Theodore Haak


*** Not in Gale

German-born specialist in scientific communication and organization.

Galileo Project entry:

There is no evidence of independent scientific work by Haak. He was an active correspondent who functioned as a link, first between Hartlib's circle and the so-called Invisible College and the continent (primarily Mersenne), later between the Royal Society and the continent. He was one of the men in the Invisible College, and John Wallis stated that Haak was the one who proposed the meetings in 1645.

Member: Royal Society, 1661-96. He became a fellow upon the nomination of John Wilkins. Member of the Council, 1677. He was part of the Commenian circle that formed around Hartlib in the late 30s. It included Dury and Pell; he remained in close touch with Pell until Pell's death. Intensive correspondence with Mersenne on behalf of the Hartlib circle, 1639-40. In 1647-8, until Mersenne's death, Haak revived this correspondence on behalf of the Invisible College.

In the Royal Society Haak continued his earlier function as a link with the continent. He was active in the promotion and maintenance of correspondence with scientists, especially in Germany. He proposed a considerable number of visiting Germans for membership of the Royal Society. His extensive correspondence with Pell survives. Intimate friendship with Hooke, after 1670s. Translated letters between Hooke and Leibniz, about 1680.

MacTutor entry

Dr. Deborah B. Haarsma

*** Not in Gale

Radio astronomer. Wife of Loren Haarsma. Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI, 1999-Present; Post-doctoral Researcher and Visiting Assistant Professor in the Astronomy Department Haverford College in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1997-1999; Ph.D. in Physics with a thesis in the field of radio astronomy under Professor Bernard F. Burke, entitled "Gravitational Lens 0957+561: A Study at Radio Wavelengths," Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, MA, 1991-1997; Bachelor of Science in Physics, Bachelor of Music in Piano Performance, >Bethel College in St. Paul, MN, 1986-1991.

Faculty Webpage

Science and Christian Faith

Calvin Universty page

Loren Haarsma

*** Not in Gale

Physicist. Husband of Deborah B. Haarsma. Assistant Professor of Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Calvin College, Grand Rapids, MI, 1999-Present; Postdoctoral Research Associate, University of Pennsylvania, Neuroscience Department with Professor Peter Sterling. Studying the activity of amacrine and ganglion cells in intact mammalian retinas in vitro, using bright visual stimulation, intracellular recording, pharmacological manipulations, and anatomical analysis. We primarily studied the functional role of spiking amacrine cells, 1997-1999; Postdoctoral Research, Tufts University Neuroscience Departmen with Professor Kathleen Dunlap. Studying the biophysical basis of neurotransmitter modulation of calcium current in vertebrate nerve cells, using patch-clamping recording and single-channel analysis, 1994-1997; Ph.D. in Physics, Harvard University. Working with Professor Gerald Gabrielse; developed a system which traps and accumulates large numbers of positrons, as part of a project to produce and study antihydrogen, 1987-1994; M.S. in Physics, University of Washington, 1985-1987; B.S. in Physics and Mathematics, Calvin College, 1981-1985.

Faculty page

Curriculum vitae

Biologos page

John W Haas Jr


Ph. D. in physical chemistry from the University of Delaware. College chemistry professor and scientific researcher at Grove City and Gordon Colleges.

ASA entry

Heinz Haber


While an instructor at the United States Air Force School of Aviation, Haber in collaboration with Hubertus Strughold, introduced the study of space medicine. The author-scientist's research on the physical problems the human body would encounter in a high altitude environment played an important role in the first manned space launching.

NASA profile

German entry 1

German entry 2

Lord John Stapylton Habgood


Cambridge University, Cambridge, England, University demonstrator in pharmacology, 1950-52, Fellow of King's College, 1952-55; ordained priest, Church of England, 1954; curate in Kensington, London, England, 1954-56; Westcott House (theological college), Cambridge, England, vice principal, 1956-62; St. John's Episcopal Church, Jedburgh, Scotland, rector, 1962-67; University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England, principal of Queen's College, 1967-73; bishop of Durham, England, 1973-83; Archbishop of York, 1983-present.

Honors: Honorary doctorates from Durham, 1975, Cambridge, 1985, Aberdeen, 1988, Huron, 1990, Hull, 1991; Privy councillor, 1983.

Author: Religion and Science, Mills & Boon, 1964, published as Truths in Tension, Holt, 1965; A Biologist Looks at Life, S.P.C.K., 1965; "The Bible Tells Me So": Broadcast Talks on the Authority of the Bible, S.P.C.K., 1967; A Working Faith, Darton, Longman & Todd, 1980; Church and Nation in a Secular Age, Darton, Longman & Todd, 1983; Confessions of a Conservative Liberal, S.P.C.K., 1988; Making Sense, S.P.C.K., 1993.

John Stapylton Habgood told Contemporary Authors: "My general concern has been to interpret the Christian faith in an intelligent fashion in our contemporary society. Much of my work has centered on science and ethics, but I have also been concerned with social and political issues, and lately with some of the issues relating to the European union.

"As a church leader I am invited frequently to comment on contemporary affairs and contribute fairly regularly to such national newspapers as the London Times and the Independent, as well as to the religious press."

Biographical entry

Jimmy Verlon Haddox


Certified petroleum geologist, professional geological scientist. Founder, President Haddox Petroleum Co., West Monroe, 1978. Previous: Exploration geologist Texaco, Inc., Wichita Falls, Texas, 1963-67; exploration and exploitation geologist Sun Oil Co., Beaumont, Texas, 1967; Director men's housing Northeastern Louisiana University, Monroe, 1967-74, Professor geology, 1974-79, vice-Chairman Geology Foundation, 1981; Petroleum geologist, consultant, West Monroe, Louisiana, 1968; Chaplain Jaycees, Monroe, 1969-71; Co-Director Mississippi Louisiana Pageant, Monroe, 1969-72. 1st Lieutenant U.S. Army, 1960-61. Education: BS, Northeastern Louisiana University, 1960; MS, Mississippi State University, 1963.

>Member: American Petroleum Institute (President Monroe chapter 1977-78), American Association Petroleum Geologists, American Institute Professor Geologists, Indiana Petroleum Association America, Louisiana Association Indiana Producers and Royalty Owners, Wildcatter, Shreveport Geological Society. Baptist.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Richard Hakluyt

(c. 1552-1616)

English geographer and author. Lectured on geography at Oxford (from 1580); promoted exploration and colonization of North America; promoter of Virginia Company, Northwest Passage Company. Author of Divers voyages touching the discouerie of America (1582), Discourse on the Western Planting (1584), Principall Navigations, Voiages, and Discoveries of the English Nation (1589; enlarged edition, 1598-1600).

Galileo Project entry

Biographical entry

The San Antonio College Litweb

Dr. Jerold (Jerry) L. Hale

*** Not in Gale

Speech Communication. Professor, University of Georgia Department of Speech Communication, 7/91 to present; Associate Professor, Miami University Department of Communication, 2/89 to 7/91; Assistant to Chair and Chief Departmental Advisor Miami University, Department of Communication, 5/87 to 7/91; Visiting Assistant Professor, Michigan State University Department of Communication,1/87 to 7/87; Assistant Professor, Miami University Department of Communication, 8/84 to 2/89; Assistant Professor, University of Hawaii at Manoa Department of Speech, 8/83 to 8/84. Education: University of California, Los Angeles, Political Science, 1977; Michigan State University, Communication, 1982. Michigan State University. Communication, 1984.

Member: National Communication Association (Formerly Speech Communication Association), International Communication Association, Southern States Communication Association.

Faculty page and vitae

Stephen Hales


The English scientist and clergyman Stephen Hales pioneered the study of plant physiology, investigated role of gases in plant metabolism, made early studies of sap circulation in plants, contributed the first major account of blood pressure, and invented a machine for ventilating buildings. Author of Vegetable Staticks (1727), credited with inaugurating the science of plant physiology, Haemastaticks (1733), which developed the work of William Harvey by describing the pressure and velocity of blood in the veins. In 1739 Hales had received the Royal Society's Copley Medal for his investigations of the complaint known as 'the stone'. He spent a great deal of time trying to develop a solvent for stones in the bladder and the kidneys and actually devised a method of extracting stones from the bladder.

Honor: Copley Prize, 1739.

Galileo Project entry

Biographical entry

Douglas K. Halford


Research scientist, program manager. Certified wildlife biologist, Radioecologist U.S. Dept. of Energy, Idaho Falls, Idaho, 1975-78, 79-84; Research Associate Union Carbide Corp., Oak Ridge, 1978-79; Senior scientist EG&G Idaho, Inc., Idaho Falls, 1984-86, Senior Program Manager, 1986; Consultant Mississippi State University, Starkville, 1978-80. Education: B.S., Colo. State University, 1973, M.S., 1974, 75.

