observations of sunspots.

Society of Catholic Scientists entry

James Derham

(c. 1762-c.1802)

James Durham, born a slave, became the first black physician to practice in the United States. His success in treating such life-threatening diseases as yellow fever and diphtheria earned him the respect of many prominent doctors, notably Benjamin Rush of Philadelphia. Durham became well-known as an expert on diseases of the throat, and he was also noted for his theories on the connection between disease and climate.

"First 3 African American physicians"

Biographical profile

Biography in Doctors Who Followed Christ: Thirty-Two Biographies of Eminent Physicians and Their Christian Faith, by Dan Graves. Kregel Resources, Grand Rapids, MI, 1999. ISBN 0-8254-2734-7.

William Derham


Scholar, botanist, meteorologist, astronomer, physicist, entomologist, natural philosopher, etc. William Derham made the most accurate measurements of the speed of sound up to his time. English physicist Sir Isaac Newton accepted these measurements and used them in his landmark publication Principia. With a wide range of interests, Derham wrote on philosophy, theology, and the sciences. His first publication was a treatise on clocks, titled The Artificial Clockmaker (1696). His extensive writings included papers on wildlife, the behavior of mercury barometers, telescopes, and astronomy. His best known works were Physico-Theology (1713) and Astro-Theology (1714). These books were teleological arguments for the being and attributes of God, and were used by Paley nearly a century later. In Physico-Theology, Derham discussed atmosphere, light, gravity, and biology. While studying the speed of sound, Derham instructed friends to fire shotguns on a set time with synchronized pocket watches from distant locations (often the towers of churches). Derham then observed the interval between the flash and the arrival of sound, using telescopes and a half-second pendulum. Derham also invented an instrument for finding the meridian.

Galileo Project entry

1911 Encyclopedia entry:

In 1702 Derham was elected fellow of the Royal Society, and in 1716 was made a canon of Windsor. He was Boyle lecturer in 1711-1712. His last work, entitled A Defence of the Churchs Right in Leasehold Estates, appeared in 1731. He died on the 5th of April 1735. Besides the works published in his own name, Derham, who was keenly interested in natural history, contributed a variety of papers to the Transactions of the Royal Society, revised the Miscellanea Curiosa, edited the correspondence of John Ray and Eleazar Albins Natural History, and published some of the MSS. of Robert Hooke, the natural philosopher.

Biographical entry:

He went to Trinitiy College at Oxford 1675-81 (B.A., 1679) and became an Anglican clergyman with first appointment as a vicar of Lady Grey in 1679. Later positions include that of a vicar of Wargrave, Berkshire in 1682-9, vicar of Upminster, Essex, 1689-1735, chaplan of the Prince of Wales, 1715, and canon of Windsor, 1716.

He was interested in a variety of sciences including natural philosophy and history, meteorology, entomology, physics and astronomy, and published numerous papers in the Philosophical Transactions. For example, he collected birds and insects, measured the velocity of sound to remarkable acuracy, and was among the first to see the "ashen light" of Venus on May 2, 1715.

At age 75, William Derham published a list of 16 nebulous objects (Derham 1733), of which he had extracted 14 from Hevelius' Prodomus Astronomiae without further verification but in case of the "Nebulous Star in Andromeda's Girdle", actually the Andromeda Galaxy M31, and two objects he found from Halley's catalog of southern stars. He also states to have observed the five northern nebulae from Halley's list and resolved into stars the one "in Antinous" M11). Derham's catalog became quite well known and was also translated to French by Pierre Louis Moreau de Maupertuis.

Derham's Catalog of 16 "Nebulous Stars"

William Derham, 1733. Observations of the Appearance among the Fix'd Stars, called Nebulous Stars. Philosophical Transactions, Vol. 38, No. 428, p. 70-74. Available online here

Free Dictionary entry

Charles DeSassure


(Born in Eutawville, South Carolina, United States). Computer Science, Information Technology Instructor. Compensatory, remedial education teacher, 1984-87; Coordinator, computer instructor, 1988-90; Micro Computer Specialist, programmer, 1990-93, LAN administrator, 1993-96; Computer Field Technology, analyst, 1996-98; Marcus Cabler, Information System mgr, 1998-01; Computer Science & Information Technology Instructor, 2000-present. Education: Claflin College, BS, 1984; Orangeburg-Calhoun Technical College, AS, 1989; Webster University, MA, 2000.

Member: El Center College Computer Technology Advisory Comm, bd mem, 1993-97; The Assn for Corporate Computing Technical Professionals, 1997-; NAACP; Orangeburg Calhoun Tech College Advisory Board, former mem; St Jones Baptist Church, board of directors, former member; Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc, 1981-; Arlington City Youth and Families Board, 1998-present; Arlington-Sundown Kiwanis Club, 2000-present.

Honors: Department of SC, American Legion Bronze Medal, 1993; SC NAACP Conference, Presidential Award for Leadership, 1993; Claflin College, Creative Writing Contest Award, 1981; Phi Beta Sigma, Leadership Award National, 1982; Clafin College, Editor-in-Chief Leadership Award, 1983.Achievements:Certified Novell Administrator, CNA, 1995; Pres, SC Youth and College Conference, NAACP, 1981-83; Outstanding Teacher of the Year, Mansfield Business College, Columbia, SC, 1988-89; Editor-in-chief, Les Memoir, College Yearbook Staff, 1982-83; Outstanding Undergraduate of the Year, Southeastern Region, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc, 1982-83.

Who's Who Among African Americans, 17th ed. Gale Group, 2004.

Faculty page one and two

Personal website

René Descartes


The French thinker René Descartesis called the father of modern philosophy. He initiated the movement generally termed rationalism, and his Discourse on Method and Meditations defined the basic problems of philosophy for at least a century.

René Descartes was an analytical genius. He conceived and articulated ideas about the nature of knowledge that were essential to the Enlightenment and created the philosophical underpinnings for the development of modern science, which included the idea that laws of nature are constant and are sufficient to explain natural phenomena. Descartes felt that truth was clear and accessible to the ordinary human intellect, if the search for truth was directed properly. Two of his writings, Rules for the Direction of the Mind and Discourse on the Method of Rightly Conducting the Reason defined ways of obtaining knowledge. The latter work contained Geometry, that introduced the Cartesian coordinate system and marked the birth of analytic geometry, in which geometric relationships are investigated by means of algebra. Descartes also contributed to areas of music theory, mechanics, physics, optics, anatomy, and physiology.

MacTutor entry

Catholic Encyclopedia entry

Descartes. Biographical entry

Rene Descartes. Biographical entry

World Wide School Library (E-texts): Descartes' Reason Discourse

Johannes Joost DeVries


Ph. D. in Engineering. From ASA entry:

"He attended schools in Alameda and college in Michigan, earning a bachelor's degree in engineering from both Calvin College and the University of Michigan and a master's degree in civil engineering from the University of Michigan. He returned to California in 1961 to work for the state Department of Water Resources Aqueduct Design Branch. He received a Ph.D. from UC Davis in 1978."

"His engineering career spanned 50 years in the fields of hydraulic engineering, irrigation system analysis and hydrology. He was a registered civil engineer in California, a registered professional hydrologist with the American Institute of Hydrology and a life member of the American Society of Civil Engineers. He began working at UC Davis in 1972 and served as a research engineer, engineer-in-charge of the J. Amorocho Hydraulics Laboratory, northern regional coordinator and associate director of the Water Resources Center and lecturer in the departments of civil and environmental engineering and land, air and water resources. From 1978 to 1981, he also had an engineering appointment with the federal Hydrologic Engineering Center in Davis.:

"Joe taught courses at UCD, at Sacramento State University, through University of California Extension, the Computational Hydrology Institute, and for professional groups such as ASCE and the Floodplain Management Association. He retired from UC Davis in 1993 and became a consulting engineer working with various firms, state, federal and international agencies. From 2001 through 2012 he held the position of principal engineer with David Ford Consulting Engineers Inc. in Sacramento."

Research bibliography

Douglas Dewar


*** Not in Gale

Ornithologist. Barrister-at-Law, Auditor General of India from 1920 to 1947.

Biographical profile

The Transformist Illusion, Dewar's leading book

David Allen DeWitt


Science educator. Visiting Assistant Professor of research, Department of Pathology, University of Vir., Charlottesville, Virginia, 2002; Associate Professor biology, Department of Biology & Chemistry, Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia, 1996; research Associate, Case Western Reserve University, Cleve., 1996. BS, Michigan State University, 1991; Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University, Cleve., 1996.
Achievements include discovery of chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan in Alzheimers disease and other neurodegenerative disorders.

Honors: Best Biological Abstract award N.E. Ohio Aging Association, 1995, President Award for Teaching Excellence, Liberty University, 2001.

Member: Society Neuroscience, Society Experimental Biology & Medicine, Creation Research Society.
Contributing author: Non-neuronal Cells Alzheimer's Disease, 1995, Science and its Times, 2000; contributor articles to professional journals.

