Franciscus (Frans) Faase


Dutch computer scientist. Wrote html2tex. Currently works at BiZZdesign, which is located in the KCT building at the Campus of the University of Twente, Netherlands.

Home page

"I write, therefore I am,"

Personal testimony


ResearchGate page


(d. c. 399)

*** Not in Gale

Roman patrician class. Founded the first hospital in the west, where she personally attended the sick. Built a hospice in Porto for the area poor and sick pilgrims.

Catholic Encyclopedia entry

Profile of St. Fabiola

Biography in Doctors Who Followed Christ: Thirty-Two Biographies of Eminent Physicians and Their Christian Faith, by Dan Graves. Kregel Resources, Grand Rapids, MI, 1999. ISBN 0-8254-2734-7.

Jean-Henri Fabre


French entomologist. Taught in lycees in Carpentras, Corsica, and Avignon; devoted himself to direct observational studyof habits of insects, esp. Hymenoptera, Coleoptera, and Orthoptera, and spiders; work cited by Darwin; isolated alizarin, coloring agent in madder (1866). Author of Souvenirs entomologiques (1879-1907).

Dedicated website

ICR profile

Biographical profile

Honoré Fabri


*** Not in Gale

Fabri worked on astronomy, physics and mathematics. He studied Saturn's rings in 1660, a topic on which he became involved in a dispute with Huygens which ran for five years. He also discovered the Andromeda nebula. Fabri developed a theory of tides which was based on the action of the moon. He also studied magnetism, optics and calculus.

In calculus he was closer to Newton than to Cavalieri and his notation was cumbersome. His work on the calculus appeared in his major mathematical publication Opusculum geometricum. This book was written because of the controversy about the cycloid which arose from Pascal's challenge...He had a major influence on the development of the calculus through Leibniz.

Fabri's students include Cassini and La Hire at the Collège de la Trinité and he also worked with Dechales. He was a friend and correspondent of Gassendi whom he first met while he was at Aix-en-Provence and he also corresponded with Huygens, Leibniz, Descartes, Mersenne and others.

MacTutor entry or here

Galileo Project entry

Catholic Encyclopedia entry

Linda Hall Library entry

Girolamo Fabrici / Fabricius / Fabrizi


Italian surgeon, teacher and anatomist, considered the founder of the science of embryology. From 1600 until his death, he carried out important and original research on the late fetal stages of many different animals. In 1612, he published the first detailed description of the development of the chick embryo from the sixth day onward. Student of Gabriel Fallopius and his successor as professor at Padua (1562-1613); discovered semilunar valves of the veins, published in De venarum ostiolis (1603); conducted studies in embryology of various animals and man, publishing De formato foetu (1604) and De formatione ovi et pulli (1621). In addition to his scholarly work, Fabricius made other contributions. He attained considerable fame as a teacher. His most famous student was William Harvey, who studied with him from 1597 to 1602. In addition, Fabricius was instrumental in establishing the first permanent anatomical theater at the University of Padua. His collected works were published posthumously in Opera omnia anatomica et physiologica (1625).

Galileo Project entry

Italian entry

Free Dictionary entry

Catholic Encyclopedia entry

From 1574 he made detailed studies of the veins and blood flow and discovered the existence of one-way valves that direct the blood towards the heart. He also studied the development of chick embryos. Fabricius also investigated the mechanics of respiration, the action of muscles, the anatomy of the larynx (about which he was the first to give a full description) and the eye (he was the first to correctly describe the location of the lens and the first to demonstrate that the pupil changes size).

John Archibald Fairlie


Note: Some sources give "f r-lï" as the pronunciation but members of the family say "fair-lï."

Educator, Political Scientist, Public Official. Fairlie went to Harvard on a scholarship, graduated Phi Beta Kappa in 1895, and remained at Harvard for a master's degree, serving also as an assistant in history. He then decided on the study of governmental institutions for his career and entered Columbia University's graduate school where, under Frank J. Goodnow, he wrote a dissertation on state government in New York. This became Fairlie's first book, Centralization of Administration in New York State, published in 1898, the year of his doctorate.

After holding the secretaryship of the New York State Commission on Canals, 1899-1900, under Governor Theodore Roosevelt, and also concurrently a lectureship on municipal administration at Columbia University, he was appointed an Assistant professor of administrative law at the University of Michigan. He continued at Ann Arbor until 1909, when he became Associate professor of political science at the University of Illinois. Fairlie was promoted to professor in 1911 and served until his retirement in 1941. Fairlie was a founder in 1905 of the American Political Science Association and managing editor of its Review, 1916-1925. He played a major role in the development of the National Municipal League's program for the reform of local and state government and was a leader in drafting the model city charter and the model state constitution. He served as president of APSA in 1929. His writings included National Administration in the United States (1905), British War Administration (1919), Administrative Procedure in Great Britain (1927), and a biography of his longtime colleague, James W. Garner, which was published in 1943. He was an editor of the University of Illinois Studies in the Social Sciences and served on many policy-determining committees. In retirement, Fairlie was a visiting professor at the Ohio State University and remained an active member of the Illinois Public Aid Commission of the International Association of City Managers and the International Institute of Public Law.

Author: Centralization of Administration in New York State, 1898; Municipal Administration,1901; Counties, Towns and Villages, 1906; Essays in Municipal Administration, 1908; (with Charles M. Kneier) County Government and Administration, 1930. Board of directors, the Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences,1930-1935.

Excerpted from Irving Dilliard. "John Archibald Fairlie."Dictionary of American Biography, Supplement 4: 1946-1950. American Council of Learned Societies, 1974.

University of Illinois Archives Holdings, John A. Fairlie Papers, 1885-1947.

Darrel Falk

***Not in Gale
Genetics. Dr. Falk is Professor of Biology, Associate Provost, and Dean of Graduate Studies and Continuing Education at Point Loma Nazarene University in Point Loma, California. He earned his Ph.D. at the University of Alberta, Canada, followed by three years of post-doctoral research (two at University of California, Irvine). He acquired tenure at Syracuse University, New York as a professor in genetics research.