Member Wildlife Society, International Union Radioecologists, Health Physics Society (plenary Member), Eastern Idaho Health Physics Society, Sigma Xi. Presbyterian.

Contributor of articles to professional journals.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Edmond Halley


English astronomer and geophysicist. Old-Earth advocate. Made first complete observation of a transit of Mercury (1677) while compiling catalog of southern stars; by his suggestions, encouraged Newton to write his Principia, which Halley published (1687) at his own expense. Conducted researches in navigation, published first magnetic sea charts (1701); Savilian Professor of Geometry, Oxford (1704). Editor, Royal Society's Transactions (1685-93). Best known for his study of comets; predicted accurately the return in 1758 of comet previously observed in 1531, 1607, and 1682 (subsequently known as Halley's comet). Also credited with originating the science of life statistics by his Breslau Table of Mortality (1693). Anglican, heterodox.

In addition to his findings concerning comets, Halley undertook a lengthy study of solar eclipses and discovered that the so-called fixed stars actually moved with respect to each other. He also wrote in favor of the theory that the universe is limitless and has no center. Halley's scientific interests, however, extended beyond astronomy. He played a major role in transforming the Royal Society from a social club into a well-respected clearinghouse for scientific ideas. He devised the first weather map and calculated the amount of salt deposited by rivers into seawater over millions of years, which allowed him to draw conclusions about the age of Earth. He also invented, developed, and tested one of the first practical diving bells. He served as chief science adviser to Peter the Great when the Russian tzar came to England in an attempt to integrate Western advances into his country's society. From 1698 to 1700, Halley commanded the Paramour, a Royal Navy ship, for a scientific expedition that studied the effects of Earth's magnetic field on magnetic needle compasses. He became Astronomer Royal in 1720 succeeding Flamsteed and continued to make astronomical observations and attend scientific meetings until shortly before his death. His full life was a testimony to the value of the pursuit of knowledge.

"Edmond Halley." World of Physics. 2 vols. Gale Group, 2001.

Author: Catalogus stellarum Australium,1678; Philosophical Collections,1679-1682; Astronomiae cometicae synopsis,1705; Correspondence and Papers of Edmond Halley. Edited by E.F. MacPike, 1932.

Galileo Project entry

MacTutor entry

Jean-Baptiste-Julien d'Omalius d'Halloy


Belgian geologist. Theistic evolutionist. Authority on geology of the Netherlands and Belgium; did work on metamorphism and ethnography; known especially for his systematic subdivisions of geologic formations in Earth's crust (proposed 1830). Catholic.

Catholic Encyclopedia entry

Linda Hall Library entry

1911 Encyclopedia entry

He was distinguished as an ethnologist, and when nearly ninety years ef age he was chosen president of the Congress of Pre-historic Archaeology (Brussels, 1872). He died on the 15th of January 1875. His chief works were: Memoires pour servir a la description giologique des Pays-Bas, de la France et de quelques contrees voisines (1828); Elements de geologie (1831, 3rd ed. 1839); Abregg de geologie (1853, 7th ed. 1862); Des races humaines, ou elements d'ethnographie (sth ed., 1869).

French entry

Dominic Halsmer

Professor of engineering From faculty page:

"Dominic earned his B.S. and M.S. degrees in Aeronautical and Astronautical Engineering from Purdue University. College was a time of spiritual searching, but ultimately he returned to his faith. "The love and Christ-like example of my parents made the difference," he said. He also notes that the evidence from science for the truth of the Christian worldview also helped draw him back to his faith. Today, he has a heart for reaching out with the gospel to skeptical scientists and engineers."

"In 1992, Dominic earned his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from UCLA. That fall, he joined the Engineering and Physics Department at Oral Roberts University. In 1996 and 1997, he participated in the NASA/ASEE Summer Faculty Fellowship Program at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. His research activities have involved undergraduate engineering students in developing an apparatus to test the stability of spinning spacecraft under thrust. Currently, he is studying how the universe is engineered to reveal the glory of God and accomplish His purposes."

Reasons to Believe page

BioLogos page

ResearchGate page

Is God the Great Engineer? An Interview with Dr. Dominic Halsmer

John Emil Halver III


Food biochemist. From ASA entry:

"Dr. Halver was an eminent nutritional biochemist who was honored as One of the Leading Scientists of the World in 2005, for a lifetime of Research in Nutritional Biochemistry, by the International Biographical Center in Cambridge, England. At the time of his death at age 90, he was still actively lecturing and consulting around the world. A devout, lifelong Christian, Dr. Halver spent his life confirming his belief that There is no conflict between science and theology. Science is pursuing truth, and God is the author of Truth....After WWII, Dr. Halver earned an MS in Organic Chemistry from Washington State College and a PhD in Medical Biochemistry from the University of Washington, after studies in Nutrition at Purdue University. Dr. Halver was the Director of Research for the National Fish and Wildlife Service, and as such, built and oversaw five laboratories throughout the northwest. Using fish as his experimental animal, Dr. Halver developed the standard test diet H440 (which stood for resulting in the nutritional standards used world-wide for salmonids and all fish. He also worked on nutritional studies for other animals, including humans. He was promoted to Senior Scientist in Nutrition for the Fish & Wildlife service, and in 1976, Dr. Halver joined the faculty at the University of Washington as Professor of Nutrition."

"He served as US Science Ambassador to the World under four US Presidents, as well as a private consultant to over 90 countries throughout the world. Dr. Halver was inducted into the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, the New York Academy of Sciences, the Washington State Academy of Science, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, and received numerous accolades from around the world, including the Makila Honeur from Spain. He published over 200 scientific articles, wrote several scientific books, and was inducted into the Fisheries Hall of Fame as he Father of Fish Nutrition."

Memoriam by National Academy of Sciences

Memoriam by University of Washington

Terry Hamblin, MB, ChB, DM, FRCP, FRCPath


*** Not in Gale

Oncologist. Professor of Immunohaematology, University of Southampton; Consultant Haematologist at the Royal Bournemouth Hospital.

From Tenovus News, n. 32, Winter 2003/2004:

A new road that runs through the Castlepoint development in Bournemouth, England, as named "Hamblin Way" in his honor. Hamblin recently became the fourth recipient of the prestigious Binet-Rai medal for his outstanding contribution to research into chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) from The International Workshop on Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. By sequencing the immunoglobulin genes of leukaemic cells, Professor Hamblin and his colleagues in Southampton and Bournemouth, Professor Freda Stevenson, Dr David Oscier and Dr Jenny Orchard, were able to show that those cases of CLL of whose genes had become mutated by passage through germinal centres in lymph nodes had a much better prognosis than those whose genes were not mutated. This heterogeneity was unexpected and against accepted wisdom, but was confirmed in a similar study by Dr Nick Chiorazzi from New York who was also awarded the medal. Both papers were published in the same issue of the medical journal 'Blood'. These observations have laid the foundations for a renaissance of the disease and it may now be possible to predict what will happen when they are first diagnosed. Some patients can be reassured that their disease will never kill them while others can be given the opportunity to have early treatment. Professor Hamblin's team are putting the final touches on designs for clinical trials to begin later this year.

Collected Works

Royal College of Physicians entry


Christine Mary Hamill


*** Not in Gale

Mathematician. At Cambridge Hamill was very successful, becoming a Wrangler in 1945 and achieving a distinction in Part III the following year. She continued to study at Cambridge working for her doctorate. In 1948 she was awarded a Newnham research fellowship and she was awarded her doctorate in 1950. The year she received her doctorate, Hamill was offered an assistant lectureship at the University of Sheffield which she accepted. She was to spend four years at Sheffield being promoted to a Lecturer in Mathematics in 1952.

MacTutor entry, or here

Biographical entry

Edsel Poston Hamilton, III


Electrical engineer, consultant. Sales representative, American Airlines, 1969-74; member tech. staff Hughes Research Labs., 1972-74; staff scientist Radian Corp., Austin, 1977-79, Senior engineer, group leader, 1979-82; President E.P. Hamilton & Assocs., Inc., Pflugerville, Texas, 1982; Lecturer electrical engineering, University of Texas, Austin, Baylor University. Education: BS magna cum laude, University Southern California, 1972, MS (Hughes Fellow 1972-74), 1974; Ph.D. (University Fellow 1974-77), University of Texas, Austin, 1977.

Member: Registered professional engineer, Texas Member IEEE (Senior), ASME, American Society Engineering Education, Surface Transp. Systems Institute (Director), National Society Profl. Engineers, Texas Society Profl. Engineers, National Fire Protection Association, Austin Chamber of Commerce (Chairman Amtrak committee 1979), Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi, Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, Phi Eta Sigma. Baptist.