Interview with Creation magazine and profile page

Donald Bouwman DeYoung


Physicist, specializing in solid-state and nuclear science, as well as astronomy. Chairman of the Department of Physical Sciences and Professor (1972) of Physics at Grace College in Winona Lake, Indiana, and is Vice-President of the Creation Research Society. Michigan Tech University (B.S., M.S., Physics), Iowa State University (Ph.D., Physics), Grace Seminary (M.Div.) Author: The Moon: Its Creation, Form and Significance, 1980, Astronomy and the Bible, 1989, Weather and the Bible, 1992, Object Lessons, 1992, 93. Published articles in The Journal of Chemistry and Physics of Solids, The Journal of Chemical Physics, and Creation Research Society Quarterly. Editor of the Creation Research Society Quarterly (March 1989 - March 1994).

AIG profile

Michael Matthews. "Professor Makes a Stand for Creation"

Christian Answers profile

Testimony in In Six Days: Why Fifty Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation, edited by John F. Ashton, Ph.D. Master Books, Inc., Green Forest, AR, 2001. ISBN 0-89051-341-4.

Gordon Edwin Dickerson


<(Born in La Grande, Oregon, United States). Animal geneticist, biologist. Collaborator, Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Lincoln, 1987; Research geneticist U.S. Meat Animal Research Center., Agricultural Research Service, USDA, Lincoln, 1967-87; Professor animal science, University Nebr., Lincoln, 1967-87; geneticist Research branch, Canadian Agriculture, Ottowa, Ontario, Canada, 1965-67; geneticist, Director Research, Kimber Farms, Inc., Fremont, California, 1952-65; Professor animal science, University of Missouri, Columbia, 1947-52; geneticist Bureau Animal Industries, USDA, Ames, Iowa, 1941-47; instructor, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 1935-41. Education: BS, Michigan State University, 1933; MS, University of Wisconsin, 1934; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin, 1937.

Member: Fellow AAAS, American Society Animal Science (breeding and genetics award 1970, Morrison award 1978); American Dairy Science Association, Genetics Society America, American Genetics Association, World Poultry Association, British Society Animal Production, University of Nebraska Emeritus Association (President 1988-89), Poultry Science Association, Sigma Xi (President University Nebr. chapter 1987-88), Gamma Sigma Delta (International Disting. Service Agriculture award 1990). Presbyterian.

Honor: Named to Agricultural Research Service Hall of Fame, 1990.

Editor: Proceedings 3rd World Congress on Genetic Applied Livestock Production, 1987; Contributor of articles to professional journals.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

VAN VLECK LLOYD D. and CUNDIFF LARRY V. "GORDON EDWIN DICKERSON, 1912 - 2000: A BRIEF BIOGRAPHY" Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.

"Gordon Edwin Dickerson was an international leader for most of the 20th Century in the field of quantitative animal breeding and genetics. This short biography sketches Gordon's personal, academic and scientific paths which are naturally intertwined. The sketch begins with his birth in Lagrande, Oregon in 1912, and ends with commentary on his life by former students and colleagues on his death in the year 2000. His scientific career encompassed more than 60 years of his 88 years of life. His significant accomplishments included contributions while at the University of Wisconsin; the Regional USDA Swine Breeding Laboratory in Ames, Iowa; the University of Missouri; Kimber Farms in Fremont, California; Agriculture Canada in Ottawa; and at the University of Nebraska and the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, Clay Center, NE. His many notable accomplishments led to many honors for a truly humble but exacting scientist and teacher. Such accomplishments were achieved while being an active community leader. Gordon and Myra, his partner and wife for 67 years, were role models for hundreds of students, visitors, and colleagues from around the world."

Rebecca Dielschneider

Canadian Scientific and Christian Affiliation member. Ph. D. in immunology.

Faculty page and vitae

From Q and A:

"Growing up, I never saw a big conflict or divide between science and faith. But I know that some people have a very different experience. Some have grown up and witnessed very antagonistic attitudes toward science. That saddens me, because I don’t think that’s what God intends. As a health researcher, I see health sciences as something that helps us love our neighbours and care for the sick. And I know that my colleagues in Environmental Science view their passion and their gifts the same, as God-given gifts to help us care for creation and to ensure that the next generation can still see the beauty of trees and still have delicious food to eat. I see science and Christian faith working well together, and hopefully the more we can openly discuss those topics, the more we can grow together."

ResearchGate page

Sir Dudley Digges


*** Not in Gale

Knight of Chilham Castle, Diplomat and judge; Member of Parliament (1610, 1614, 1621, 1624-26, 1628); ambassador in Russia (1618); opened case for impeachment of Buckingham (1626); Master of the Rolls to King Charles I(1636); joint author with his father Thomas Digges of Foure Paradoxes or Politique Discourses (1604). 17th generation in line of descent from King William I, the Conqueror. Member of the London Co., an investor who ventured or risked his capital in the Virginia enterprise. Those who actually went to Virginia were called "planters," one of whom was Digges's son Edward. Also wrote Fata mihi totum mea sunt agitanda per orbem.

Sir Dudley Digges; The Compleat Ambassador: or Two treaties of the Intended Marriage of Que. Elizabeth of Glorious Memory. 1654.

Biographical entry

Leonard Digges

(c. 1520-c. 1559)

English mathematician. Court Secondary. Optician. Astronomer. Experimented with magnifying effects from combinations of lenses, and was said to have anticipated invention of the telescope. Father of Thomas Digges, who published his mathematical treatises.

Galileo Project entry

It is difficult to establish Digges's scientific productions precisely because it was mostly published by his son, Thomas Digges, with his own work mixed in. However, Tectonicon, 1556, a surveying manual emphasizing practical mathematics, was all his. Thomas Digges published Pantometria (surveying and cartography), 1571, and Stratioticos (military engineering), 1579, both as essentially his father's work. In Pantometria, Thomas Digges described his father's skill in optics.

Digges' Prognostication, first published in 1553, reprinted frequently until 1605, was an almanac with, among other things, astronomical information, for example on how to determine the hour at night from the stars, and information about instruments for observation.

David Darling encyclopedia entry

J.J. O'Connor and E.F. Robertson. Thomas Digges. MacTutor entry

Thomas Digges

(c. 1545-1595)

*** Not in Gale

English mathematician, astronomer, cartographer, engineer, optician, expert on navigation. M.P. (1582, 1585); mustermaster general of English forces in Netherlands (1586-94); published his father Leonard Digge's mathematical treatises; author of works on applied mathematics and military engineering. Joint author with his son Sir Dudley Diggs of Four Paradoxes or Politique Discourses (1604).

Galileo Project entry

In Pantometria, 1571; it is impossible to separate Thomas Digges' part of this work on surveying and mapping from that of his father. The work includes a treatise on the geometric solids that is certainly by Thomas Digges.

Alae seu scalae mathematicae, 1573, with observations of the new star, and trigonometric theorems useful for determining parallax. Digges' observations of the new star established him as one of the ablest observers of his time.

Digges became the leader of the early English Copernicans. He attached "A Perfit Description of the Caelestial Orbes," a Copernican statement, to his republication of his father's Prognotication, 1576. In 1579 (Stratioticos) Digges said that he was working on a commentary on Copernicus.

Stratioticos, 1579, on military organization, including enough mathematics for a soldier and a discussion of ballistics that was based on his father's earlier work. This was the first serious study of ballistics in England.

Like his father Digges was skilled in so-called "perspective glasses."

He was involved in the plans for the repair of Dover Harbor, in charge of fortification, in 1582. He wrote extensively on surveying, and published a plan of Dover Castle, town, and harbor in 1581.

Digges was interested in the application of mathematics in military as his publications suggest. In the Preface to Stratioticos he mentioned a Treatise of the Arte of Navigation, a Briefe Treatise of Architecture Nauticall, a Treatise of Great Artillerie, and a Treatise of Fortification, all in preparation and intended for publication but delayed by the lawsuits in which Digges was tied.

MacTutor entry or here

Biographical entry

He attempted to determine the parallax of the 1572 supernova observed by Tycho Brahe, and concluded it had to be beyond the orbit of the Moon. This contradicted the accepted view of the universe, according to which no change could take place among the fixed stars. He was an early supporter of the Copernican heliocentric theory. In 1576 he published A Perfit Description of the Caelestial Orbes. He served as a member of Parliament and also had a military career from 1586 to 1594 during the war with the Netherlands.

"Thomas Digges," in Dictionary of Literary Biography, Volume 136: Sixteenth-Century British Nondramatic Writers, Second Series. A Bruccoli Clark Layman Book. Edited by David A. Richardson, Cleveland State University. The Gale Group, 1994, pp. 76-79. "Thomas Digges was, perhaps, Elizabethan England's most important producer of scientific texts. For his mathematical and astronomical learning, he deserves to be set alongside John Dee and Thomas Harriot. But in terms of his success in reaching popular as well as learned audiences and in preaching a modernized cosmology and scientific method, he is in a class of his own. Above all, his multifaceted career exemplifies the humanist belief that scholarly theory must be applied in civic practice: his educational preparations were followed by activities in the world of print as an editor and author, and in the government as an engineer, member of Parliament, and military officer.