Personal statement:

"As my years as a professor at a research university proceeded, there were two things that happened that resulted in a slight shift in my career direction. First, I found that I loved teaching and working with undergraduates. Research was enjoyable, but I came to the realization that I would enjoy working in a place where the focus was on the student, and where research was a tool to help students learn science----instead of research being the primary focus and working with students being more of a side-responsibility. The second change was that the Christian faith became increasingly central to my life and I reached the conclusion that I wanted to be involved in working with young people who shared that faith; I wanted to do my part in helping to ensure that those young people got as good an education (if not better) than students at a secular university were getting. Thus, the year after I received tenure (the fulfillment of my longtime dream) at Syracuse University, I wrote to a set of Christian liberal arts colleges asking that they consider me if a position opened up.

"I have now completed my eleventh year at PLNU. I spend my days talking with students about genes, ribosomes, plasmids, and chromosomes, and even about non-science related issues on occasion. During the summers, I supervise several students in their own research projects studying the DNA sequence of a gene called "Notch", exploring the question of how that sequence differs from one species to closely related cousin-species. It gives my students important experience in gaining an expertise in the tools of molecular biology and allows them to experience firsthand how research questions are solved in biology."

Author: Coming to Peace with Science, 2004. Falk, foreword by Collins, ISBN 0-8308-2742-0

Dr. Darrel Falk. Message from the Dean of Graduate & Continuing Studies"

BioLogos profile

Faculty page

Gabriele Falloppio


Alt. spelling: Falloppia / in Latin, Gabriel Fallopius

Italian anatomist, academic, surgeon and author. One of the founders of the study of human anatomy (the science dealing with the structure of animals and plants). With Andreas Vesalius and Bartolemeo Eustachio, Falloppio is considered one of the three heroes of anatomy. After dissecting a body in 1545, he earned the right to practice medicine in Modena as a surgeon. Professor of surgery and anatomy at Pisa (1548-51) and Padua (1551-62). Discovered function of oviducts (Fallopian tubes); described other anatomical structures, including chorda tympani, sphenoid and ethmoid bones, and opening of oviducts into abdominal cavity; named the vagina, placenta, clitoris, palate, and cochlea; joined Vesalius in assault on Galen's principles; published Observationes anatomicae (1561).

Galileo Project entry

Who Named It entry:

Associated eponyms: Bell's paralysis, Peripheral, usually unilateral, idiopathic paralysis of facial muscles; Fallopian canal, The facial canal. The facial nerve passes through this canal in the temporal bone; Fallopian ligament, A fibrous band forming the thickened lower border of the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle between the anterosuperior spine of the ilium and the pubic tubercle; Fallopian pregnancy, Tubal pregnancy; Fallopian tube, One of the tubes or ducts leading on either side from the upper or outer extremity of the ovary to the fundus of the uterus; Fallotomy, Division of the fallopian tubes.

Fact Index entry

Free Dictionary entry:

Fallopius, who was born in Modena, Italy, became professor at Pisa in 1548, and at Padua in 1551, but died at the age of forty. He studied the general anatomy of the bones; described the internal ear better than previous anatomists, especially the tympanum and its osseous ring, the two fenestrae and their communication with the vestibule and cochlea; and gave the first good account of the stylo-mastoid hole and canal, of the ethmoid bone and cells, and of the lacrimal passages. In myology he rectified several mistakes of Vesalius. He also devoted attention to the reproductive organs in both sexes, and discovered the utero-peritoneal canal which still bears his name.

Michael Faraday


The English physicist and chemist Michael Faraday discovered benzene and the principles of current induction. He invented the Bunsen burner.

MacTutor entry

Free Dictionary entry

"The Bible, and it alone, with nothing added to it nor taken away from it by man, was the sole and sufficient guide for each individual at all times and in all circumstances." Roger Carswell. Questions and Answers from the Bible; Ambassador publications, pg 40.

Phillip Eichman. Harding University, Searcy, AR . "Michael Faraday: Man of God-Man of Science"

Ian H.Hutchinson. "Michael Faraday: Scientist and Nonconformist"

University of Pennsylvania profile

"I am content to bear the reproach; yet, even in earthly matters, I believe that the invisible things of Him from the creation of the worlds are clearly seen, being understood by the things which are made, even his eternal power and Godhead." Michael Faraday, 1870. From University of Iowa

Biography in Scientists of Faith: 48 Biographies of Historic Scientists and Their Christian Faith, by Dan Graves. Kregel Resources, Grand Rapids, MI, 1996. ISBN 0-8254-2724-X.

Keith Thomas Henry Farrer, OBE, DSc, MA, CChem, FRSC, FRACI, FIFST, FAIFST, Guest Fellow NZIFST, FRSA, FTSE


Food scientist. Dr Keith Farrer, OBE, a former chief scientist with Kraft Foods, Ltd. Dr Farrer has been credited with discovering that Vegemite is actually good for you. His connection with RMIT goes back to the original course - he taught as an industry expert and served on the course advisory committee for many years. Farrer was a long time member of the Commonwealth Committee on Food Additives. He was manager of Research and Development, Kraft Foods Ltd Melbourne, 1950-74 and Chief Scientist 1976-81.

From RMIT University. "Forty Years of Food Science," May 1997

Kraft Foods Ltd., Melbourne, Australia, research chemist, 1938-43, senior research chemist, 1944-49, manager of research and development, 1949-76, chief scientist, 1976-81; Farrer Consultants, Blackburn, Australia, principal, beginning 1981. Education: University of Melbourne, B.Sc., 1936, M.Sc., 1938, D.Sc., 1954; Latrobe University, M.A., 1977.

Member: Royal Australian Chemical Institute (Fellow; president of Victoria branch and national vice-president, both 1956-57), Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology (Fellow; president, 1969-71), Australian Academy of Technological Sciences (Fellow; foundation vice-president, 1975-82), Australian Academy of Science (member of science and industry forum, 1973-82; member of executive committee, 1979-82), Australian Defence Science and Technology Organization (member of external review committee, 1979-80), Australian Society of Dairy Technology, Royal Society of Chemistry (Fellow), Institute of Food Science and Technology (Fellow), Institute of Food Technologists (United States; emeritus member), Royal Society of Arts (Fellow), Royal Society of Victoria, Tasmanian Historical Research Association, Sciences Club, Melbourne Cricket Club.