Author: (with D.R. Brown) Electromechanical Energy Conversion, 1984. Author papers in field.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Expert witness profile

William Eugene Hamilton, Jr.


Ph. D., electrical engineering.

ASA entry

Jennifer Ruth Hampton


Physicist. From ASA entry:

"She received her B.A. in Physics with honors from Oberlin College, her MPhil in Physics from University of Cambridge in England on a Churchill Fellowship. She earned her MS and PhD in Physics from Cornell University."

"She was a professor and department chair of physics at Hope College, where she was first of all a teacher who loved and mentored her students in the joy of learning. Jenny was, in turn, greatly loved, admired, and appreciated by her students. In the words of one student, “Dr. Jennifer Hampton is perhaps the most exceptional professor that I have been blessed to know in my time at Hope College.” Jennifer received this year’s Hope Outstanding Professor Educator (H.O.P.E.) Award from the Hope College graduating Class of 2021. The H.O.P.E. award, first given in 1965, is presented by the graduating class to the professor who they feel epitomizes the best qualities of the Hope College educator. This year is the first time that the honoree has been chosen posthumously."

"Jenny joined the Hope faculty as an Assistant Professor of Physics in 2007. She was promoted to Associate Professor of Physics in 2013 and to Professor of Physics in 2020. Jenny’s research focused on understanding and controlling the fabrication of inorganic thin films and nanostructures. Her most recent work investigated Prussian blue analogues and their potential application as a material basis of a new generation of batteries. Her research lab was affectionately called the Surface Laboratory, a highly interdisciplinary enterprise that brought students and colleagues to the interface of physics, chemistry, and materials science. For this work, Jenny received nearly continuous funding for several years from the National Science Foundation, published nearly 20 papers in peer-review journals, and frequently brought her undergraduate research students to present at national meetings. She was a creative and determined scientist and a superb research mentor."

Faculty and personal page and vitae

ResearchGate page

Alexey Pavlovich Hansky


*** Not in Gale

Gansky: Polish way of writing Hanski

From Profile

Outstanding Russian astronomer, traveler and land-surveyor. Vice-president of Russian Astronomic society. In 1894 graduated from Novorossiysky (Tavrichesky) university. Graduated from Sorbonna -in the field of Astronomy, Mathematics and physics. Worked in Pulkovo observatory, Meudon observatory near Paris, found and was the first director of Simeiz observatory. He mountaineered Mont Blanc 8 times, took part in expeditions to Novaya Zemlya. He discovered a number of thesises underlied different lines of investigations of modern astronomy. For outstanding achievements in the field of science he was awarded with the Janssen Medal by Paris Science Academy. Moon crater and minor planet ware named in his honor. Tragically perished in Simeiz (Crimea).

Colonel William Frederick Hargraves, II


(Born in Cincinnati, Ohio). Computer scientist. Military pilot. USAF colonel 28 yrs; USAF, Research physicist 1961-65, aircraft commander 1965-70, air liaison officer, 1970-71; Miami University, Assistant professor air science, 1971-74; Wright Patterson AFB, chief flight deck development 1974-78; Pentagon Washington DC, deputy division chief 1978-82; Central State University, Assistant Professor. Education: Miami Univ, BS (Cum Laude) 1954, MA 1961.

Member: Founder Alpha Phi Alpha Miami University Chapter; leader/founder Pilgrim Baptist Men's Chorus; vice commander Veteran of Foreign Wars 1986; member Phi Beta Kappa (first black in Miami chapter), Omicron Delta Kappa, Kappa Delta Pi, Pi Mu Epsilon; member Sigma Pi Sigma, Phi Mu Alpha; charter member Phi Kappa Phi.

Honors: Air Force Commendation Medal w/two Oak Leaf Clusters, Flying Cross and Air Medal for Meritorious Achievement, Vietnam Service Medal w/five Bronze Stars, Republic of Vietnam Commendation Medal, National Defense Service Medal. Rhodes Scholar candidate 1950; computer science advisor on North Central Evaluation Team and U.S. Dept of Education, Washington, DC; six publications "Magnetic Susceptability of Manganese Compounds," "The Effect of Shock Waves on various Plastic Nose Cone Materials"; Length, Mass, Time, & Motion in One Dimension (software program) 1986.

Who's Who Among African Americans, 17th ed. Gale Group, 2004.

Biographical entry


John Harris


*** Not in Gale

Natural Philosopher, mathematician.

Galileo Project entry:

Harris delivered the Boyle lectures in 1698, on the consonance of science and religion, and he defended Woodward against assertions that he was an atheist. He published Astronomical Dialogues, 1719, an imitation of Fontenelle's Entretiens. His best known and most important work was the Lexicon technicum, 1704-10, the first scientific dictionary. Harris was not a prominent contributor to any science; I think that 'Natural Philosophy' best represents his effort. In so far as he had a science, it was mathematics. A translation of Pardies Short . . .Elements of Geometry, 1701; A New Short History of Algebra, 1702. He also published a collection of voyages, Navigantium atque itinerantium bibliotheca, 2 vols., 1705.


William S. Harris, Ph.D.

*** Not in Gale

Nutritional biochemist. Professor of Medicine at the University of Missouri at Kansas City. Managing director on IDnet Board of Directors. 1999 Hogan Memorial Visiting Professor. Professor and Director of Metabolism and Vascular Laboratory at St. Luke's Hospital of Kansas City. William S. Harris earned an undergraduate degree from Hanover College in Chemistry and a Ph.D. in Nutritional Biochemistry from the University of Minnesota. He has been conducting scientific research for the last 20 years and has been awarded about $3.5 million in research grants. He has published over 70 scientific papers.

Intelligent Design network, inc. Officers: William S. Harris, Ph.D.,

Faculty page

Profile, Fatty Acid Research Institute

Brad Harrub

Neurobiologist. Director of Scientific Information at Apologetics Press. B.S. degree in biology from Kentucky Wesleyan College; Ph.D. in neurobiology and anatomy from the College of Medicine at the University of Tennessee in Memphis.

Member: Society for Neuroscience.

Who's Who Among Scientists and Researchers, 2001-2002.

Co-author of Diamonds in the Rough: Nuggets of Truth from God's Word, Associate editor of Reason & Revelation. Author or co-author of numerous scientific articles published in professional journals

Christian Answers profile

Apologetics Press profile

Samuel Hartlib

(c. 1600-1662)

*** Not in Gale

German (Prussia)-born expert in scientific organization, scientific communication, agriculture.

Galileo Project entry

Hartlib attempted to establish an Office of Public Address, partly to serve as a channel of intellectual communication. He was active in promoting useful inventions and information, especially those related to agriculture and medicine. The Comenian circle he headed was what Boyle called the "Invisible College."

Hartlib was energetic in promoting useful knowledge of all kinds, but especially on husbandry (or agriculture), on which he published a extensive number of works, most of them not by himself. Husbandry was for him an analogue of spiritual cultivation.

Hartlib published A Description of the Famous Kingdome of Maccaria, 1641, a utopian scientific state.

MacTutor entry

The Hartlib Papers

Georg Hartman


*** Not in Gale

German-born scientist specializing in magnetism, mathematician. Catholic, then Lutheran.

Galileo Project entry:

Hartmann settled in Nuremberg in 1518, where he designed and produced timepieces, astrolabes, globes, quadrants, armillary spheres, a star altimeter, and a calibre gauge. 1518-1544, he was also vicar of St. Sebaldus, Nuremberg. From 1522, he had the prebend of the Walburgkapelle. 1527, he became chaplain of St. Moritz.

Linda Hall Library entry

Catholic Encyclopedia entry

Georg Hartmann


Electrical engineering educator. Professor electrical engineering, University Paderborn, Germany, 1979; head research & development, Frieseke & Hoepfner, Erlangen, Germany, 1975-79; development engineer, Frieseke & Hoepfner, Erlangen, Germany, 1969-74. v.p. University of Paderborn, 1983-87; member executive board. Heinz Nixdorf Inst., Paderborn, 1988. Diploma, University of Erlangen, Germany, 1962; Dr.rer.nat., University Erlangen, Germany, 1968.

Member: German Association Pattern Recognition (pres. 1995).

Contributor of articles to professional journals.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Johannes Franz Hartmann


German astronomer. On staff of Potsdam observatory (1896-1909); professor and director of observatory, Gottingen (1909-21), La Plata, Argentina (1921-35). Known esp. for work in spectroscopy; established existence of interstellar matter; invented a microphotometer and a spectrocomparator.