"In November a supernova appeared in the constellation Cassiopeia, generating speculation and interpretation throughout the courts of Europe. Digges sent a letter to William Cecil, Lord Burghley, explaining the significance of the star for the government's fortunes, and in 1573 he brought out a volume outlining the impact of the phenomenon on the old Aristotelian cosmology. This work, Alae seu Scalae Mathematicae, contained Digges's text of that title and Dee's brief treatise on stellar parallax. The book brought both mathematicians international renown, and Digges's ideas, in particular, made a deep impression on the leading astronomer Tycho Brahe." Many of Thomas Digges's manuscript letters, speeches, and treatises are in the British Library and in the State Papers (Domestic and Foreign) at the Public Record Office, London.

A Perfit Description of the Caelestial Orbes

Mark R. Discher


Scholar. Professor and Chair of Philosophy & Religion, Ottawa University, Ottawa, Kansas. Discher received his BA at Wheaton College in Illinois in 1986. He has a master of Divinity from Fuller theological Seminary in Pasadena, CA (1991) and a Master of Theology from Yale University (1993). He received his Doctorate from Oxford University (1997).


Author: "Jonah as a Paradigm for the Universality of Divine Care," The Allen Review, Michaelmas (1995); "Does Fennis Get Natural Rights for Everyone?," New Blackfriars (Jan. 1999); "Tolerance and Truth," American Baptist Evangelicals Journal (June 1999); "A New Natural Law Theory as a Ground for Human Rights," The Kansas Journal of Law and Public Policy (winter 1999).

Faculty page

Eustachio Divini


Italian instrument maker. Built clocks, compound microscopes, long-focus telescopes; made astronomical observations and published (1649) copper-engraved map of the moon.

Galileo Project entry

Biographical entry

Italian entry

Website: Italian entry 2

Daniel B. Dix

Mathematician. Associate Professor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC (1997 - present). Assistant Professor, University of South Carolina, 1991-1997

Postdoctoral Scholar, Pennsylvania State University, 1989-1991; Postdoctoral Member, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications, 1988-1989. Education: University of South Alabama, Mathematics B.S., 1980; University of Chicago Mathematics S.M., 1984; University of Chicago Mathematics Ph.D., 1988.

Advisor, International Friendship Ministries

Faculty webpage

Curriculum Vitar

Denis Dodart


*** Not in Gale

French botanist, physician, physiologist.

Galileo Project entry

Dodart's main work was the Mémoires pour servir a l'histoire des plantes, a preliminary study and an announcement of a large collective work that never appeared. Recommending a phythochemical analysis, this work marked a new step in botany. He also published a good description of ergotism (1676) and several anatomical, pathological, and embryological observations. He was the first since Aristotle and Galen to present new ideas on the mechanism of phonation. His three memoirs on phonation appeared between 1700 and 1707.

Member: Académie Royal des Sciences, 1673-1707. When it was reorganized he was among the first group of titulaires named directly by Louis XIV.

Biographical entry

Ted Byron Dodd


Environmental scientist. Chemist, City of Huntsville (Texas), 1977-79, City of Conroe (Texas), 1979; plant chemist Pilot Industries Texas, Houston, 1979-80; ops. Manager People's National Utilities, Houston, 1980-85; environmental scientist Coe Utilities Inc., Pinehurst, Texas; systems administrator H&J Water Co., 1985-86; President American Utilities Co., 1985-88; owner Republic Water Systems Texas, Houston, 1977-88; Director public works City of Perryton, Texas, 1988; consultant Demar Engineering, Champ's Utilities, West Montgomery Utilities Corp. Served with USAF, 1971-75. Education: B.S., Sam Houston State University, 1979.

Member: American Chemical Society, American Water Works Association, Sam Houston Water Utilities Association (2d v.p.), Green Forest Water Utilities Association. Baptist.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.


Rembert Dodoens


Dutch botanist, physician, pharmacologist. Author of Cruydeboek (1554 and 1563) on domestic and foreign plants.

Galileo Project entry

Among his many publications, the Stripium historiae pemptades sex sive libri XXX, published in full in 1583, was the most important scientific work. In this work, he divided plants into 26 groups and introduced many new families, adding a wealth of illustration.

French entry

Biographical entry

Desmond Daniel Dolan


(Born in Nelson-Miramichi, Canada came to U.S., 1941.) Geneticist, researcher. Ret., Agriculture School Service USDA, Geneva, N.Y., 1987; school geneticist, Agriculture School ServiceUSDA, Geneva, N.Y., 1953-87; Associate school Professor, University of R.I., Kingston, 1946-53; vegetable pathologist, Canadian Agriculture, Fredericton, 1938-41; soil surveyor, New Brunswick Dept. of Agriculture, Fredricton, 1938; Assistant agronomist, N.B. Dept. of Agriculture, Fredricton, 1936. Education: BSc, McGill University, 1937; MSc, McGill University, 1939; Ph.D., Cornell University, 1946.

Member: American Society for Horticulture Science, American Society Agronomy. Roman Catholic.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Winthrop W(iggin) Dolan


Mathematician. Dolan is an Emeritus professor of mathematics at Linfield College, MicMinnwille, OR, where he taught from 1948 to 1974. During his career at Linfield, he served twice as interim president, in 1968 and 1974. Now an emeritus member of the Linfield Board of Trustees, Dolan served from 1974 to 1989. He was also active in the Linfield Research Institute for many years. Positions: Bacone Junior College, Bacone, OK, Dean, 1931-42; Denison University, Granville, Ohio, Assistant professor of mathematics, 1943-45; University of Oklahoma, Norman, Assistant professor of mathematics, 1947-48; Linfield College, professor of mathematics, 1948-74, Dean of faculty, 1949-54, 1959-65, 1968-69, acting president, 1968, vice-president, 1968-74. Assistant director of Linfield Research Institute, 1956-59, trustee, 1963-present. Education: Denison University, B.A., 1930; Harvard University, M.A., 1937; University of Oklahoma, Ph.D., 1947.

Memberships: Mathematical Association of America, American Commons Club, Oregon Academy of Science (president, 1963-64), Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Pi Mu Epsilon, Sigma Pi Sigma. American Baptist.

Distinguished scientist award from Oregon Academy of Science, 1975.

Author: Contributor) L. Marton, editor, Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics, Volume VIII, Academic Press, 1956; A Choice of Sundials, Stephen Greene Press, 1975.

Contributor to mathematics and physics journals.

"10/10/2003 Four individuals, community honored at Linfield homecoming"

"Winthrop Dolan of McMinnville will receive the Walker Award, which is given to individuals who have distinguished themselves through long-standing, unselfish and significant service to Linfield College. The award is named in honor of Charles and Cherie Walker. Charles Walker served as president of Linfield College from 1975 to 1992."


Sergey Vladimirovich Dolgov


(Born in Michurinsk, Tambov, Russia). Plant genetic engineer, researcher. Certified Plant Molecular Biologist, Moscow State University, 1989. Achievements include research in in the genetic transformation of cherry, apple, pear, strawberry and chrysanthemum; on expression of supersweet protein; on herbicides, phytopathogenes, insect and frost-resistant genes in horticultural and ornamental crops. Head of artificial climate station branch, Shemyakin Institute Biorganic Chemistry Russian Academy Sciences, Puschino, Moscow Reg, Russia, 1992; Senior scientist, Dept Biotechnology, Michurinsk, Tambov, Russia, 1986-91. National correspondent of International Association for Plant Tissue Culture and Biotechnology, Orlando, Florida, 1993. Education: Ph.D., Institute Phot-Synthesis, Soil Science, Puschino, Russia, 1985.

Member: European Association for Research on Plant Breeding, Wageningen, The Netherlands, International Society for Horticultural Science, Brussels. Orthodox Christian.
Author: (book) Biotechnology in Agriculure and Forestry, Vol. 44, 1999.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.


ResearchGate page

Lambert T. Dolphin

*** Not in Gale.

Physicist. Electrical engineer.

Lambert T. Dolphin. "A Very Brief Resume"

"I received an AB degree with high honors in physics and distinction in mathematics from San Diego State University in June 1954. After two years of graduate study in Physics and Electrical Engineering at Stanford University, (1954-1956), I joined the staff of SRI International (formerly Stanford Research Institute), in Menlo Park, California where I remained almost continuously for the next 30 years. I left my position at SRI as a Senior Research Physicist in 1987 to pursue small-scale independent geophysical consulting services, and to devote the bulk of my time to Bible teaching, writing and Christian counseling."


Lambert T. Dolphin. "My Search". Testimony.

Marko Antonije Dominis


aka Mark Antun de Dominis, S.J.

Italian prelate. Physician. Optician. Bishop of Segnia (1596); archbishop of Spalato (1600) and primate of Dalmatia and Croatia. Involved in quarrel between papacy and Venice, crossed to England (1616); became convert to Anglicanism and dean of Windsor (1619); attacked the papacy in Consilium profectionis (1617) and De republica ecclesiastica (1617). Returned to Rome (1622) and recanted in Sui reditus ex Angliae consilium (1623); imprisoned by the Inquisition.