Honors: Award of merit from Australian Institute of Food Science and Technology, 1958, for contributions to food science and technology; Officer of Order of the British Empire, 1979.

Author: A Settlement Amply Supplied: Food Technology in Nineteenth-Century Australia, Melbourne University Press, 1980; Food Additives and Contaminants: Fact Not Fancy, Melbourne University Press, 1983; (Editor) Cells in Ferment: Papers Presented to a Meeting of the Science and Industry Forum of the Australian Academy of Science, 5-7 February 1982, The Academy (Canberra, Australia), 1983; A Guide to Food Additives and Contaminants, Parthenon (Park Ridge, NJ), 1987; Australian Meat Exports to Britain in the Nineteenth Century: Technology Push and Market Pull, Sir Robert Menzies Centre for Australian Studies, Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London (London, England), 1988.

Contributor of about eighty articles to scientific journals in Australia, England, and the United States.

Contemporary Authors Online, Gale, 2004.

"Technology in Australia 1788-1988 Chapter 2 - Food Technology"

Entry from Encyclopedia of Australian Science and Innovation


Edwin Fast


Physicist, Ph. D. from the University of Oklahoma. ASA entry

Danny R. Faulkner, Ph.D.

*** Not in Gale

Astronomer. Professor of Physics and Astronomy at the University of South Carolina, Lancaster since 1986. Associate Professor of Astronomy at the Institute for Creation Research Graduate School. Education: B.S. in Math from Bob Jones University, Greenville, SC, 1976; M.S. in Physics from Clemson University, Clemson, SC, 1979; M.A. (1983) and Ph.D. (1989) in Astronomy from Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.

He has published about two dozen papers in various astronomy and astrophysics journals, including Astrophysical Journal, Publication of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific and the Information Bulletin on Variable Stars.

From Christian Answers profile

"Danny R. Faulkner: Professor in Astronomy" Links to his articles provided.

Carl Wieland and Jonathan D.Sarfati. Interview with creationist astronomer Danny Faulkner, 'He made the stars also..." (Genesis 1:16). (Spanish translation) First published in Creation Ex Nihilo 19(4):18-21, September-November 1997.

Danny R. Faulkner, Ph.D. University of South Carolina-Lancaster, Lancaster, SC. "The Current State of Creation Astronomy 2"

Testimony in On the Seventh Day: Forty Scientists and Academics Explain Why They Believe in God, edited by John F. Ashton, Ph.D. Master Books, Inc., Green Forest, AR, 2002. ISBN 0-89051-376-7.

Herve-Auguste-Etienne-Albans Faye


French astronomer. Discovered the periodic comet named for him (1843);president of the Bureau of Longitudes (1876); minister of public education (1878). Author of works on the parallaxes of stars and planets, on the formation of clouds and hail, on sunspots, the origin of the earth, etc.

Catholic Encyclopedia entry

Gyula Fényi


Jesuit priest and astronomer who studied solar prominences.

Society of Caholic Scientists entry

Ronald Dale Ferguson


Mathematics and computer science educator, consultant. Professor Mathematics and computer science, San Antonio College, 1969-present. Education: BA, Baylor University, 1965; MS, North Texas State University, 1969; Ph.D., Texas A&M University, 1982.

Author (with others) An Algebra Primer, 1975. Member AAUP, Mathematics Association American (local rep. 1981-83), Texas Jr. College Association. Baptist. Club: Health User's Group (president 1984).

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Faculty page

Thomas E. Ferko

ASA member, professor of chemistry.

Faculty page and vitae

Pierre de Fermat


Mathematician, origiator of Fermat's Theorem.

Society of Catholic Scientists entry

MacTutor entry

From Famous Scientists entry:

"Pierre de Fermat was one of the greatest mathematicians in history, making highly significant contributions to a wide range of mathematical topics. He was a guiding light in the invention of calculus; he independently co-invented analytic geometry; he invented probability theory in cooperation with Blaise Pascal, and made masterful contributions to number theory."

"He is best remembered for his last theorem, the proof of which defied the best efforts of mathematicians for over three centuries."

Jean François Fernel

(c. 1497-1558)

The French physician Jean François Fernel reformed, systematized, and reorganized Renaissance medicine, popularizing the terms "physiology" and "pathology." Known for his intellectual versatility and depth of knowledge, Fernel became a physician only after spending much of his life studying philosophy, astronomy, and mathematics. He is widely regarded as one of the leading figures of 16th century science and medicine, and is remembered especially for his work in the area of physiology and for dispelling some of the period's reliance on astrology and magic in matters of health.

Galileo Project entry

Biographical entry

1911 Encyclopedia entry

Ludovico Ferrari


*** Not in Gale

Italian mathematician, geographer, astronomer.

Galileo Project entry

Ferrari collaborated with Cardano in researches on the cubic and quartic equations, the results of which were published in the Ars magna (1545). He found a method of solving the quartic equation. Later, he carried out a survey of Milan for the governor of the province. Gherardi's article makes it clear that this was essentially a cartographic survey. From 1564 until his death in 1565, he was lecturer in mathematics at the University of Bologna.

MacTutor entry

Sci Hi blog entry

Louis Feuillée


*** Not in Gale

French-born astronomer, cartographer, natural historian, pharmacologist, botanist, zoologist, instrument-maker. Catholic.

Galileo Project entry:

Feuilée's rapid progress in astronomy and physics soon accorded him a reputation among the savants of Europe. Jacques Cassini recognized his talent, and he appears to have been behind the mission of the French government that sent Feuilée to the Levant and the coast of northern Africa to determine the exact positions of a number of ports. The success of this first trip led Feuillée to solicit means for a second voyage, this time to the Antilles and the South American coast (1703). It is uncertain whether Feuillée got the means for this and his succeeding voyages from the Académie, the court, or some other source. In 1707 he set off for South America a second time with letters of recommedations from the minister of France. One of the results of this trip was a more accurate map of the Chilean coast. He also mapped Buenos Ayres and the Plata. He made astronomical observations, and he collected both plants and animals, even doing dissections of some of the animals. He published a botanical piece on the medicinal use of 100 plants from this trip, Histoire des plantes médicinales, (Paris, 1714-1725). He brought back natural historical specimens of all sorts.