Galileo Project entry

Biographical entry

John Gideon Hartnett


Australian physicist and cosmologist. Ph.D. in Physics from The University of Western Australia. From CMI profile:

"Dr John G. Hartnett received both his B.Sc. (hons) and his Ph.D. from the University of Western Australia. He has now retired but has started a small company Cryoclock Pty Ltd to commercialise the ultra-stable sapphire clocks he helped developed during his research career. He has published more than 100 papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals. He writes topical articles on biblical creationist science, particular on astronomy and cosmology."

ResearchGate page

IEEE profile


Nicolaas Hartsoeker


*** Not in Gale

Dutch-born instrument-maker, optician, natural philosopher, physicist, embryologist. Calvinist, then Catholic.

Galileo Project entry

He published Essai de dioptrique in 1694 plus a number of papers. The Essai also contains the exposition of a general natural philosophy. He published a number of books on physics, which contain more on the philosophy of nature than on physics. His observations in embryology culminated in the homunculus.

Hartsoeker was always interested in optical instruments. He claimed to have developed a method of making small glass globules for microscopes, though his priority in this is doubted. He definitely made lenses of different focal lengths, some of which survive; one lens is said to have had a focal length of 600 feet. He made a number of instruments, not just optical instruments, for the Paris observatory. He constructed a burning glass of great size.

Member: Académie Royal des Sciences, Berlin Academy

Biographical entry

H. Harold Hartzler


Physicist and astronomer.

From American Astronomical Society press release:

"An undergraduate at Juniata College in Huntington, Pennsylvania, he completed his doctorate in physics at Rutgers in 1934 working on the ultraviolet transmission of thin metallic films under the supervision of Robert d'E. Atkinson. He taught mathematics and physics at Goshen College (Indiana) from 1937 to 1958, and was professor of physics and astronomy at Mankato State University (Minnesota) from 1958 to 1976. During a sabbatical leave in 1948-49, he worked as a fellow in the astronomy department at the University of Arizona, which then consisted of two professors plus himself."

ASA entry

William Harvey


The English physician, biologist and anatomist William Harvey was the founder of modern experimental physiology and the first to use quantitative methods to establish verifiability in the natural sciences. Studied medicine under Fabricius and Galileo at Padua (1597-1602); practiced in London; physician of St. Bartholomew's Hospital (1609-43); Lumleian Lecturer at College of Physicians (1615-56); physician extraordinary to James I (1618) and Charles I (1625). Royalist in sympathy during Civil War. First expounded theory of circulation of the blood in Exercitatio de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus (1628), including explanations of heart valves, arterial pulse, pulmonary circulation, venous valves; also wrote Exercitationes de Generatione Animalium (1651) on animal reproduction.

Cited as #10 in importance of the Ten Most Influential People of the Second Millennium by the World Almanac and Book of Facts, Annual 2000.

Galileo Project entry

Biographical entry

William Harvey (1578-1657): On The Motion Of The Heart And Blood In Animals, 1628

William Harvey Medical Research Foundation

Biographical entry

Wolfram's World entry

BBC biography

Biographical entry

Jeffrey H(arry) Harwell


*** Not in Gale

Chemical engineer. Dr. Jeffrey H. Harwell is the Executive Associate Dean of Engineering Conoco/DuPont Professor and Director, School of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK. He joined the University in 1982 and became Director of the School of Chemical Engineering in 1991. His research includes use of surfactants for environmental remediation, for surface modification, for reinforced polymers, and for gas sorbents. He has published three books and 130 papers and holds 15 patents. His research at the University of Oklahoma has been supported by nearly $10 M in grants from NSF, DOE, DOD, and EPA, as well as numerous contracts from corporations including Dow Chemical Company, DuPont Environmental Remediation Services, Boerringer-Manheim, Weyerhauser, PPG Industries, Alpha Metals, Pickering EnviroRem, Inc., Arco Oil and Gas, Shell Development Company, Mobil Oil Company, Phillips Petroleum, EIC Laboratories, Inc., Hitachi Research, and the Lubrizol Corporation. He received the American Chemical Society's 1984 Victor K. LaMer Award, and awards in 1991 and 1992 for outstanding papers at national meetings of the American Oil Chemists Society and the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, respectively; he has delivered plenary lectures to the Japanese Oil Chemists Society (Tsukuba, Japan, 1996), the IUPAC symposium Interfaces Against Pollution (Wageningen, The Netherlands, 1997), and the Japanese Materials Research Society (Tokyo, Japan, 1998). In 1991 he co-chaired the 65th Colloid and Surface Science Symposium of the American Chemical Society. Harwell served as the National Science Foundation Program Director for Separation and Purification Processes for 1988-89. He has been President of Surfactant Associates, Inc., an Oklahoma-based corporation, since 1987, and is a creator and instructor for the Surfactant Associates short course, "Applied Surfactant Science and Technology"; since 1989 this course has been taught in the U.S., Thailand, Japan, and Europe to over 1,200 employees of nearly 300 corporations. In 1996 he became a principal in the Norman-based start-up company Surbec Environmental, LLC, to commercialize environmental remediation research performed at the University of Oklahoma.

Jeff received his Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Texas, Austin (1983), his M.S. in Chemical Engineering from Texas A & M University (1979), his M.Div. in Pastoral Theology from Western [Conservative Baptist] Seminary (1977) and his B.A. in Chemistry/Philosophy from Texas A & M University (1974).

Surfactant Associates, Inc. and profile page

Surfactant Associates, Inc. (SA) is a small private corporation formed by University of Oklahoma faculty members with expertise in surfactant science and applications. SA performs contract research for industry and government agencies and has trained thousands of scientists and engineers worldwide with our Short Course in Applied Surfactant Science and Technology, for those in industry requiring surfactant training to expertly optimize product processes and formulation.

Faculty webpage,University of Oklahoma


"As I began to pursue knowing God through Jesus Christ, I also began seeking an intellectual foundation for my beliefs. To my joy, I found that the Bible's teaching about Jesus-His life, death and resurrection-stood up to an open, objective examination. While I can't run an experiment in the laboratory to "prove" the Bible to be true, there exist solid, objective data that support its authenticity and veracity. I found that the Bible we have today could be shown to be the same Bible that was written thousands of years ago. I learned that the Bible texts show first hand knowledge of the people, culture, language and customs of the times they described; they had all the earmarks of eye witness accounts. When examined by the accepted standards for legal evidence or for authenticating ancient historical accounts, they could be shown to be reliable and accurate reports of real events. Further, the events and teachings of the Bible were true to human nature and human society. Just as importantly, they described the real me; they were able to show me who I was and how I needed to allow God to change me."

Mark Harwood

Ph.D. on "Computer Techniques for Antenna Design and Measurement". From CMI profile:

" Mark Harwood completed his tertiary education at the University of Sydney where he received B.Sc., B.E. (Hons) and Ph.D. degrees. His postgraduate studies were focused on radiotelescopes and computer techniques for antenna design and measurement."

"Mark played a key role in the development of Australia’s national satellite system. He has now retired from the aerospace industry where he was General Manager, Strategy and Planning for the Optus satellite business."

Charles Hatfield



ASA entry

Effat Zeidan Hatoum

ASA member, Ph. D. in nanoscience.

Faculty page and vitae

Sharon K(aye) Hauge


Mathematician. Educator. Butler University, Indianapolis, Indiana, instructor in mathematics, 1966-68; U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C., mathematician, 1968-71; Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale, Virginia, assistant professor, 1968-69, associate professor of mathematics, 1969-71; Ferrum College, Ferrum, Virginia, associate professor of mathematics, 1973-77; University of the District of Columbia, Washington, associate professor, 1977-82, professor of mathematics, 1982-present. Adjunct professor of American University. Volunteer worker for Shepherd's Table and Federal City Council; consultant to Operations Rescue. Education: Fort Hays State University, B.A., 1964; Oklahoma State University, M.S. (mathematics), 1966; American University, Ph.D., 1976, M.S. (technology of management), 1982.

Member: American Mathematical Society, Association for Women Mathematicians, Alpha Phi Alpha, Pi Mu Epsilon, Delta Epsilon, Kappa Mu Epsilon. Baptist.

Author: with Paul R. Robbins, Word Problems With Fractions, J. Weston Walch, 1981; Word Problems With Whole Numbers, J. Weston Walch, 1982; Word Problems With Decimals, Proportions, and Percents, J. Weston Walch, 1982; Math in the Market-Place, J. Weston Walch, 1985.

Contributor to School Science and Mathematics.

Contemporary Authors Online, Gale, 2004.

Francis Hauksbee

(c. 1666-1713)

*** Not in Gale

English physicist, expert in electricity, physico-mechanical experiements, instrument-maker. Anglican.