Galileo Project entry:

He published two works in physics. The De radiis visus et lucis (Venice, 1611) deals with lenses, telescopes, and the rainbow, and the Enripus seu de et refluxu (Rome, 1624) [obviously something is wrong with this title] is concerned with the tides.

A Croatian Jesuit Mark Antun de Dominis (1560-1624) ranked among the greatest philosophers and scientist of his time. He was a university professor in several Italian universitites (Verona, Padua, Brescia) and in 1617 also lectured at Cambridge and Oxford universities. Cambridge University awarded him the title of the doctor of divinity.

At various stages of his university career, Mark Antun de Dominis taught rhetorics, logics, mathematics and philosophy. As a scientist, he is however best known for his treatises in physics. According to Isaac Newton, he was the first to develop the theory of the rainbow, a distincion later disputed in favor of Descartes. His treatise on the phenomenon of tide was the foremost work of his time on the subject. The aim of this project is to popularize the work of one of the greatest Croatian scientists from the beginning of modern time who, like many other equally inventive contemporaries, ended his life imprisoned by the Inquisition, and whose papers were burnt at the stake on the 21 of December 1624 at Campo dei Fiori in Rome, together with his earthly remains.

Johan Gabriel Doppelmayr


*** Not in Gale

German astronomer, mathematician, physicist, cartographer, geographer.

Galileo Project entry

Doppelmayr made no discoveries for which he is known. He published works that were very useful in disseminating scientific knowledge. He was Professor of math at Aegidien Gymnasium in Nuremberg, 1704-death in 1750.

Member of Academia Caesarea Leopoldina, Berlin Academy, St. Petersburg Academy, Royal Society of London.

Robert Harry van Gent. "The Atlas Coelestis (1742) of Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr"

Doppelmayr wrote on astronomy, geography, cartography, spherical trigonometry, sundials and mathematical instruments. He often collaborated with the cartographer Johann Baptista Homann (1664-1724), a former Dominican monk from Oberkammlach in Schwabia who in 1688 had settled in Nuremberg and became a map engraver for the publishing firms of Jacob von Sandrart and David Funck. In 1702, Homann founded an influential cartographic publishing firm that after his death was continued by his son Johann Christoph Homann (1703-1730) and after the latter's death by his friend Johann Michael Franz (1700-1761) and his stepsister's husband Johann Georg Ebersberger (1695-1760) under the name "Homännische Erben". The publishing firm remained in business under different names until 1848.

Doppelmayr was elected as a member of several scientific societies, including the Berlin Academy of Sciences, the Royal Society (in 1733, not in 1713 as mentioned in several sources) and the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1740).

In 1791, the German lunar and planetary observer Johann Hieronymus Schröter named a lunar feature on the near-side of the Moon at latitude 28.5° south and longitude 41.4° West for Johann Gabriel Doppelmayr.

Doppelmayr was responsible for the edition and translation of several important works in astronomy, geography and scientific instrument making.

MacTutor entry

Kenneth J. Dormer, M.S., Ph.D., F.A.H.A.

*** Not in Gale

Neurophysiologist. Specialty: Cardiovascular and Auditory Physiology.
Professor, Department of Physiology, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK, 1979 - present. Adjunct Professor, Department of Otolaryngology, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, College of Medicine, 1998-present. Clinical Neurophysiologist for the Cochlear Implant Center at Integris Baptist Medical Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Co-Founder, Chief Scientific Officer, NanoBioMagnetics Inc., 2001 - present, seeking to bring medical implants into the nanometer size range; Co-Founder, Vice President for Research & Development, SOUNDTEC Inc. 1997 - present; Co-Founder, Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President, Hough Ear Institute, 1997 - present; Education: Cornell University, Marine Biology, B.S. 1966; University of California, Physiology, M.S. 1969;University of California, Los Angeles, Biology/Physiology, Ph.D. 1974 (with Kenneth S. Norris);University of Texas Medical Br., Galveston, NIH Postdoctoral Fellow (with H.L. Stone).

Honors: Who's Who in Science and Engineering, 1997-present; Nominated by C. Everett Koop, M.D., U.S. Surgeon General, to become the National Science Advisor or President George H. Bush (White House Appointed Position) 1989; Oklahoma Bar Association, Patent and Trademark Division: Oklahoma Inventor of the Year for 1985; Innovator of the Year Award for Oklahoma technology start up companies (SOUNDTEC Inc.) . Dr. Dormer has published over 100 medical and scientific articles.

Biographical sketch

Biographical entry

Biographical entry (second paragraph)

Kenneth J. Dormer and George Kinoti. "Science and Development in Developing Countries". From Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 51 (September 1999): 146.

Jerri Culpepper. University of Oklahoma Heath Sciences Center, "National Conference On Nanotechnology Selects OU Health Sciences Center Professor's Work To Showcase"

LUCOM Professor Reflects on 30-year Career in Research Helping Thousands to Hear

Dr. Boris P. Dotsenko

*** Not in Gale

Nuclear physicist, mathematician. Onetime head of nuclear physics, Institute of Physics, Kiev, USSR.

Dr. Boris P. Dotsenko received his first academic degree in physics and mathematics at the University of Lvov, in the Soviet republic of the Ukraine, in 1949. He was awarded an M.Sc. degree at the University of Leningrad, and obtained his doctorate at Moscow State University in 1954 for research in physical and mathematical sciences. After working for three years in the prestigious Academy of Sciences of the USSR, on intercontinental and space rocket research, Dotsenko moved to the Institute of Physics in Kiev, where he was eventually appointed Head of the Nuclear Laboratory. He sought political asylum in Canada in 1966, while he was traveling on official business. Since then, he has taught at a number of schools and colleges, including the Waterloo Lutheran University, in Waterloo, Ontario, and the University of Toronto, Canada.

From Scientists Who Believe: 21 Tell Their Own Stories, edited by Eric Charles Barrett and David Fisher (Photographer). The Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL. ISBN 0-8024-7634-1. Testimony here

David Douglas


Scottish botanist. Collector in U.S. for Royal Horticultural Society (1823) and on later expeditions in western America and Canada; discovered the Douglas fir (1825) whose Latin name, Pseudetsiga menziessi, also commemorates the botanical efforts of Archibald Menzies; the Douglas squirrel named for him.

"Significant Scots: David Douglas"

Biographical entry

Michael Hugh. "Fir and wide," Geographical, v. 73, May 2001, p. 52. "On 7 April 1825, when the Hudson's Bay Company ship William and Ann anchored in Baker's Bay near the mouth of the huge Columbia river, Douglas had spent eight-and-a-half months at sea. It was here that he first saw the giant fir that was to bear his name. At the end of his career, and life, nine years later, at the age of just 35, Douglas had introduced 215 new plants to Britain, winning great acclaim in the horticultural world. It has been said of him, 'To no single individual is modern horticulture more indebted'."

Peter Fish. "Names for the New World. (searching for the place in Hawaii where botanist David Douglas died) (includes related article on Douglas's trail)," Sunset, v201, n5, Nov 1998, p14(2). "There is a high school named for him in Portland; a monument to him in Scone, Scotland. In Honolulu, Kawaiahao Church (where he was buried in the cemetery, although the grave site is now lost) has a plaque: it reads 'victima scientiae,' victim of science. And there is the monument on the Big Island."

James Douglas


*** Not in Gale

Scottish anatomist, surgeon, physician, botanist, zoologist.

Who Named It entry:

James Douglas was the brother of John Douglas (died 1759), a well-known lithotomist. He achieved a great reputation both as a learned and a physician, and as life physician to the Queen of England. He obtained his medical doctorate at Reims and in 1700 returned to London. He became a well known anatomist and was elected Fellow of the Royal Society in 1706, FCP in 1721. He practised midwifery and was life physician to Queen Caroline of England. He did public dissections at his home and died in London. Associated eponyms: Douglas' abscess, Suppuration in Douglas' pouch, most often seen in appendicitis or adnexitis. Douglas' cul-de-sac, Peritoneal space formed by deflection of the peritoneum. Douglas' fold, A fold of peritoneum forming the lateral boundary of Douglas' pouch. Douglas' line, The arcuate line of the sheath of the rectus abdominalis muscle. Douglasitis, Inflammation of Douglas' cul-de-sac.

Galileo Project entry:

In 1707 Douglas published a handbook on comparative myology, probably related to the anatomical lectures he was delivering at that time--Myographiae comparatae specimen. He also did a number of other anatomical works (some as papers in the Philosophical Transactions), and in 1730 his most important work, A Description of the Peritoneum. Several anatomical features still bear his name, especially the pouch of Douglas. His Bibliographiae anatomicae, 1715, was a list of writers on anatomy. A large work Osteographia, manuscripts for which survive, would apparently have been a landmark.

A paper delivered to the Royal Society defined the possibility of the so-called high operation for the stone, which his brother then performed. Douglas wrote a History of Lithotomy (in manuscript) and The History of the Lateral Operation (for the stone), published, 1726.