Upon his return Louis XIV had an observatory built at Marseilles for Feuilée. In 1724 the Académie commissioned Feuillée to establish the longitude of Hierro Island in the Canaries. He published his observations made during his several trips in 1714 and 1725.

Feuilée was facile at constructing his own instruments.

Member: Académie Royal des Sciences, 1699-1732. Impressed by Feuilée's observations, Jacques Cassini had him appointed a corresponding member of the Académie in 1699.

French entry

Catholic Encyclopedia entry

Carl P. Fictorie

ASA member. Ph. D. in materials chemistry.

Faculty page with publications and activities ResearchGate page

The Cosmic Scope of the Resurrection

Alexandre Marc Fiebig


Biochemist. Chemistry Professor, Ecole des Métiers de l'Environnement, Rennes, 1993; chemistry Professor, Ecole Centrale d'Electronique, Paris, 1992; molecular biologist, Ecole Normale Supérieure Cachan, 1988-93. Biochemistry Professor Ecole Supérieure d'Ostéopathie, Paris, 1993. Education: MS, Ecole Normale Supérieure Cachan, Paris, 1991.

Member: Mensa France, Confrérie des Amis du Lièvre à la Royale, HIT.

Science editor Editions Criterion, Paris, 1988-92, Mouvement Européen, Paris, 1993.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Oronce Finé


Alternate spelling: Orontius Fineus

French mathematician. Constructed mathematical and astronomical instruments; drew first map of France printed in that country (1525); published editions of Euclid and other mathematical treatises.

Galileo Project entry

MacTutor entry

Biographical profile

Thomas Fink


Alternate spelling: Fincke

Danish mathematician. In 1583 Thomas Fincke produced a mathematical text book entitled Geometria Rotunda, which brought the world the terms tangent and secant. This work also includes several trigonometric equations relating to these functions. Fincke also produced several works on astronomy and astrology.

Galileo Project entry

MacTutor entry

Robert Blanchard Fischer


Chemist. From memorial page:

"He attended Wheaton College (BS in Chemistry in 1942) and the University of Illinois (PhD in Analytical Chemistry and Electrical Engineering in 1946). He was on the faculty at the University of Illinois (1946-1948) and Indiana University (1948-1963). He was the founding Dean of the School of Science and Mathematics at California State University, Dominguez Hills, (1963-1979) and the Provost and Senior Vice President of Biola University (1979-1989). He lived in Rancho Palos Verdes, California, from 1963 to 2002 and then in Fullerton, California."

"Robert Fischer contributed as a scientist to the safe harnessing of nuclear energy through his studies of deuterium ('heavy water') with the Manhattan Project during World War II. He studied the application of the electron microscope to scientific investigation and led the initial successful efforts to chemically add fluoride to toothpaste in order to prevent cavities."

"As an educator, Robert Fischer taught thousands of students as they prepared for careers in many fields, helped create a new university at Cal State Dominguez Hills, and led the transformation of Biola College to Biola University. He wrote scores of scholarly articles and authored textbooks about electron microscopy and quantitative chemical analysis. For lay readers seeking to properly integrate science and faith, he wrote Science, Man, and Society as well as God Did It, But How? and Who Is God?"

"Robert Fischer was a highly devout man, and aimed to serve and demonstrate his faith daily. He taught Bible classes and preached in several churches and was active at different times at College Church (Wheaton, Illinois), Twin Cities Bible Church (Urbana, Illinois), United Presbyterian Church (Bloomington, Indiana), Peninsula Baptist Church (Palos Verdes, California), Rolling Hills Covenant Church (Palos Verdes, California), and Evangelical Free Church (Fullerton, California)."

Armand-Hippolyte-Louis Fizeau


The French physicist Hippolyte Armand Louis Fizeauis best remembered as the first to measure the speed of light without any recourse to astronomical observations.

Biographical entry

MacTutor entry

Catholic scientists profile

John Flamsteed


The English astronomer and meteorologist John Flamsteed, the first Astronomer Royal, was the author of an important set of star catalogs, Historia coelestis britannica (1725). Lunar Crater Flamsteed named in his honor.

Galileo Project entry:

Flamsteed's lifelong task was to replace existing observational data of the heavens with more exact tables. Lunar theory was always a special interest. His Historia coelestis britannica, 1725, contained his catalogue of 3000 stars. Flamsteed's method of determining right ascensions has been called the basis of modern astronomy.

In his Gresham lectures he dealt with the optics of telescopes. He kept observations of the barometer, which he correlated with the weather.

Instruments were of immense importance to Flamsteed. They bulk very large in his autobiographical accounts of his life, and they form the central theme of his Preface to the Historia. Early in his life he learned to grind lenses. He was constantly concerned with making and improving instruments--a sextant, a quadrant, a mural arc of 140 degrees, telescopes, the graduation and calibration of the scales and micrometer-screws. The great mural arc is considered to have been a major step forward in precision instrumentation and Flamsteed to have stood at the beginning of a new era in instrument technology. In 1674 he presented Charles II and the Duke of York with barometers and thermometers of his design, for use in forecasting weather. In 1675 he showed that a method to determine longitude at sea (via the position of the moon) could not possibly work given the existing astronomical data. This incident led directly to the establishment of the Royal Observatory, with the specific aim of perfecting navigation. The needs of navigation were the initial inspiration for the Historia.

Member: Royal Society, 1677-1709. Member of council, 1681-4, 1698- 1700.

MacTutor entry

Historia Coelestis Britannica in 1725 contained data on 3000 stars. It listed more stars and gave their positions considerably more accurately than any other previous publication had done.