Galileo Project entry:

Sustained experimentation of electricity began with Hauksbee. He also performed important experiments on capillary phenomena. Also on the propagation of sound in compressed and rarified air, on freezing of water, and on elastic rebound. He measured specific gravities and refractive indices. He investigated the law of magnetic attraction and the time of fall through air.

Scientific instruments for physical experiments--an improved air pump (though no one seems able to define precisely what Hauksbee's improvements were), and what was, in effect, the first static electric or frictional electric machine, a glass globe mounted on an axle, and also a primitive electroscope to detect electric charges.

Membership: Royal Society, 1705-13. He collaborated with Newton on experiments at the Royal Society, and influenced some of Newton's ideas, both with his capillary and with his electrical experiments.

Linda Hall Library entry

Magnet Lab profile

Rene-Just Haüy


French mineralogist. Rene-Just Hauy helped found science of crystallography by discovering geometric law of crystallization.

Catholic Encyclopedia entry



Gerald Bryce Havenstein


Geneticist, researcher. Major interest and expertise includes genetics of growth, development and disease resistance as influenced by environmental factors, as well as nutrient recycling and utilization. Staff geneticist H&N Inc., Redmond, Washington, 1967-76, Director genetic research, 1976-86; Chairman dept. poultry science Ohio State University, Columbus, 1986-89; head dept. poultry science North Carolina State University, 1989. B.S. in Agriculture, Kans. State University, 1961; M.S. in Genetics, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1965, Ph.D. in Genetics, 1966.

Member Citizens Advisory Council-Gifted Education, Lake Washington School District, 1976-79. Member Poultry Science Association, World's Poultry Association, Poultry Breeders American (v.p. 1984, President 1985), Sigma Xi. Lutheran.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Dept. of Poultry Science, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, Gerald B. Havenstein, Professor and Department Head, Faculty page

ResearchGate page

Clopton Havers

(c. 1655-1702)

*** Not in Gale

English anatomist, physiologist, physician. Calvinist, Anglican.

Galileo Project entry

Havers's thesis at Utrecht was De respiratione, 1685. Osteologia nova, 1691 (a collection of five papers delivered earlier to the Royal Society), had the first description of the microscopic structure of bones, and a discussion of the physiology of bones. He contributed a medical paper to the Philosophical Transactions.

He dedicated Osteologia nova to the Earl of Pembroke, President of the Royal Society.

Royal College of Physicians entry

Member: Royal Society, 1686-1702; Medical College. Granted an extra license in 1684 and a full license in 1687 by the Royal College of Physicians.

Havers contracted to write an English text for Stephan Blankaart's anatomical plates. He revised John Ireton's English text for John Remmelin's anatomical plates in 1695 and was composing the text to other anatomical plates when he died.

Donald Edgar Hawbecker


Food scientist. Quality assurance supervisor C-B Foods (Comstock), Rochester, N.Y., 1973-77, Assistant quality assurance Manager, 1977-78, Director quality assurance, 1978-83, Manager tech. service and Development Comstock Foods., 1983. Served with USN, 1969-73. NIH Fellow, 1967-69.

Education: A.A.S., Morrisville Agricultural and Tech. College, 1965; B.S.A., University of Georgia, 1967; M.S., 1969.

Member: American Frozen Food Institute (Chairman micro and food safety 1981-85). National Kraut Packers Association (tech. committee 1984), National Food Processors Association (Eastern lab. committee 1979-84), Institute Food Technologists (professional member; Chairman Western N.Y. sect. 1973). Sigma Xi. Deacon First Baptist Church, Fairport, N.Y., 1978-81.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

George S. Hawke

*** Not in Gale

Meteorologist. Senior Environmental Consultant, Connell Wagner PPI (formerly Pacific Power International), Sydney, Australia. Ph.D. in air pollution meteorology from Macquarie University, B.S. with first class honors in physics from the University of Sydney. Former government environmental scientist and environmental consultant, Certified environmental auditor with the Quality Society of Australasia.

Christian Answers profile

Dr. Hawke has been involved with two groups that investigated relationships between Christianity and the environment, one associated with the Scripture Union Bushwalking Club and the other with the precursor of the NSW Environment Protection Authority.

AIG page

"Dr. George Hawke," The University of Sydney School of Physics Alumni News, March 2003, p. 4, see page 4

Testimony in In Six Days: Why Fifty Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation, edited by John F. Ashton, Ph.D. Master Books, Inc., Green Forest, AR, 2001. ISBN 0-89051-341-4.

Dr. Billy Hawkins

*** Not in Gale

Health and human performance specialist. Sport sociology. Assistant Professor, Biomedical & Health Sciences Institute, University of Georgia. B.S., Webber College; M.S., University of Wisconsin-La Crosse; Ph.D. in Physical Education and Sport Studies, University of Iowa. His teaching contributions are in the area of sociology of sport at the undergraduate and graduate levels. His research focuses on race and sport, religion and sport, and collegiate athletics.

Profile page

Physical Education & Sports Studies, The University of Georgia, Faculty webpage

Michael Childs. "Physical education Professor researches the sporting life"

Stacy Susan Hawkins


Research scientist, consultant. Visiting Assistant Professor, Rutgers University, Piscataway, 1995-96; postdoctoral Fellow, Rutgers University, Piscataway, 1994-95; Research Assistant, Rutgers University, Piscataway, 1992-94. Consultant, Colgate Palmolive, Piscataway, N.J., 1994-95; consultant dept. oral biology University Medicine and Dentistry of N.J., Newark, 1995-96; Research scientist Unilever Research, Edgewater, N.J., 1996. Education: BSEE, MIT, Cambridge, Mass., 1989; Ph.D., Rutgers University, Piscataway, N.J., 1994.

Member: IEEE, Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Society Christian Design Professionals (Associate).

Awards: Recipient Thomas J. Watson Memorial scholarship I.B.M. Corp., 1985-89, Music Piano scholarship MIT, 1986-87.

Contributor of chapter to book, articles to professional journals.


ResearchGate page

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Oliver St. Clair Headley


University Lecturer and research chemist. Dr. Headley had a Ph.D. in inorganic chemistry from University College, London (1967) and was the Director of the Center for Resource Management and Environmental Studies, Cave Hill, Barbados. Lecturer in Chemistry, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, since 1967. Barbados Island Scholar, 1961; Commonwealth Scholar, 1966. Educated: S.D.A. Church School, Speighstown, Barbados; Harrison College, Barbados; University of the West Indies, Jamaica; University College, London.

Member Seventh-day Adventist Education Advisory Committee since 1969; Member American Chemical Society. Represented Trinidad and Tobago at 3rd International Conference on Fresh Water from the Sea, held in Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, in September 1970: Presented paper on solar distillation.

Publications: "Solar still performance: proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Fresh Water from the Sea", vol. 1, (with Basil Springer);


Essay in the book On the Seventh Day: Forty Scientists and Academics Explain Why They Believe in God.

" I suggest that the teachings of the Bible constitute the structural integrity of the Christian faith, which has to move with the times in a world where cultures are changing and knowledge is increasing rapidly."


"Members of staff would by now have heard of the death in Barbados on Monday 8th April of Professor Oliver St. Clair Headley. Professor Headley joined the Department of Chemistry here at St. Augustine in 1967 as Lecturer, rose to the rank of Senior Lecturer in Inorganic Chemistry and then moved to the Department of Chemistry at Cave Hill, Barbados as Professor of Chemistry in 1992. While at the St. Augustine Campus Professor Headley served as Head of Department of Chemistry, Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences (as it was then called) and on several committees of the campus and the university.

He was a pioneering contribution to the development of teaching and research in Inorganic Chemistry at St. Augustine. Currently, one third of the lecturers in the department, including the most senior inorganic chemist on staff, were taught by him. However, it is for his research in the area of solar energy that he became best known locally, in the Caribbean region and internationally and for which he received many honours. He was proud of the national award - Companion of Honour - conferred on him by the government of his native Barbados in 1996.

At Cave Hill he was Head of the Department of Chemistry (1992 -1995) before being appointed Director of CERMES (Centre for Resource Management and Environmental Studies), a position he held until his untimely death. He was also the Director-designate of the Centre for Renewable Energy (CEFREN) that the government of Barbados is about to establish. Those of us who worked with Oliver Headley knew him as a man who engaged in work and hobbies alike with great passion and zeal. He served the University of the West Indies with energy and distinction and brought international acclaim and recognition to the institution.

On behalf of the Department of Chemistry, I wish to acknowledge his sterling contribution, to express our deepest sorrow at his passing and our heartfelt condolences to his family. May he rest in peace."