He wrote some works, which remain in manuscript form, on medicine, especially diseases of women, and he kept extensive case histories, many of which survive. His Index materiae medicae, 1724, discussed his own prescriptions. Douglas wrote a number of papers on specific plants, on their growth and their anatomy. He also published some on animal specimens, especially one on the flamingo.

Memberships: Royal Society, Medical College.

Significant Scots entry: "When we consider the period in which he lived, and the essential services he rendered towards the advancement of medical science, the homage of the highest respect is due to his memory."

John Douglas


*** Not in Gale

Scottish surgeon who re-introduced suprapubic lithotomy in 1719. He too realized that the full bladder could be approached safely without entering the peritoneal cavity, and published his successful work Lithotomia Douglassiana, in 1723. Brother of James Douglas.

Significant Scots entry

John Lester Dovale


(Born in St. Maarten, The Netherlands). Environmental engineer, information scientist. Owner, systems analyst, International Data Ltd. Co., St. Maarten, 1993; coordinator, Counter Disaster Development Committee, St. Maarten, 1992-94; owner, consultant, Caribbean Crisis Management, St. Maarten, 1992; informations systems Manager, A & P Development Consultant, Suva, Fiji Islands, 1991-92; vol. Assistant tech. advisor, UN Dept. Humanitarian Affairs South Pacific Programme Office, Suva, Fiji Islands, 1990-92. Consultant Princess Juliana International Airport, St. Maarten, 1990, St. Maarten Ports Authority, 1992; Assistant editor Pacific Disaster News, 1991. Education: BS, University of North Texas, 1990.

Creator simulation exersize Operation Teamwork '93.

Member: St. Maarten Sea Rescue (planner 1993), Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Southern Baptist.

Honors: Geodessy Institute & Environmental Systems Research Institute grantee, 1993; recipient Summer Institute Coastal Management award University of R.I. Coastal Resources Center, 1992.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

"Neoware Partners to Deliver Appliance Computing to St. Maarten Government; Neoware and NetworkIDL provide IT solution for Tourism Bureau's PC replacement Strategy"

Geoff Downes, BSc, Ph.D

*** Not in Gale

Forestry Researcher. Principal research scientist with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Division of Forestry and Forest Products, Australia (2001 - present). Senior Research Scientist, CSIRO Division of Forestry and Forest Products 1992-2001.

Geoff Downes completed a B.Sc. with honours at Monash University in 1983, majoring in Botany and Biochemistry. In May 1984 he commenced a Ph.D. at the University of Melbourne School of Forestry at Creswick, looking at the effects of copper deficiency on the wood structure and chemistry of Pinus radiata. In November 1987 he took up a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland investigating the effects of age on the ultrastructure of ectomycorrhizas on Sitka Spruce associated with aging and senescence. His Ph.D. was awarded in May 1988. Geoff returned to the University of Melbourne as a Research Fellow in December 1988 to study the structural causes of stem deformity in fast grown pines. In 1992 he joined CSIRO Forest Products as a Senior Research Scientist examining climatic and environmental effects on wood formation. Dr Downes is currently pursuing these research activities at CSIRO Forestry and Forest Products, located in Hobart. He has been involved in the development of SilviScan since 1992 and is currently responsible for the operation of SilviScan services.

CMI profile and interview

Christian Answers profile

Biographical entry

CSIRO webpage

Testimony in In Six Days: Why Fifty Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation, edited by John F. Ashton, Ph.D. Master Books, Inc., Green Forest, AR, 2001. ISBN 0-89051-341-4.

Dr. Christopher Downs

*** Not in Gale

Biochemist. Chris Downs completed his Ph.D. protein biochemistry at Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia in 1991. He joined Crop & Food Research division of the New Zealand Crown Research Institute in 1995, working in both science and business, leading both the institute's Nutrition and Health team at Palmerston North, and being a business manager. In July 2003 he was promoted toGeneral Manager Corporate Strategy and Policy. Crop & Food Research chief executive, Paul Tocker, said Dr .Downs had grown and developed the science capability of his team, which was now recognised nationally and internationally.

"Chris combines considerable strengths in strategic thinking with a strong commitment to his new role.

"As General Manager Strategy he will manage and develop the very important Public Good Science Fund portfolio while guiding Crop & Food Research's science strategy within New Zealand and offshore, and our ability to be in science areas with future commercial value."

Mr Tocker said it was satisfying to be able to appoint a second internal candidate of such high calibre into an important senior management role.

He is an elder at St Albans Presbyterian Church in Palmerston North and is an advisor for TCCF (Tertiary Students Christian Fellowship) at Massey University.

Dr. Christopher Downs. "Essays on Science and Christianity", 1999.

Daniel Drake


Physician, Scientist, Activist, Writer. Active in the social, political, and economic development in the Ohio Valley, he founded the medical school in Cincinnati, OH, and advocated temperance and national unity. The work upon which Drake's reputation chiefly depends is, A Systematic Treatise, Historical, Etiological and Practical, on the Principal Diseases of the Interior Valley of North America, as they Appear in the Caucasian, African, Indian and Eskimoux Varieties of its Population. The first volume, about 900 pages in length, was published in 1850, and the second, of approximately the same length, in 1854, two years after the author's death. It is a mine of information on the topography, meteorology, character of population, customs and diseases, of the interior of North America.

"Chapter 4: Daniel Drake (1785-1852), Medical Educator"

Biographical entry

The Account of Daniel Drake

Cornelius Drebbel


Dutch inventor. "As an adolescent Drebbel was apprenticed to an engraver but soon developed an interest in alchemy and mechanical inventions. In 1598 he was granted a patent for a perpetual motion machine which reportedly used changes in atmospheric pressure to power a clock. This 'invention' is thought to have established Drebbel's fame in scientific and aristocratic circles in Europe. Around 1604 he journeyed to England, where he was awarded an annuity by King James I (1566-1625) to continue his scientific work. Drebbel has been credited with constructing the first compound microscope using two sets of convex lenses, and he employed his skill as lens grinder to manufacture a variety of optical instruments.

"During the early 1620s Drebbel designed and built his most famous invention, the submarine. Although a similar design had been described some fifty years earlier, Drebbel's is the first known to have been constructed. Consisting mainly of greased leather stretched over a wooden frame, Drebbel's submarine was propelled by oars projecting through the sides and sealed with leather flaps. The vessel was capable of traveling twelve to fifteen feet (3.6 to 4.5 meters) below the surface, and fresh air was supplied by tubes running to the surface with floats at the top. Drebbel successfully tested his submarine several times in the Thames River in England.

"Drebbel invented the first thermostat, which used a column of mercury and a system of floats and levers to maintain a steady temperature within a furnace. He later invented an incubator for hatching eggs which used the same principle for temperature regulation. Drebbel also discovered the first permanent scarlet fabric dye, which became popular throughout Europe, and developed a process for manufacturing sulfuric acid from sulfur and saltpeter."

"Cornelius Van Drebbel." World of Invention, 2nd ed. Gale Group, 1999.

Galileo Project entry

Biographical entry

Paul D. Drechsel


Physical chemist. From ASA entry: "He earned a BS in chemistry from Rutgers and a PhD in physical chemistry from Cornell. He was a research chemist for Hercules, Inc., for 35 years, researching physical properties of polymers as related to molecular structure and morphology."

Charles Richard Drew


Surgeon. Hematologist. Charles Richard Drew is responsible for organizing the concept of the Blood Bank. His system for the safe storage of blood plasma saved thousands of military lives during World War II, and his work laid the foundation for the blood program of the American Red Cross, earning him the title "Father of Blood Plasma." Dr. Drew researched in blood plasma transfusion while at Presbyterian Hospital in New York, NY. As Director of the First Plasma Division, Blood Transfusion Association and First Director of the A.R.C. Blood Bank, he organized a blood bank in London during World War II.

"The Faces of Science: African-Americans in the Sciences"

Charles Richard Drew received a Bachelor of Arts from Amherst University in 1926. He received a Medical Doctorate (M.D.) and Master of Surgery (C.M.) from McGill University, Montreal, Quebec in 1933. In 1940 Dr. Drew received a Doctor of Science in Medicine from Columbia University in 1940. Dr. Drew served as an Instructor in Pathology at Howard University in 1936 and as an Assistant in Surgery (1936). Charles Drew was made Professor of Surgery and Chief Surgeon for Freedmen's Hospital.

Member: American-Soviet Committee on Science, National Medical Association, National Association for Crippled Children, National Poliomyelitis Foundation, American Cancer Society.

Honors: Howard Hill Mossman Trophy, 1926; Rockefeller fellowship, 1938; E. S. Jones Award for research in medical science, 1942; Distinguished Service Medal, National Medical Association (posthumously), 1950; General Education Board Fellow in Surgery; Spingarn Medal (1944) of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People "for the highest and noblest achievement by an American Negro." In 1976, his portrait was unveiled at the Clinical Center of the National Institutes of Health, making Drew the first African American to join its gallery of scientists. In 1977, the American Red Cross headquarters in Washington, D.C., was renamed the Charles R. Drew Blood Center. A U.S. postage stamp issued in his honor in 1981.