NAHSTE entry

Images of Tycho Brahe: John Flamsteed

Edith Marie Flanigen


Chemist. From Society of Catholic Scientists entry:

"Flanigen is an American chemist, best known for her work in developing zeolites for use as molecular sieves and synthetic emeralds for use in masers...She is the holder of 109 patents. Flanigen is the recipient of many awards and distinctions, including the Chemical Pioneer Award of the American Institute of Chemists (1991), the Perkin Medal of the Society of Chemical Industry (1992), the Garvan Medal of the American Chemical Society (1993), the Lemelson-MIT Lifetime Achievement Award (2014), and the National Medal of Technology and Innovation (2012) which is presented by the President of the United States. In 2004, she was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame."

MIT profile

Who's Who Lifetime Achievement page

Johannes Fleischer


*** Not in Gale

German optician and minister. Lutheran.

Galileo Project entry:

...taught arts and languages at Goldberg Gymnasium, but fled because of plague; 1572, he became the noon preacher at St. Elizabeth's in Breslau, and was a professor at the Gymnasium attached to the church;1583, he became the minister at St. Maria Magdalena, Breslau; 1589, inspector of the churches and schools of Breslau.

Albert Fleischmann


Professor of geology and comparative anatomy at the University Erlangen. Albert Fleischmann, a reputable but relatively obscure German zoologist who taught for decades at the University of Erlangen in Bavaria. In 1901 he published a scientific critique of organic evolution, Die Descendenz-theorie, in which he rejected not only Darwinism but all theories of common organic descent. This placed him in a unique position among biologists. As Kellogg noted in 1907, Fleischmann seemed to be "the only biologist of recognised position … who publicly declared a disbelief in the theory of descent." The German creationist apparently remained of the same mind for the rest of his life. In 1933, the year of his retirement from Erlangen, he presented a paper to the Victoria Institute in London in which he dismissed the notion of a "genelogical tree" as a "fascinating dream." "No one can demonstrate that the limits of species have ever been passed," he asserted. "These are the Rubicons which evolutionists cannot cross." In his declining years Fleischmann informed English acquaintances that he was writing a book "that will wipe evolution off the slate," but the work never appeared.

From Ronald L. Numbers. The Creationists: The Evolution of Scientific Creationism. Berkeley: The University of California Press, 1992. p. 52.

Sir Alexander Fleming


Scottish bacteriologist. Professor, London University (1928-48); discovered the antibiotic substance lysozyme (1921); and shared with Howard Florey and Ernst B. Chain 1945 Nobel prize for Physiology or Medicine, for discovery (1928) and development of penicillin, which has been hailed as "the greatest contribution medical science ever made to humanity."

Honor: Gold Medal of the University of London, 1908.

Free Dictionary entry

"Alexander Fleming: A spore that drifted into his lab and took root on a culture dish started a chain of events that altered forever the treatment of bacterial infections," Time magazine entry

Nobel Prize entry

John Ambrose Fleming


John Ambrose Fleming was a pioneering engineer who made numerous contributions both to the theoretical aspects and practical applications of electricity. Fleming played an important role in the development of lighting, heating, and radio and, as a consultant in private industry, was a proponent of their widespread conventional use. Fleming's most wide ranging practical contribution to the field of electrical engineering was the development of the thermionic (or radio) valve, which acts as a rectifier for high frequency currency, permitting the current to flow in only one direction. Also known as the Fleming valve or diode, this precursor to the transistor revolutionized the infant field of radio as it became an essential part of nearly every radio transmitter and receiver for more than three decades, it was an important component of early televisions and computers as well.

Biographical entry

Free Dictionary entry

Magnet Academy profile

Royal Society profile

Theodor Fliedner


German clergyman and philanthropist. Devoted himself to prison reform and founded first society for prison reform in Germany (1826); opened refugefor discharged female convicts at Kaiserswerth (1833) and first Protestant deaconesses' home devoted to works of religion and charity (1836); opened over 100 more deaconesses' homes; also founded a hospital, infant school (1835), orphanage (1842), asylum for female lunatics (1847), and similar institutions.

1911 Encyclopedia entry

Biographical profile

Fliedner opened first deaconess center

Dr. Margaret G. Flowers


*** Not in Gale

Biologist. Chair, Division of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, Wells College, Aurora, NY. Dr. Flowers has been a member of the faculties of Cornell University and Wells College (since 1982), and as a Teaching Fellow at Northeastern Seminary since 2001. A.B. in Biological Sciences, Summa cum Laude, Phi Beta Kappa, Mount Holyoke College, 1973; Ph.D. in Botany from The University of Texas at Austin, 1977; M. Div., Northeastern Seminary, 2003. She is a Conference Ministerial Candidate in the Free Methodist Church of North America, and is serving at First Church of Christ in Pittsfield (MA).

Margaret G. Flowers, Professor of Biology. "THE INTEGRATION OF FAITH AND SCIENCE,"

Remarks given April 19, 2000 for the Campus Ministry Luncheon Series at Cayuga Community College. The topic for that discussion was "Faith and Science".

"Wells Continues Partnership with Walter Reed Research Institute," May 1988. "A visit by two professors to Washington D.C. has helped strengthen a bond between Wells College and the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research which is contributing to the study of tropical diseases and science education for women.

For several years, Professor of Biology Margaret G. Flowers and Professor of Chemistry Linda S. Schwab have included research components in their college science classes that allow students to test various medicinal plants for their ability to fight tropical diseases. Their current work involves dogwood and the roadside plant, Joe Pye Weed."

Testimony in On the Seventh Day: Forty Scientists and Academics Explain Why They Believe in God, edited by John F. Ashton, Ph.D. Master Books, Inc., Green Forest, AR, 2002. ISBN 0-89051-376-7.

Sir John Floyer


*** Not in Gale

English physician and author, educated at The Queen's College Oxford in 1664, graduated BA in 1668, MA in 1671, BM in 1674 and DM in 1680. He settled in Lichfield in about 1675 and practised as a physician there for over fifty years. He published widely and is best known for his researches into asthma, his advocacy of cold bathing, his recognition of the importance of the pulse rate in diagnosis and his development of a pulse watch to assist in its accurate measurement. His published works demonstrate his interest in experiment and constitute a significant contribution to developments in clinical medicine. Himself a sufferer from asthma, Floyer's A Treatise of Asthma, published in 1698, contained important clinical observations and the first detailed description of emphysema. He was the first physician to time the pulse as a routine clinical practice and his The Physician's Pulse Watch, published in two volumes in 1707 and 1710, contains a mass of observations and charts. In 1724, at the age of 75, Floyer published Medicina gerocomica; the Galenic art of preserving old men's healths, a treatise regarded as the first English book on geriatrics, in which he recommended fresh air, exercise, regular diet and temperance as the best means of preserving health in old age.