Testimony in On the Seventh Day: Forty Scientists and Academics Explain Why They Believe in God, edited by John F. Ashton, Ph.D. Master Books, Inc., Green Forest, AR, 2002. ISBN 0-89051-376-7.

Sir Robert Brian Heap, CBE, FRS, FRSC


Biologist. Master of St. Edmund's College, Cambridge, 1996-2004; senior Fellow, University Cambridge, School Clin. Medicine, 1994; director research, IAPGR Cambridge, 1993-94; director research, IAPGR Cambridge and Roslin, Cambridge and Midlothian, 1989-93; head Cambridge Research Sta., AFRC Babraham, Cambridge, 1986-89; head Department physiology, AFRC Babraham, Cambridge, 1964-74;

BSc, Ph.D., University Nottingham, England, 1958; MA, ScD, Cambridge University, 1960; DSc, University Nottingham, 1994. Memberships: Fellow Royal Society (Vice President, foreign secretary 1996), Royal Society Chemistry, Institute Biology; Royal Agricultural Society England, Institute Biology (President 1996-98).

Honors: Decorated Commander Order of British Empire; recipient Research medalist RASE, 1976; named honorary Fellow Green College, Oxford, 1997, honorary foreign Fellow Korean Academy Science and Tech., 1997. Knights bachelor 2001 for services to Reproductive Biology and to International Science.

Contributor articles to professional journals.; Associate editor Journal. Reprodn. and Fertility Ltd., 1964-72, Executive, 1988-91, Council mgmt. 1965-73, 86-89; Science editor Journal. Endocrinology, 1980-84; Associate editor Placenta, 1980-90, Oxford Rev. of Reproductive Biology, 1981-90.

BBC profile

Faraday Institute page

Cambridge University profile

Walter R. Hearn


Biochemist. From ASA entry:

"He received a PhD in biochemistry at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1951. After doing research for a year at Yale Medical School and for three years at Baylor College of Medicine, he spent 17 years on the biochemistry faculty at Iowa State University until 1971. His research interests included peptide chemistry, hypothalamic hormones, and bacterial pigment biosynthesis."

"For five years Walt was a Visiting Biologist to Colleges for the American Institute of Biological Sciences. He is a Fellow and Life Member of AAAS and an Emeritus member of the American Chemical Society. In 1972 he switched professions and moved to Berkeley to do free-lance editorial work with his wife Virginia. They have edited periodicals and some 200 books, largely for Christian publishers."

Gloria Ann Hébert


Biologist, researcher. Certified medical technologist Grady Memorial Hospital, 1960. Medical technologist Grady Memorial Hospital, Atlanta, 1960-61, Linden Associates, Atlanta, 1961-62; with Center for Disease Control, USPHS, Atlanta, 1962, research biologist, 1977. Board of Directors DeKalb Humane Society, Inc., Decatur, Georgia, 1970. B.S., La. State University, 1959.

Member: American Society Microbiology, American Society Medical Technologists, Atlanta Zool. Society, LWV, DAR, Sigma Xi. Democrat. Baptist.

Contributor of articles to professional publications.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Oswald Heer


Swiss botanist and paleontologist. Known for studies in paleobotany, botany of high altitudes and Arctic region. Author of Flora tertiaria Helvetiae (1855-59), Flora fossilis arctica (1868-83), Flora fossilis Helvetiae (1876), Uber die nivaleFlora der Schweiz (1883). The Geological Society of London awarded to him the Wollaston medal in 1873. Catholic.

1911 Encyclopedia entry

Biographical entry

Ross R(aymond) Heinrich


Geophysicist, educator. Professor emeritus of geophysics at Saint Louis University, 1981-1997. Previous positions: Professor, St. Louis University, 1951-80; successively graduate fellow geophysics, instr., Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, St. Louis University, 1936-51; With, St. Louis University, 1936-97. Education: AB, University of Missouri, 1936; MS, St. Louis University, 1938; Ph.D., St. Louis University, 1944. Heinrich accepted a faculty position at St. Louis University in 1938. He taught dynamic meteorology, hydrology, metrology instruments, and other courses. Heinrich became the director of the Department of Geophysics and Geophysical Engineering in 1956-1963, acting dean of the School of Engineering and Earth Science ( SEES) in 1968-1971, and Chairman of the Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences in 1975-1980. Consultant, ground vibration problems, 1938-80; member St Louis County Explosives Control Adv. Bd., 1964-75; trustee University Corp. Atmospheric Research, 1960-71.

Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration, Inc., American Meteorological Society, American Geophys. Union, Geol. Society America, American Society Engineering Education, Seismol. Society America, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

John Edward Heinze


(Born in Tulsa, Oklahoma, United States). Microbiologist, industrial researcher, developer. Achievements include development of first antibacterial liquid hand soap for consumer use; use of microorganisms to clean up 60,000 tons of benzene-contaminated sludge. Consultant, Washington,1995; ResearchManager, Vista Chemical Co., Austin, Texas, 1992-95; Research Associate, Vista Chemical Co., Austin, Texas, 1989-92; Research Manager, The Dial Corp., Scottsdale, Ariz., 1983-89; group leader, Armour-Dial, Inc., Scottsdale, Ariz., 1980-83; Senior microbiologist, Armour-Dial, Inc., Scottsdale, Ariz., 1977-80; Research biologist, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, 1975-77. Chairman, technical committee Council for LABLAS Environmental Research, 1993-95, technical Director, 1995; speaker in field. Education: BS, Oklahoma Baptist University, Shawnee, 1970; Ph.D., University of Illinois, Urbana, 1975.

Member: American Society for Microbiology (President Arizona branch, 1983-84, newsletter editor 1987-89), Soap and Detergent Association (Chairman subcommittee 1991-95). Capt. USAR, 1970-80.
Honors: Recipient Award of Merit Chemistry and Engineering News magazine, 1970; Waksman fellow American Society for Microbiology Foundation, 1972-75.
Author: (book article) The Bacterial Spore, Vol. 2, 1984; Contributor of articles to professional journals.
Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Since March, 1995, Dr. Heinze has acted as an advisor on environmental safety and health issues, including the public policy aspects of such issues. A particular focus has been the environmental hormone hypothesis, the claim that background exposures to various compounds may be affecting public health and the environment through effects on the endocrine hormone system. In this capacity, he has conducted research and analysis of the technical and scientific literature and has presented papers and published critiques and reviews of the state of the science.

Dr. Heinze received his doctorate in microbiology from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana in 1975, and conducted two years of postdoctoral study in molecular biology and genetics at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland. He joined the Dial Corporation in Scottsdale, Arizona, in 1977 as a Senior Research Microbiologist, where he evaluated the reliability of microbiological and cell culture assays for assuring the safety and efficacy of potential new ingredients. In 1980, he became the Group Leader for Microbiology and, in 1983, Research Manager for Microbiology and Consumer Testing. In collaboration with toxicologist Dr. Helen North-Root, he developed a new cell culture assay to predict toxicological properties of materials use in Dial products.

Dr. Heinze joined Vista Chemical Company in Austin, Texas, to head up a new product development program in 1989. He also served as chairman of the Non-animal Testing subcommittee of the Soap and Detergent Association. In 1992, he became the Research Manager for Environmental and Safety. In this capacity, he headed a group of scientists researching the microbial biodegradation and environmental safety of surfactants and chemical intermediates. He also served as chairman of the Environmental Fate and Effects subcommittee of the Soap and Detergent Association and chairman of the Technical Committee of the Council for LAB/LAS Environmental Research (CLER).

EHRF profile

Business profile

Margaret Helder

From profile page:

"Margaret Helder completed her education with a Ph.D. in Botany from Western University in London, Ontario (Canada). She was hired as Assistant Professor in Biosciences at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario. Coming to Alberta in 1977, Dr Helder was an expert witness for the State of Arkansas, December 1981, during the creation/evolution ‘balanced treatment’ trial. She served as member of the editorial board of Occasional Papers of the Baraminology Study Group in 2001. She also lectured once or twice a year (upon invitation) in scheduled classes at University of Alberta (St. Joseph’s College) from 1998-2012. Her technical publications include articles in the Canadian Journal of Botany, chapter 19 in Recent Advances in Aquatic Mycology (E. B. Gareth Jones. Editor. 1976), and most recently she authored No Christian Silence on Science (2016) which promotes critical evaluation of scientific claims. She is married to John Helder and they have six adult children."

Maximilian Hell, S.J.