Biographical entry

Charles Drew: Inventor of the Blood Bank

Bridgewater State College Hall of Black Achievement

John H. Lienhard. "Engines of Our Ingenuity No. 154: CHARLES RICHARD DREW".

Biographical entry

Charles R. Drew University of Medicine and Science

Charles Richard Drew. Biographical entry

Drew sired four daughters, one of which was scientist and university administrator Charlene Drew Jarvis.

Ted Driggers, Ph.D.


*** Not in Gale

Telecommunications. Operations Researcher. (Operations Research is a discipline that grew along with the computer revolution, and consists of applying mathematical modeling to real world systems to analyze and optimize their performance.) Dr. Ted Driggers is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy, and after naval service he earned a Ph.D. in Operations Research from U.C. Berkeley. His subsequent employment was in telecommunications, including developing network design methods at Bell Telephone Laboratories. Later, he specialized in systems engineering aspects of communications satellite design, including military satellites and adapting cellular phone technology to satellites.

After retiring, he moved to Orcas Island, in the San Juan Islands Washington State.

Creation Ministries profile


Kelvin K. Droegemeier


*** Not in Gale

Geoscientist. Meteorologist. Associate Professor, Meteorology, Regents' Professor of Meteorology, Roger and Sherry Teigen Presidential Professor, Director, Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms, University of Oklahoma. Kelvin K. Droegemeier earned a B.S. with Special Distinction in Meteorology in 1980 from theUniversity of Oklahoma, and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in atmospheric science in 1982 and 1985, respectively, from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign under the direction of R.Wilhelmson. He joined the University of Oklahoma in September, 1985 as an Assistant Professor of Meteorology, and was tenured and promoted to Associate Professor in July, 1991, and promoted to Professor in July, 1998. Dr. Droegemeier was co-founder in 1989 of the NSF Science and Technology Center (STC) for Analysis and Prediction of Storms (CAPS), and served for several years as its deputy Director. He then became the Director of CAPS in 1994. In 1998, Dr. Droegemeier was named a President's Associates Presidential Professor at the University of Oklahoma, and for 2 years, beginning in summer 1999, wrote a daily weather science column for the Daily Oklahoman. He was awarded a Regents' Professorship at OU in fall, 2001, a life-long title. In 2003, Dr. Droegemeier cofounded the NSF Engineering Research Center for Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere (CASA) and currently serves as its deputy Director. He is the only person in the nation to have co-founded an NSF Science and Technology Center and an NSF Engineering Research Center. In 2004, he was awarded the Roger and Sherry Teigen Presidential Professorship and became the first OU Professor to receive two Presidential Professorships.

In 1987, Dr. Droegemeier was named a Presidential Young Investigator by the National Science Foundation. As Director of the CAPS model development project for [over] 5 years, he managed the creation of a multi-scale numerical prediction system that has helped pioneer the science of storm-scale numerical forecasting. This computer model was a finalist for the 1993 National Gordon Bell Prize in High Performance Computing. In 1997, Dr. Droegemeier received the Discover Magazine Award for Technology Innovation (computer software category), and also in 1997 CAPS was awarded the Computerworld Smithsonian Award (science category). Droegemeier also is a recipient of the NSF Pioneer Award and the Federal Aviation Administration's Excellence in Aviation Award.

After 12 years of operation, CAPS has made considerable progress toward achieving its principal goal, namely, demonstrating the capability to predict high-impact, local weather using numerical models initialized with data from Doppler radars and other high-resolution observing systems. As expected, the fruits of this extensive work were most visible toward the end of the 11-year NSF base funding period, and particularly in 1999, when CAPS made a pioneering storm-scale forecast of the May 3 tornado outbreak in central Oklahoma. Never before had a numerical model been initialized with Doppler radar data and used to predict a particular storm at high spatial resolution. Indeed, when the proposal to establish CAPS was written, many in the scientific community questioned whether such forecasting was theoretically possible. CAPS not only showed that it is, but also demonstrated the capability in real time. The results were shown in a Congressional Briefing and during Congressional Testimony later in the summer. The location for more information on the OU CAPS is here.

Dr. Droegemeier has been a major force behind the development and application of high performance computing systems both at OU and across the US. In 1989 and 1990, he chaired the OU Computing Advisory Committee and was the lead author on a 5-year strategic plan. He has served on numerous NSF High Performance Computing and Communication panels and is a member of the NCSA User Advisory Committee. In 1995 he created as principal investigator, and now directs, a $1.4 million NSF/OU project known as the Environmental Computing Applications System. He served on the National Science Foundation's Blue Ribbon Panel on Cyberinfrastructure, and is a member of the Board of Directors of the OU Supercomputer Center

for Education and Research (OSCER), which he helped establish.

Dr. Droegemeier has been an invited speaker at or organizer of several international conferences and symposia on meteorology, high-performance computing, and computational fluid dynamics in the U.S., England, Japan, Australia, Korea, and France, notably the series of Joint US-Korea Workshops on Storm and Mesoscale Weather Analysis and Prediction, which he initiated in the mid 1990s. He has authored and co-authored nearly 60 refereed journal articles and over 200 conference publications, and is a former Vice President of the Central Oklahoma Chapters of the American Meteorological Society and National Weather Association. He also is a Member of the Board of Directors of the Norman, OK Chamber of Commerce and chaired the Weather and

Climate Team for Governor Brad Henry's EDGE (Economic Development Generating Excellence) Program.

Biographical entry

Dr. Droegemeier's personal website is here.

Home page

Curriculum Vita

University of Oklahoma. "Kelvin Droegemeier, Director, Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms, Regents' Professor of Meteorology," Faculty webpage

Kelvin K. Droegemeier and David Jahn. Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms, University of Oklahoma. "Research Efforts in the US and Collaborations with Asia toward Storm-Scale Numerical Weather Prediction"

Transcript. NOVA, "Hunt for the Supertwister". Aired on PBS March 30, 2004.

Current faculty page

Dmitri Anatolievich Drokin


(Born in Omsk, USSR). Geneticist, consulting virologist. Head of Cytogenetic Laboratory, Diagnostic Center, Omsk, 1993; consultant, National Focal Infectious School Institute, Omsk, 1995; school collaborator, National Focal Infectious School Institute, Omsk, 1985-93. Instructor, Institute for Improvement Teachers, Omsk, 1992-93. Education: graduate, Kazan (USSR) University, 1985; Ph.D., Tomsk (Russia) University, 1993.

Member: Russian Society of Genetics. Orthodox Christian.

Contributor of articles to science journals; patentee in field.
Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Jacques Dubois


aka Jacobus Sylvius

*** Not in Gale

French anatomist and physician.

Galileo Project entry:

His major contribution to anatomy is presented by the posthumous In Hippocrate et galeni physiologiae partem anatomicam isagoge (1555). It is a systematic account of anatomy, written some time after 1536 and based on the writings of Galen, on a certain amount of human dissection, and on the Anatomiae libri introductorius (1536) of Niccolo Massa. He published many commentaries, and some of them were frequently reprinted and were very influential.

Excerpted from Fact Index entry: Jacques Dubois, under the Latin name of Jacobus Sylvius, was an early exponent of the science of anatomy in France. He was fortunate in acquiring his reputation, since he did little original research. At the instance of his brother Francis, professor of eloquence in the college of Tournay at Paris, he devoted himself to the study of languages and mathematics; but feeling that the rewards were inadequate, Dubois abandoned them and went in for medicine. After the acquisition of a medical degree in the university of Montpellier, at the ripe age of fifty-one Dubois returned to Paris to resume a course of anatomical instruction. Here he taught anatomy to a numerous audience in the college of Trinquet; and on the departure of Vidus Vidius for Italy was appointed to succeed him as professor of surgery to the Royal College.

He must not be confounded with Franciscus Sylvius (de le Boe), who is mentioned by F. Ruysch and M. V. G. Malacarne as the author of a particular method of demonstrating the brain.

Jacques-Emile Dubois


Chemistry and information science educator, researcher. Science director, General Electric Co., Paris, 1979-83; co-director, inst. Curie, Paris, 1977-80; founder, president, Ardic, Paris, 1971; director R&D, Ministry Defense, Paris, 1965-77; deputy director higher education, Minister of Education, Paris, 1963-65; advisor Science, higher education, Minister of Education, Paris, 1962-63; Professor chem. informatics, University of Paris VII, 1957-1989; Director chem. institute, Dean of Science faculty, University of Saar, 1949-57. Education: Ph.D. in Phys. Science, University Grenoble, 1947; Dr. hon. causa, University Regensburg.

Member: French Phys. Chemical Society (president 1974-76), French Chemical Society (council 1965-68), Faraday Soc., American Chemical Society (Skolnik award 1992).