From Mary Clapinson, The Queen's College, University of Oxford, "Catalogue of the manuscripts of Sir John Floyer"

1911 encyclopedia entry

Denis D. Gibbs, D.M.., F.R.C.P. "MEDICAL HISTORY, Sir John Floyer, M.D. (1649-1734),"

Communication to the Autumn Meeting of the West Midlands Physicians' Association held at Good Hope General Hospital, Sutton, Coldfield, 11/2/1968.

Denis D. Gibbs. "Sir John Floyer, Dr Samuel Johnson and the Stanhope family," some personal and professional links.

John Flynn


Founder and superintendent of the Australian Inland Mission, the clergyman established the world's first Flying Doctor Service and remote "bush" hospitals, and improved communication to Australia's interior with the pedal radio. Flynn's vision finally saw the establishment of 13 flying doctor bases around Australia, which continue to spread "a mantle of safety" across 6.9 million square kilometres, or 80% of the Australian continent. The Royal Flying Doctor Service remains the largest and most comprehensive aeromedical emergency and health care service in the world.

Biographical entry

Reserve Bank biography

Wilkins Tourism biography

Polymer Bank Notes biography

Biography in Doctors Who Followed Christ: Thirty-Two Biographies of Eminent Physicians and Their Christian Faith, by Dan Graves. Kregel Resources, Grand Rapids, MI, 1999. ISBN 0-8254-2734-7.

William H(erbert) Foege


Epidemiologist. Public health administrator, educator. Public Health Medical Doctor and Professor of Public Health. Retired Emory University School of Public Health, World Health Organization, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, The Carter Center, The Center for Disease Control in Atlanta (1986-1992). Dr. William Foege has played a key role in many of the major important public health advances of the 20th century, including the eradication of smallpox, successful attacks on Guinea worm disease and river blindness, and the creation of a model for improving nutrition in developing countries. Previous positions: Executive Director, Task Force for Child Survival and Development, 1984; Presidential Distinguished Professor International health, Rollins School Public Health, Emory University, Atlanta; Executive Director, Carter Center, Atlanta, 1987-92; Medical epidemiologist smallpox program Southeast Asia Regional Office, WHO, New Delhi, 1973-75; Director, Center Disease Control, 1977-83; Director smallpox eradication program, Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, 1970-73; epidemiologist smallpox eradicationmeasles control program, Nigeria, 1969-70; medical officer, Immanuel Medical Center, Yahe, Nigeria, 1965-66; epidemic intelligence service officer, Communicable Disease Center, Atlanta, 1962-64; intern, USPHS Hospital, S.I., N.Y., 1961-62. Education: BA, Pacific Lutheran University, 1957; MD, University of Washington, 1961; MPH, Harvard University, 1965.

UNICEF profile

Dr. Foege has received the WHO Health for All Medal, an award from the Healthtrac Foundation and the Calderone Prize. He holds honorary degrees from 10 institutions, including Harvard University, and was named a Fellow of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. He is the author of more than 125 professional publications and yet finds time to lecture on domestic and international public health policy. Dr. Foege says, "I firmly believe that ours is a cause-and-effect world. It is the driving force in public health. You do these things because it is actually possible to change the world."

Luther Institute entry

Allan Rosenfield. News/Event Item: An Interview with William Foege, Mary Woodard Lasker Award for Public Service, 2001 .

Tom Paulson. "A lifetime spent in the war on disease; William Foege looks at the big picture for the Gates Foundation," Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Thursday, March 22, 2001.

Emory University faculty page

James Forbes


Biologist. Educator. Emeritus, Fordham University, N.Y.C., 1979; Professor biology, Fordham University, N.Y.C., 1966-79; Member faculty, Fordham University, N.Y.C., 1938. Education: BS, Fordham University, 1932; MS, Fordham University, 1934; Ph.D., Fordham University, 1936.

Member: N.Y. Entomological Society, Entomological Society of America, Council Biology Editors (Treasurer 1965-71), Sigma Xi. Presbyterian.

Honors: Recipient numerous awards

Assoc. editor, editor Journal N.Y. Entomol. Society, 1958-70; Contributor of numerous articles to science publications.

Dwain L. Ford


***Not in Gale

Organic Chemist. Dwain L. Ford (Ph.D., Clark University, Worcester, Massachusetts) has served for 32 years as Professor of chemistry, department chairman, and Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences at Andrews University ( Berrien Springs, Michigan), where he was Professor Emeritus.

Christian Answers profile

Andrews University biography


Testimony in In Six Days: Why Fifty Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation, edited by John F. Ashton, Ph.D. Master Books, Inc., Green Forest, AR, 2001. ISBN 0-89051-341-4.

David Roger Forester


Chemist. Research scientist, Betz Process Chemicals., Inc., Woodlands, Texas, 1985-present; scientist, Betz Labs., 1981-85; scientist, Ethyl Petroleum Additives, St. Louis, 1979-81; chemist, Texaco Research, Port Arthur, Texas, 1975-79. Achievements include more than 30 patents in field, including advancements in refinerypetrochem. streams, contaminant passivation of FCC catalysts and pyrolytic processing. Education: BA, Texas A&M University, 1975.

Member: ASTM (vice Chairman user group on catalysts 1990-93), S.W. Catalysis Society (Treasurer 1991-93), Toastmasters International (Education v.p. 1991, competent toastmaster 1991, club President 1994). Southern Baptist.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Gulf Coast Conference biography

Gary Victor Forlai


Systems programming analyst, data processing consultant. Programmer analyst Sperry Rand Corp., N.Y.C., 1968-70; systems consultant Babb Inc., Pittsburgh, 1970-72, Pittsburgh, 1972-75; systems analyst University Pittsburgh, 1975-77; manager tech. service South Hills Health Systems, Homestead, Pennsylvania, 1977-87; consultant data processing, Westinghouse Electric Corp., Pittsburgh, 1987-present, data processing consultant vol. YMCA, 1987; designer Data Communications System, 1982, VMUse operators tng. program South Hills Health System, 1985 B.A., California State University, 1968.