*** Not in Gale

From the Priesthood to the Heavens: Maximilian Hell

From Fairfield University profile

Maximilian Hell was born into a family of engineers in 1720 in the city of Selmecz (Schemnitz), Hungary. His father was the chief engineer of the local mines and his brother invented an ingenious machine to pump water out of the mine shafts. After joining the Jesuits Maximilian taught mathematics, astronomy, physics and technology and attracted large numbers to his celebrated lectures. He also was a prodigious writer having no less than 35 entries in Sommervogel's Bibliography and requiring 20 pages of narration. Both his teaching and writings promoted a popular understanding and enthusiasm for astronomy, spreading Hell's reputation throughout Europe. Among his adventures were experiments in magnetism applied to medicine. This was unchartered ground.

Catholic Encyclopedia entry

George Thomson Hemingway


(Born in Corvallis, Oregon, United States; d. 2015). Marine biologist, educator, priest. Coordinator, California Coop. Oceanic Fisheries Investigations, 1979-81, 1985; Adjunct Professor biology, University Autonoma de Baja California, Ensenada, Mex., 1974; Professor and Chairman biology dept., University Autonoma de Baja California, Ensenada, Mex., 1973-74; Assistant to Director marine life research group, Scripps Institute Oceanography division University California San Diego, La Jolla, California, 1983-93; coordinator Interamericas program, Scripps Institute Oceanography division University California San Diego, La Jolla, California, 1977; with, Scripps Institute Oceanography division University California San Diego, La Jolla, California, 1966. Education: BS, San Diego State University, 1966; MS, San Diego State University, 1973; diploma, Episc. School Theology, 1983. Certification: Ordained priest Episcopal Church, 1985.

Member: American Zoological Society, Western Society Naturalists, AAAS, American Institute Biological Sciences, Hastings Institute Society, Ethics and Life Sciences (Associate), National Association Self-supporting Active Ministry, Center. Theology and Natural Sciences, National Commission Hispanic Ministries, San Diego Zool. Society, Phi Beta Delta. Active Commission Ministry, Episc. Diocese San Diego, 1980-84, Chairman Hispanic Committee, 1985; Member citizen's advisory panel Tecolote Canyon, San Diego, 1980-83; Member school closure panel San Diego Unified School District, 1983-85.

Honors: Recipient Honoris Causa award University Autonoma de Baja California, 1974, Commendation, mayor and council. City of San Diego, 1984, Commendation governor California, 1990; grantee NOAA 1978-83, Tinker Foundation 1982-85.

Contributor of articles to professional journals.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.


Johann Friedrich Henckel


*** Not in Gale

German mineralogist, chemist, physician. Lutheran.

Galileo Project entry

Henckel discovered useful processes in the fabrication of porcelain. Around c. 1710, Henckel opened his own medical practice in Dresden before receiving his M.D. From 1712-1730, practiced medicine in Freiberg, becoming district physician (1718), town physician (1721), and mine physician (1723). In 1730, he moved to Dresden. In 1732, he was appointed councilor of mines (Bergrat) with a substantial budget for investigating Saxony's mineral resources. Around c. 1732, he returned to Freiberg, where, with state help, he established a large laboratory for conducting his official duties, and also published and taught metallurgical chemistry. In 1737, he was appointed assessor at the chief mining office.

Member: Berlin Academy, Academia Leopoldina, 1928.

Denis Henrion

(c. 1580-c. 1640)

*** Not in Gale

French mathematician. Engineer, teacher, instrument-maker.

Galileo Project entry:

Henrion's scientific activity was devoted mainly to private instruction and the translation into French of Latin mathematical texts. His first work, Mémoires mathematiques (1613), is a course in elementary mathematics for the use of the nobility. He translated Euclid's Elements and Data, and many other classical texts.

He was greatly interested in mathematical instruments and wrote a couple of treatises on such topics.

MAA page

Harold Robert Henry


Engineering educator, consultant. Professor and Chairman of the Department of Civil and Mining Engineering at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering, 1964, 1990. Professor civil engineering, University Alabama, 1984; head Department civil engineering, University Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 1969-83; Professor engineering, University Alabama, Tuscaloosa, 1964; Associate Professor, Michigan State University, East Lansing, 1961-64; Assistant Professor, Michigan State University, East Lansing, 1954-61; civil engineer, Ebasco Services, N.Y.C., 1953-54; Lecturer engineering, Columbia University, N.Y.C., 1950-53; Instructor civil engineering, Georgia Institute Tech., Atlanta, 1949-50. He has degrees from Georgia Tech (B.C.E.) and the University of Iowa (M.S.), as well as a Ph.D. in Fluid Mechanics from Columbia University. Consultant fluid mechanics U.S. Army Missile Command, Huntsville, Alabama, 1964-69; Consultant hydrology U.S. Army Corps Engineers, 1978; member National Advisor Environmental Health Science Council, Washington, 1974-78; member tech. Advisory Board Institute Creation Research. Contributor articles to professional journals; Associate editor Journal. Hydraulic Engineering.

Jonathan Henry

From CMI profile:

"Jonathan Henry earned his doctorate from the University of Kentucky in Chemical Engineering. He is now Chairman of the Science Division and Professor of Natural Science at Clearwater Christian College in Florida. In 1987 he began speaking and writing in defence of 'recent creation' when his teaching schedule permits. He has authored The Astronomy Book published by Master Books."

(NOTE: Clearwater Christian College is now closed.)

Biographical profile

Academia page

Joseph Henry


Joseph Henry, American physicist and electrical experimenter, was primarily important for his role in the institutional development of science in America.

From biographical entry:

His chief scientific contributions were in the field of electromagnetism, where he discovered the phenomenon of self-inductance. The unit of inductance, called "the henry," immortalizes his name. Henry is also remembered as the first Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, where he made extraordinary contributions to the organization and development of American science.

The Joseph Henry Papers Project, Smithsonian Institutional History Division

Inventor's profile

Joseph L. Henson

***Not in Gale

Chemist. Entomologist. Head of the Science Division at Bob Jones University in South Carolina. As a biologist, he is also very active in Christian camping ministries, as well as speaking in creation seminars and debates. Chemist, Metallurgical Lab, Durango, Colorado, Vanadium Corporation of America; Chief Chemist, Analytical Lab, White Canyon, Utah, V.C.A.; Lecturer, School of Nursing, University of South Carolina; Lecturer, School of Nursing, Clemson University Professor; Chairman, Biology Department; Chairman, Division of Natural Science; BJU His Ph.D. in Entomology was received from Clemson University in 1967. B.S. received at Bob Jones University.

Dr. Joe Henson. BJU Scientists Speak Out on Creation, Evolution, and the Bible. Henson addresses Proposition One: The Bible story of creation is but one of perhaps thousands of creation stories. To treat the Bible account as the only one that is significant shows an arrogance which stands in opposition to the humility of Jesus, the founder of Christianity. "I try not to read more into a statement than is warranted, but I would take issue with the clear implication that the Lord Jesus Christ was simply a person when, in fact, He was God Incarnate and the Creator. The Bible is the only trustworthy source of knowledge about the Lord."

Part 3.

Jakob Hermann


*** Not in Gale

Swiss mathematician, mechanic.

Galileo Project entry

Member: Berlin Academy, 1701; Institute Bologna, 1708; Russian Academy (St. Petersburg), 1724; Académie Royal des Sciences, c. 1733.

MacTutor entry

Charles Hermite



MacTutor entry

Society of Catholic Scientists entry

Catholic Encyclopedia entry

From SciHi blog entry:

"[Hermite] was the first to prove that e, the base of natural logarithms, is a transcendental number. Furthermore, he is famous for his work in the theory of functions including the application of elliptic functions and his provision of the first solution to the general equation of the fifth degree, the quintic equation."

Robert A. Herrmann


Professor of mathematics at the U. S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, 1968; director Institute for Mathematical Philosophy, Annapolis, 1980; advisor U.S. Congress, Washington, 1980. Subspecialties: Applied mathematics. Current work: Mathematical philosophy, nonstandard logic and modelling of natural systems, convergence space theory. Served with U. S. Army, 1955-57. Member American Mathematical Society, Mathematical Association American, American Science Affiliation, Phi Beta Kappa, Sigma Xi, Phi Kappa Phi.

Author: Nonstandard Analysis, 1977, The G-Model, 1980, The Miraculous Model, 1982, Oneness, the Trinity, and Logic, 1984. Science Declares Our Universe is Intelligently Designed. Dr. Robert A. Herrmann has published 70 articles in 29 different journals from 13 countries. He has written over 250 published reviews as well as 6 books, 4 of which are available, free of change, from his Internet site. He has presented over 2,000 scientific disclosures.

Robert A. Herrmann, Ph.D. "Science Declares Our Universe IS Intelligently Designed". "I am the originator of the idea that mathematical analysis can be used to investigate the possibility that natural-system behavior is intelligently designed. This form of intelligent design, General Intelligent Design theory (GID), is an interpretation of the General Grand Unification Model (GGU-model)."