Honors: Decorated commander Legion of Honor, Commander Academy Palms, Commander Order of Merit (France), Commander Order of Merit (Germany), Order of Merit Ivory Coast, Order of Merit Senegal; recipient Jecker prize, Berthelot medal French Academy of Science, 1965, Stas medal Belgian Chem. Society, 1950, Grand Prix de la Technique City of Paris, 1975, Resistance medal French Government, 1946, CAOC medal, 1991; Fulbright Smith-Mund grantee University Columbia, 1956; Ramsey fellow, 1949; recorded by Chem. Heritage Foundation, 2001.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.



Joseph Duchesne

(c. 1544-1609)

aka Quercetanus

*** Not in Gale

French iatrochemist, alchemist, physician, pharmacologist.

Galileo Project entry:

Among his many works, the Sclopetarius (1576), which deals with the cure of gunshot wounds, and the Pharmacopea dogmaticorum (1607) were translated into several languages and went through numerous editions. In his works he offered a large number of remedies prepared from substances of mineral, vegetable, and animal origin. Much of his influence derived from the debate his work initiated at Paris. His De priscorum philosophorum verae medicinae materia (1603) and Ad veritatem hermeticae medicinae ex Hippocratis veterumque decretis ac therapeusi (1604) went through many editions in several languages and did much to publicize his version of the chemical philosophy.

Andreas Dudith


aka Duditus

*** Not in Gale

Hungarian-born astronomer, physician.

Gakikeoi Project entry

Dudith did not publish any original works in medicine, nor did he treat patients to my knowledge. However, his correspondence with Crato, the imperial physician, seems significant. Early in his intellectual life he interested himself in astrology, but eventually rejected it and argued strongly against it.

Biographical entry

Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester


English cartographer, expert in navigation and hydraulics, engineer, architect, pharmacologist, instrument-maker. Robert Dudley was the fifth son of Edward VI's most powerful subject, John Dudley, Duke of Northumberland. Robert was brought to court and knighted during the reign of Edward VI. Marriage to a Norfolk heiress, Amy Robsart, followed. The Dudley family and its fortunes were suddenly eclipsed by the death of Edward and by the abortive attempt of Northumberland and his sons to depose Mary Tudor in favor of Lady Jane Grey. Robert, two brothers, and his sisters survived the Marian revenge, but not until the accession of Elizabeth I did he escape the shadow cast by his father's treason.

Galileo Project entry

Dudley should be seen as a practical man, able in mathematics, who entered into all of the technological activities that demanded mathematical expertise. He published a large book on navigation, the dell'Arcano del mare, based in the first place on his experience as a navigator at sea. Dudley's Dell'arcano del mare, 1646-7, was a major work on navigation and cartography. It contained an appendix (made into a preface in the second edition) "Delle scienze matematiche che entrano nell'opera dell'Arcano del mare."

He was also involved in shipbuilding, designing several new classes of warships. Already on the expedition to the West Indies he prepared a map of Trinidad and of the coast of South America. Book 6 of his Arcano was on cartography, and it contained maps (charts for navigators) of the entire world. These maps are considered milestones in naval cartography. Dudley himself drew them up; they were not mere copies of the maps of others.

The Grand Duke put him in charge of building the port of Livorno. He designed the mole for its harbor. Contemporary descriptions of Dudley emphasized his skill in architecture. Wood says that the Grand Duke consulted him on all major buildings. He functioned partly as a military engineer in Tuscany, and the Arcano contained a section on the fortification of ports. He drained the swamp between Pisa and Livorno.

Dudley also developed a powder of supposedly (in the 17th century style) extraordinary medicinal power (but apparently used primarily as a purge), which made it into all the pharmacopaeias.

He was involved also with instruments. About 1598 he invented and made what he called an azimuth dial, essentially similar to Oughtred's horizontal instrument (and possibly copied from it, for Oughtred's manuscript was around at that time).

Biographical entry

Robert Dudley 1st Earl of Leicester

Albrecht Duerer


*** Not in Gale

German engineer, mathematician, geometer, cartographer, instrument-maker, artist and engraver.

Galileo project entry

Toward the end of his career Duerer published Underweysung der Messung, a book in practical geometry.

Duerer was, of course, a talented artist and engraver. Many of his works are devoted to the mathematical aspects of art. Duerer also wrote Befestigungslehre. Etliche underricht zu befestigung der stett schloss und flecken (1527) which summarizes the science of fortification. Many of his suggestions were incorporated by the city of Nuremberg. This work is said to have been dictated by fear of a Turkish invasion.

He also worked on globes, celestial charts, and armillary spheres. He invented a device to aid in doing perspective for pictures.

Crater Dürer on Mercury is named in his honor.

"The Genius of German Renaissance"

Catholic Encyclopedia entry

Essie Coleman Duffie


(Born in Tallahassee, Florida, United States). Fisheries biologist. Manager EEO Black program, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, Miami (Florida) Lab., 1979; fisheries biologist, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, Miami (Florida) Lab., 1978; Biological technician, NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, Miami (Florida) Lab., 1974-1977. Education: BS, Florida A&M University, 1974; postgraduate, University Miami, 1975-1976.

Member: NAACP, American Institute Fishery Research Biologists (Associate), National Association Female Executives, Family Christian Association America (Board of Directors 1980, chairperson program committee 1987), Blacks in Government (President, 1981-82), American Federation Government Employees. Clubs: Y's Women (Miami) (President 1984-85).

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Richard Franklin Dugan


Biologist. Timber surveyor U.S. Forest Service, Ore., 1940; Agricultural aide Soil Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Michigan, 1941, biologistwoodland conservationist, N.J., 1958-59, biologist recreation specialist, Virginia, 1960-77; Assistant Professor forestry and wildlife Management West Virginia University, 1942-57. Student Aurora (Illinois) College, 1934-35; B.S. in Agriculture, University of Illinois, 1938; B.S. in Forestry M.F. in Wildlife Management, University of Michigan, 1941; postgraduate in outdoor recreation Texas A & M University, 1967-68.

Member: Wildlife Society, Soil Conservation Society America (life), American Fisheries Society, National Recreation and Parks Association, American Forestry Association, National Audubon Society, Smithsonian Instn., Izaak Walton League (life), National Wildlife Federation (life), National Rifle Association (life), Alpha Zeta, Xi Sigma Pi. Baptist (deacon). Lion.

Contributor of articles to professional journals.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Jean-Baptiste Duhamel


*** Not in Gale

French scientist, philosopher, and theologian.

Galileo Project entry

Catholic Encyclopedia entry

1911 emcyclopedia entry:

"DUHAMEL, JEAN BAPTISTE (1624-1706), French physicist, was born in 1624 at Vire in Normandy. He studied at Caen and Paris; wrote at eighteen a tract on the Spherics of Theodosius of.Tripolis; then became an Oratorian priest, and fulfilled with great devotion for ten years (1653-1663) the duties of cur at Neuilly-sur-Marne. He was appointed in 1656 almoner to the king, and in 1666 perpetual secretary to the newly founded Academy of Sciences. He died on the 6th of August 1706. He published among other works: Astronomia physica (1660) and De meteoris et fossil-ibus (1660), both in dialogue form; Dc consensu veteris et novae philosophiae (1663); De corporum affectionibus (1672); De mente humana (1673); Regiae scientiarum Academiae historia, zOip (1698), new edition brought down to 1700 (1701); Institutiones biblicae (1698); followed by annotated editions of the Psalms (1701), of the Book of Wisdom, &l~. (1703), and of the entire Bible in 1705."

Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem


*** Not in Gale

The French physicist, chemist, and historian of science Pierre Maurice Marie Duhem published work in thermodynamics, physical chemistry, hydrodynamics, elasticity, electricity and magnetism, and the history and philosophy of science.

MacTutor entry

Biography in Scientists of Faith: 48 Biographies of Historic Scientists and Their Christian Faith, by Dan Graves. Kregel Resources, Grand Rapids, MI, 1996. ISBN 0-8254-2724-X.

Charles Moss Duke, Jr., Brigadier General, USAF, Ret.


American astronaut. Lunar module pilot, Apollo 16, April 1972. During the 11-day mission, Duke participated in the first onsite scientific study of the lunar highlands. He earned a BS in Naval Sciences, US Naval Academy, Annapolis, Maryland (1957), and an MS in Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1964). In April 1966, Duke was one of 19 pilots accepted into the space program in the fifth round of astronaut selection. Duke piloted the lunar module "Orion" during the Apollo 16 mission in 1972. Duke left the space program in December 1975 to pursue a career in business, as owner of Duke Investments and president of Charlie Duke Enterprises.

Member: Society of Experimental Test Pilots, Member, American Fighter Pilots Association, Member, Air Force Association.

Honors: Air Force Distinguished Service Medal, Air Force Longevity Ribbon, Air Force Senior Pilot Astronaut Wings, American Astronautical Society Flight Achievement Award (1972), American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Haley Astronautics Award (1973), Boy Scouts of America Distinguished Eagle Scout Award (1975), Federation Aeronautique Internationale V.M. Komarov Diploma (1973), Honorary Ph.D., University of South Carolina (1973), Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center Certificate of Commendation (1970), NASA Distinguished Service Medal, National Defense Service Medal, Society of Experimental Test Pilots Iven C. Kincheloe Award (1972), South Carolina Man of the Year (1973).