Assistant to chairman Western Pennsylvania Heart Association, California, Pennsylvania, 1967. Member Guide International (site rep., project staff 1983-86). Baptist.

Author booklet: ICCF to CMS Conversion, 1983; Contributor to to VM Users' Cookbook, 1985.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

John Fothergill


English physician. Practiced in London (from 1740); maintained botanical garden known through Europe. His "Account of the Sore Throat Attended with Ulcers" (1748) contained first recognition of diphtheria in England; first to describe coronary arteriosclerosis. Aided Benjamin Franklin (1774) in drafting scheme of reconciliation between England and American colonies; popularized use of coffee in England.

1911 Encyclopedia entry

Royal Colleg of Physicians biography

Biography in Doctors Who Followed Christ: Thirty-Two Biographies of Eminent Physicians and Their Christian Faith, by Dan Graves. Kregel Resources, Grand Rapids, MI, 1999. ISBN 0-8254-2734-7.

Jean Bernard Léon Foucault


The French physicist Jean Bernard Léon Foucault is remembered for the Foucault pendulum, by which he demonstrated the diurnal rotation of the earth, and for the first accurate determination of the velocity of light.

Free Dictionary entry

Biographical entry

Society of Catholic Scientists entry

Girolamo Fracastoro


aka: Hieronymus Fracastorius

Italian physician, poet, astronomer, geologist, logician. The British medical journal Lancet called Girolamo Fracastoro "the physician who did most to spread knowledge of the origin, clinical details and available treatments of [the sexually-transmitted disease syphilis] throughout a troubled Europe." His poem, Syphilis sive morbus gallicus, 1530, gave name to the disease. A true Renaissance man, Fracastoro excelled in the arts and sciences and engaged in a lifelong study of literature, music, geography, geology, philosophy, mathematics, and astronomy, as well as medicine.

Biographical entry

He was born in Verona, where he practiced after studying at Padua. He studied epidemic diseases and attributed their spread to tiny particles, or spores, that could transmit infection by direct or indirect contact or even without contact over long distances.

Galileo Project entry

German entry

Free Dictionary entry

Italian entry

1911 Encyclopedia entry

Richard Ray Frahm


(Born in Scottsbluff, Nebraska, United States). Biologist. Educator. Professor, head animal science dept., Virginia Tech. University, Blacksburg, 1987; Professor, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, 1976-87; Associate Professor, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, 1971-76; Assistant Professor animal science dept., Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, 1967-71; fellow, NSF, Raleigh, N.C., 1961-65. Representative on animal breeding and genetics regional Research projects Coop. State Research Service USDA, Washington, 1986; Member certified board American Registry Professional Animal Scientists, Champaign, 1986-89; Director, secretary, American Registry Professional Animal Scientists, 1989. Education: BS, University of Nebraska, 1961; MS, N.C. State University, 1963; Ph.D., N.C. State University, 1965.

Member: American Society Animal Science (editorial rev. board 1982-86), Council MA. Elder, board Chairman 1st Christian Church, Stillwater, 1986. Served as captain with U.S. Army, 1965-67.

Author: Animal Breeding Handbook, 1986; Contributor of articles to science journals.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

American Society of Animal Science. Publisher of the Journal of Animal Science, "Frahm Receives 2001 Fellow Award".

"Dr. Richard R. Frahm was honored with the 2001 Fellow Award at the American Society of Animal Science awards ceremony in Indianapolis on Friday, July 27. The Fellow Award, sponsored by the American Society of Animal Science, recognizes ASAS members for their distinguished service to the animal industry for 25 years or more. Each nominee must have made exceptional contributions to the animal industry, to an animal related discipline, or to ASAS; must have had continuous professional membership in ASAS for a minimum of 25 years; and must be in good standing with the Society.

"During his 20-years at Oklahoma State University, Frahm conducted innovative research in beef cattle genetics and taught courses in genetics, animal breeding, and population genetics. His research focused on increasing beef production efficiency through selection and crossbreeding. He has authored or co-authored 34 journal articles, 126 research reports, and 64 abstracts, along with training 25 graduate students.

"As head of the Virginia Tech Animal Science Department, Frahm added a molecular genetics program and raised endowment funds to support scholarships and other programs.

"Frahm currently works for USDA-CSREES as the National Program Leader for Animal Genetics. In this role he's established the National Animal Genome Research Program, which is developing a genome map for each agriculturally important animal species and he coordinates 11 multi-state research projects in animal genetics.

The American Society of Animal Science sponsors this award."

Wayne Franklin Frair


Herpetologist. Professor Emeritus of Biology, The King's College, Briarcliff Manor, N.Y. Science teacher at school in Asheville, N.C., 1951-52; The King's College, Briarcliff Manor, N.Y., instructor, 1955-58, Assistant Professor, 1958-61, Associate Professor, 1961-67, Professor of biology, 1967-present. President of the Creation Research Society 1986-1993. Houghton College, A.B. (zoology), 1950; Wheaton College, B.S. (zoology), 1951; University of Massachusetts, M.A. (embryology), 1955; Rutgers - The State University, Ph.D. (biochemical taxonomy), 1962.

Member: American Association for the Advancement of Science (Fellow), American Scientific Affiliation (Fellow), American Institute of Biological Sciences, American Education Association, American Society of Ichthyology and Herpetology, American Society of Zoologists, American Museum of Natural History, National Association of Christian Educators, National Association of Evangelicals, Associates for Biblical Research, Association of Systematics Collections, Bible-Science Association, Center for Science in the Public Interest, Chelonian Documentation Center, Christian Educators Association, Inc., Christian Medical Society, Creation Health Foundation, Creation Research Society (member of board of directors, 1970-present; secretary, 1973-present), Creation Science Movement, Creation Social Science and Humanities Society, Evangelical Theological Society, The Herpetologists' League, Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, New York Biology Teachers Association, The New York Herpetological Society (adviser, 1974-present), Students for Origins Research, Saw Mill River Audubon Society (member of board of directors, 1963-66), Victoria Institute, Sigma Xi (life member). Baptist.