Author: Moonwalker, 1990; Walk on the Moon: Walk with the Son, VHS Video, 1997;

Moonwalker: Apollo Moon Program, VHS Video, 1993.

Charles Moss Duke, Jr. "From Moon to Earth: One Astronaut's Odyssey" (published in the National Space Society's Ad Astra magazine in fall 1998): "To me, the scientific evidence that we observe in the universe, the intricacies of life with all of its implications and intelligent design, the orderliness of the physical universe, the repeatability of the scientific and physical phenomena that we observe, all these point to a designer, not to an accidental happening. Many reputable scientists believe the same."

"A number of years after my moonwalk, I began another walk-a walk with God. This experience is even more exciting than my first trip. My walk with God has taken me to some high places-praying with prime ministers and presidents, rightist dictators, and Communist juntas. It has exposed me to the supernatural and mighty power of God. But most exciting of all, it has led me from a life of continual striving and restlessness to one of peace and fulfillment."

"I hope that through the pages of this book you will feel with me the thrill and excitement as we fly to the moon, and I pray that if you haven't already, you will join with me in the greatest experience of all-both in and out of this world-a walk with the Son." From Moonwalker, 1990, Inside front cover.

NASA entry

Biographical entry

Biographical entry

Jean-Baptiste Dumas


Chemist. Coined the term "chloroform".

From Society of Catholic Scientists entry:

"Dumas was one of the leading chemists in France in the mid-19th century. He is best known for the 'Dumas method' of determining atomic and molecular weights and for determining the atomic weights of thirty chemical elements....In 1832, Dumas was made a member of the Académie des Sciences and in 1843 he received the Copley Medal from the Royal Society of London. Dumas was outspoken in defending Christian ethics and Christian beliefs about the spiritual soul and the eternal destiny of human beings, which he saw as being the most solid foundation of human equality and rights."

Catholic Encyclopedia entry

Jean-Henri Dunant


Jean Henri Dunant was a Swiss merchant who, as a witness to the cruelties of the battle of Solferino, made public the inefficiency of the sanitary organizations in wartime and developed a vision for a relief society of trained volunteers that resulted in the founding of the Red Cross.

Nobel Prize entry

Biographical entry

Free Dictionary entry

Biographical entry

Dr. Michael A. Duncan

*** Not in Gale

Chemist. Distinguished Research Professor of Chemistry, University of Georgia. Professor Duncan received his B.S. from Furman University in 1976 and his Ph.D. from Rice University in 1982. He was a National Research Council/National Bureau of Standards Postdoctoral Fellow at the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, University of Colorado, until 1983, when he joined the faculty at the University of Georgia. His research interests are in physical chemistry and chemical physics.

Michael A. Duncan, Research Professor of Chemistry. Faculty page

Biographical page

The University of Georgia Nanoscale Science and Engineering Center Faculty and Research, MICHAEL A. DUNCAN RESEARCH SUMMARY

Davis Godfrey Durham


Opthalmologist. Developer diamond knife for cataract surgery, 1966, pneumatic tonometer for measuring pressure in glaucoma patients, 1965. Medical practitioner specializing in ophthalmology, Wilmington, 1946-1999; Consulting opthalmologist ,Wills Eye Hospital, Philadelphia; Senior Staff Director Dept. Ophthalmology. Wilmington Medical Center, 1966-73; Assistant Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology, Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia; Director, Dept. of Ophthalmology, Project Hope, 1962-70; Associate, Dept. of surgery, Section ophthalmology, St. Francis Hospital, Wilmington; associate St. Luke's Cataract and I.O.L. Clinic, Tarpon Springs, Florida.; active medical work, Alaska, 1949, Samoa, 1957, Indonesia, 1960, Peru, 1962, Haiti, 1963, Guinea, Africa, 1964, Africa, 1966, Colombia, 1967, Nigeria, 1982, China, 1985. With M.C., U.S. Army, 1944-46. Education: Graducate, University of Pennsylvania, 1937; MD, Jefferson Medical College, 1943. Intern, Delaware Hospital, Wilmington, 1943.

Honors: Decorated Bronze Star; recipient Brandywine College award, 1969; Distinguished Delawarean award for citizenship, 1978. Diplomate American Board of Ophthalmology.

Member: Fellow ACS; member AMA, American Academy of Ophthalmology (Instructor 1976-82, cert. of award), Aid for International Medicine (v.p., Director), American Ophthalmology Society, New Castle County Medical Society, Del. Academy Ophthalmology, American Intra-Ocular Implant Society, Aid for International Medicine (v.p.), Delaware Academy Medicine (pres. 1972-74), United Empire Loyalist, Sigma Chi (Significant Sig award 1989). Quaker. Clubs: Explorers, Lions, Greenville Country.

Contributor of articles to professional journals, conference papers.

Gazette | Alumni: Notes (Sept|Oct 03): "Retired ophthalmologist who had maintained a practice in Wilmington, Delaware, for many years; he was director of ophthalmology at the Wilmington Medical Center and a former assistant professor of ophthalmology at Thomas Jefferson University. In 1965, with help from engineers at the DuPont Co., he developed a pneumatic tonometer for measuring eye pressures in people with glaucoma, and in 1966 developed the diamond knife for cataract surgery. Motivated by his faith as a Quaker, he also devoted himself to humanitarian work around the world, from 1949 in Alaska, when he treated Inuit people for blindness, to 1995 in China, when he instructed ophthalmologists there on the latest techniques for cataract surgery. In 1999 the American Academy of Ophthalmology honored him with its outstanding-humanitarian award."

>Beth Miller. "A True Visionary," The News Journal, (Wilmington, DE), December 4, 1999.

Joseph-Guichard Duverney


French anatomist, zoologist, entomologist, embryologist. Studied especially the eye and ear; wrote Traite del'organe de l'ouie (1683).

Galileo Project entry:

The only major work written by Duverney alone and published during his lifetime was his Traité de l'organe de l'ouie (1683), the first thorough, scientific treatise on the human ear. He read numerous papers to the Academy of Sciences, of which the most important are a group dealing with the circulatory and respiratory systems in cold-blooded vertebrates. After his death a number of anatomical works were published from his papers.

Three anatomical structures are sometimes given Duverney's name. They are an incisura in the cartilage of the external auditory meatus, the pars lacrimalis musculus orbicularis oculi and the one commonly known as Bartholin's glands. He was involved in the study of generation, and in his old age he studied insects.

Member: He began to connect with the Académie des Sciences in 1674, and was elected to full menbership in 1676, remained a member until he died in 1730. He corresponded with Malpighi, Bidloo, Boerhaave, and Pitcairne. He began to attend the weekly scientific meetings at the house of the Abbé Bourdelot. At these meetings he often spoke on anatomical subjects. He was an important member of the "Parisians", a group of anatomists, who collaborated with each other to an uncommon degree, regularly performing dissections as a group and collectively reviewing both the text and plates before publishing their collaborative work. He was a close friend of Claude Perrault, the leader of "Parisians."

Linda Hall Library entry

Timothy Dwight


As president of Yale, Timothy Dwight was not only that college's most influential leader but also one of the young nation's most important educators. During Dwight's twenty-one years at Yale, he found able and inspiring teachers, launched the teaching of science and medicine, planned the creation of schools of law and theology, and gave the faculty and president a central role in running the school.

Timothy Dwight College page

Biographical profile

Free Dictionary entry

David Dye


Physicist, From ASA entry: "He earned his undergraduate degree as well as his Ph.D. from the University of Washington. He was a Boeing scientist all his life as Chief of the Radiation Effects Dept. He spent three years (1955-1958) in Rawalpindi, Pakistan, as head of the physics dept. at a Presbyterian school called Gordon College, and two years at Kirtland Air Force Base in Albuquerque (1967-1970) as a radiation physicist. David wrote a widely cited book Faith and the Physical World: A Comprehensive View (Eerdmans, 1966)."

Freeman John Dyson


Freeman John Dyson is an English-born American physicist and mathematician. He worked as an analyst for the British Bomber Command during World War II; after the war, he moved to Princeton. His professional interests include mathematics, nuclear physics, rocket technology, and astrophysics, and whose personal interests range from social and political issues to music and literature. Professor Emeritus, 1994; Professor, Institute Advanced Study, Princeton, 1953-94; Professor physics, Cornell University, 1951-53; Commonwealth Fellow, Cornell University, Princeton, 1947-49; Fellow, Trinity College, Cambridge University, England, 1946-49; Operations research, RAF Bomber Command, 1943-45.

Honors: Recipient Enrico Fermi award U.S. Department of Energy, 1995, Templeton prize for Progress in Religion, 2000.
Member: Fellow Royal Society London; NAS, American Phys. Society
Author: Disturbing the Universe, 1979, Weapons and Hope, 1984, Origins of Life, 1986, Infinite in all Directions, 1988, From Eros to Gaia, 1992, Imagined Worlds, 1997, The Sun, the Genome and the Internet, 1999.

Free Dictionary entry


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