Author: (With Percival Davis) A Case for Creation, Moody, 1967, 3rd edition, 1983. He publishes his work on turtle systematics and serology in such journals as Journal of Herpetology, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Science, and Herpetologica.

Wayne Frair. "Tales of Turtles: Zoology is a Great Career"

Wayne Franklin Frair: "Even though I see no conflict between Christianity and science and feel I can be a better scientist because I recognize that I am studying the works of my Creator." Contemporary Authors Online, Gale, 2004.


Testimony in In Six Days: Why Fifty Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation, edited by John F. Ashton, Ph.D. Master Books, Inc., Green Forest, AR, 2001. ISBN 0-89051-341-4.

Joseph Fraunhofer


Bavarian optician and physicist. Journeyman (1806), director (from 1818), Untzschneider Optical Institute, Benedictbeuern. While investigating refractive index of various kinds of glass, observed (1814) and mapped 576 dark lines in solar spectrum, now called Fraunhofer lines; investigated spectra of planets and fixed stars;invented a heliometer, a micrometer, and a diffraction grating he used to measure wave lengths of light (1814); made improvements in telescopes and other optics.

Dedicated website

Biographical profile

John Freind


***Not in Gale

English physician, chemist, physiologist. Anglican.

Galileo Project entry

Freind began to publish articles on medicine in the Philosophical Transactions in 1699, while still a student.

His chemical lectures at Oxford in 1704 were published in 1709 as Praelectiones chymicae--an application of the Newtonian concept of attractions to mechanical chemistry.

As a physician Freind wrote on medical topics--e.g., Emmenologiae, 1703, which expounds a mechanistic physiology. Mostly he wrote on therapeutics--e.g, Hippocrates de morbis popularibus, 1716.

His History of Physick, 1725-6, was perhaps his major work; it expounds Freind's ideas on medicine in the process of writing its history.

Member: Royal College of Physicians, 1716-1728; Gulstonian Lectures, 1718; Harveian Oration, 1720; Censor, 1718-1719; Royal Society, 1712. Informal Connections: Friendship with Baglivi and Lancisi, from 1696. Friendship with Mead. He engaged in an acrimonious dispute with Woodward (in which Mead inevitably also engaged) following the publication of Freind's De morbis.

1911 Encyclopedia article

NNDB profile

Augustin Jean Fresnel


The French physicist Augustin Jean Fresnel, through his analysis of interference, diffraction, and polarization, turned the wave theory of light into an integral part of exact physical science.

MacTutor entry

Wolfram's World entry

Society of Catholic Scientists entry

Biography in Scientists of Faith: 48 Biographies of Historic Scientists and Their Christian Faith, by Dan Graves. Kregel Resources, Grand Rapids, MI, 1996. ISBN 0-8254-2724-X.

Robert C. Frost


Biologist. From ASA entry:

"[Frost] earned an M.A. and Ph.D. (1952) in biology at Rice, stayed on in Houston to teach anatomy at Baylor College of Medicine. He later taught biology at Evangel College in Missouri, Westmont and Southern California colleges in California, and Oral Roberts University in Oklahoma, where he chaired ORU's Dept of Natural Sciences. In 1970 he resigned to take up full-time writing and speaking. For several years he also taught at Melodyland School of Theology in Anaheim, California. Bob contributed articles to a number of periodicals and was a contributing editor to New Covenant, a Catholic charismatic magazine. Speaking at the 1960 Annual Meeting at Westmont College: 'Dr. Frost then asked the question, "To what extent is the Christian biologist a mechanist?" ' His answer pointed out the Christian's commitment to a transcendent God Who established the laws and supervises their operation and Who is also the Author and Finisher of the moral and spiritual life, as well, The Christian biologist sees beyond the mechanistic operation to the author beyond, much as a person can look through a glass window or focus attention on the glass itself. He wrote about the 'Spirit-filled life' in a series of books from Bridge Publishing, Inc. (formerly Logos), Plainfield, New Jersey.

Ian Fuller, BSc, Ph.D., PGCUTL


*** Not in Gale
Geographer. Lecturer, Geography Programme, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, Massey University (2003 - present); Lecturer in Physical Geography, Division of Geography and Environmental Management, Northumbria University, 1996 - 2003. Ian Fuller graduated in 1992 from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, having studied for a BSc in Geography. He stayed on at Aberystwyth to study for a Ph.D. completing the thesis, "Alluvial response to environmental change: luminescence dating of Late Quaternary sediment systems" in 1995.

Faculty webpage, Geography Programme, College of Humanities & Social Sciences, Massey University, Faculty page/a>. "My wife and I are committed Christians."

Faculty webpage, Northumbria University

ResearchGate page

International Reformed Baptist Seminary faculty page

Testimonial page

Charles Roger Fuqua


(Born in St. Louis, Missouri, United States). Lawyer, state legislator, biologist. Member, Arkansas House of Representatives, Little Rock, 1997; pvt. practice, Springdale, Arkansas, 1997; with, Thompson, Chase & Fuqua, Rogers, 1992-97; law clerk, Thompson Law Firm, Rogers, Arkansas, 1991-92; Dist. Sales Manager, Merchman Seed Co., West Point, Iowa, 1989-90; sales rep., Monsanto Chemical Co., Decatur, Illinois, 1980-89; Research biologist, Monsanto Chemical Co., St. Louis, 1979-80; laboratory technician, Monsanto Chemical Co., St. Louis, 1978-79; Teacher, St. Louis Public Schools, 1977-78.

Member: Benton County Bar Association. Education: BS, University of Missouri, 1977; JD, University of Arkansas, 1993. Certification: Bar: Arkansas, 1993.

Honor: Named Servant of the Year, Washington County Rep. Party, 1995.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Laurie Furlong

ASA member. Ph. D. in in ecology, evolution and marine biology.

Faculty page

ResearchGate page

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