Testimony. Robert A. Herrmann, Ph.D. "Thy Will Be Done"

ICR profile

David Buckna. "Do Creationists Publish in Notable Refereed Journals?"


Testimony in Scientists Who Believe: 21 Tell Their Own Stories, edited by Eric C. Barrett and David Fisher. The Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL. ISBN 0-8024-7634-1. "I know I am a part of God's master plan. I am not here by chance or by accident, but by prescription."

Robert L. Herrmann


Biochemist. From obituary:

"Bob earned a PhD. at Michigan State University and joined M.I.T. as a Damon Runyon Fellow in Biology. He later joined the faculty of Boston University - teaching biochemistry there for 17 years while consulting for the V.A. in Bedford. He later taught biochemistry at Oral Roberts University in Tulsa OK before returning to New England to serve as adjunct professor of chemistry and pre-med advisor at Gordon College. He also served as Director of the American Scientific Affiliation - an organization that encourages dialogue between science and Christian faith. In this forum, he met member Sir John Templeton, with whom he collaborated in writing several books, including Sir John’s biography. Bob is a founding member of the John Templeton Foundation."

ASA entry

Sir William Herschel


The German-born English astronomer Sir William Herschel discovered the planet Uranus, the intrinsic motion of the sun in space, and the form of the Milky Way.

N. S. Dodge, "Memoir of Sir John William Herschel, Smithsonian Report, 1871

Biographical entry

Biographical entry

Sir John Frederick William Herschel


The English astronomer Sir John Frederick William Herschel is noted for his observations of the stars in the southern hemisphere.

MacTutpr entry

NAHSTE entry

Biography in Scientists of Faith: 48 Biographies of Historic Scientists and Their Christian Faith, by Dan Graves. Kregel Resources, Grand Rapids, MI, 1996. ISBN 0-8254-2724-X.

Heinrich Rudolph Hertz


German physicist. Messianic Jew. Professor, Karlsruhe Technische Hochschule (1885-89), Bonn (1889-94). Investigated Maxwell's electromagnetic theory of light; demonstrated (c.1886) existence of electric or electromagnetic waves, measured their length and velocity, and showed that they could be reflected, refracted, and polarized as light is; studied the discharge of electricity in rarefied gases. His discoveries led to the development of wireless telegraphy and radio. The standard unit of frequency - the Hertz - is named in his honor.

Biographical entry

Biographical entry

Spark Museum entry

Fraunhofer-Institute for Telecommunications, Heinrich-Hertz-Institut (HHI) (in German)

Alfred Nordmann [website]

Hertz bibliography

Karl F. Herzfeld


Professor of physics. From Villnova University profile and Who's Who entry:

"Dr. Karl F. Herzfeld, Professor of Physics at Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, because of his achievements in the furthering of scientific knowledge, was awarded in 1931, the Mendel Medal of Villanova College."

Catholic University profile

Famous Scientists entry

From obituary:

"Dr. Herzfeld had a profound interest in in Catholic philosophy and theology and published many scholarly articles on the relationship between these fields and science. As a teacher, he influenced both the professional and spiritual lives of his students."

Victor Franz Hess


Austrian-born U.S. physicist who discovered cosmic rays, for which he was jointly awarded the 1936 Nobel Prize for Physics with Carl Anderson. The radiation, at first called Hess radiation in his honor, was later renamed cosmic radiation by Robert A. Millikan. Director of research, U.S. Radium Corp. (1921-23); consultant, U.S. Bureau of Mines (1922-23); Professor, Graz (1922-31, 1937-38), Innsbruck (1931-37), Fordham (1938-56); naturalized U.S. citizen (1944). Ph.D. in physics summa cum laude, University of Graz in 1906.

Author: The Electrical Conductivity of the Atmosphere and Its Causes, Constable, 1928; Luft ElektrizitÄt, Brunswick, 1928; Die Weltstrahlung und Ihre Biologische Wirkung, Fuessli, 1940; Terrestrial Magnetism and Atmospheric Electricity, The Cosmic Ray Observatory in the Hafelekar (2300 Meters), Volume 37, number 3, 1932, pp. 399-405; Thought, The Discovery of Cosmic Radiation, 1940, pp. 1-12.

Victor Francis Hess's papers are in the Fordham University Archives. See also Robert A. Millikan, "Award of the Nobel Prize in Physics to Victor F. Hess and Carl D. Anderson," Scientific Monthly, Jan. 1937; obituaries appeared in New York Times on Dec. 19, 1964; and in Nature on July 24, 1965).

Nobel Winners page

Biographical entry

Free Dictionary entry

Johannes Hevel(ius)


German-Polish astronomer, b. Danzig. Built observatory in his residence (1641) and constructed the instruments for it; charted the lunarsurface, catalogued many stars, observed sunspots, discovered four comets; one of first to observe transit of Mercury; studied phases of Saturn. Recorded pioneer study of lunar topography in Selenographia (1647); also published Cometographia (1668), Machina coelestis (1679).

Galileo Project entry

Corneille Jean François Heymans


Nobel Prize-winning physiologist who specialized in blood pressure and respiration.

Society of Catholic Scientists entry

Nobel Prize entry

Urban Hiaerne


*** Not in Gale

Swiss physician, iatrochemist, mineralogist, pharmacologist, chemist, metallurgist, natural historian. Lutheran.

Galileo Project entry:

Hiaerne's contribution in applied chemistry included work on improved methods for producing alum and vitriols, and on rust preventatives. In the field of pure chemistry he worked on the problems concerning the formation of materials and the composition of bodies and ultimate particles. He is best known for his work on acid, which he produced through the distillation of ant specimens. He invented a varnish that kept wood from rotting.

He was a geologist and made an inventory of Sweden's minerals and natural resources (1702, 1706). This was his most interesting scientific accomplishment. He superintended the methods of mining and melting minerals. In 1682 he made a trip in Germany to study mines and melting-pots.

For a long period Hiaerne was Sweden's leading authority in medicine. He developed some medicines, some of which he distributed among the poor in Stockholm. The Laboratorium chemicum was more involved in the production of medicines than anything else.

Hiaerne developed the first spas in Sweden.

He was on the Board of Mines (Assessor in 1683, Vice Preses, 1713) and made a trip into Germany to observe methods.

Member Medical College, 1675-1724; Royal Society, 1669-1724. He knew Borrichius in Copenhagen and Denis in Paris. He was elected to the Collegium Medicum in 1675, and became president of the Collegium in 1696-1712.

Homer H(adley) Hickam, Jr.


Engineer. NASA Consultant. Author. Homer Hickam was the best-selling author of The Rocket Boys, a memoir of his youth, which was made into the profitable movie October Sky in 1999. Growing up in a small coal-mining community, Hickam escaped his seemingly predestined fate as a coal miner to become an engineer for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) as well as an author. U.S. Army Missile Command, Huntsville, AL, and Germany, engineer, 1971-81; National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL, aerospace engineer and training manager for astronauts, 1981-98. Education: Virginia Polytechnic Institute, B.S. (industrial engineering), 1964. Military/Wartime Service: Army First Lieutenant in Vietnam, 1967-68; became Captain; received Army Commendation Medal and Bronze Star.

Author: Torpedo Junction: U-boat War Off America's East Coast, 1942, Naval Institute Press (Annapolis, MD), 1989; Rocket Boys: A Memoir, Delacorte Press (New York), 1998, retitled and published as October Sky, Delacorte Press, 1999; Back to the Moon, Delacorte Press, 1999; Sky of Stone (memoir), Delacorte Press, 2001; The Keeper's Son (2003).

Awards: Rocket Boys selected as one of "Great Books of 1998, " New York Times; National Book Critics Circle Award nomination, best biography, 1998, for Rocket Boys; honored by the State of West Virginia, 1999, for "his support of his home state and his distinguished career as both an engineer and author." Rocket Boys: A Memoir was adapted to film as October Sky, directed by Joe Johnston, Universal, 1999, which received the Humanitas Prize for feature film, 1999.

Homer Hickam's Official Website

About Homer


"An Interview with Homer Hickam, Jr."

Norman Julian. Homer H. Hickam Jr. Interview from The Morgantown Dominion Post, © 1999.

Frederick Slocum Hickernell


Physicist. From ASA entry:

"He earned a bachelor’s degree in education from Arizona State College, the forerunner of Arizona State University (ASU), and studied meteorology at UCLA for a year. He served as a weather officer in the Air Force for several years, eventually rising to the rank of major in the Air Force reserve. He worked for Motorola for over 38 years. While working for Motorola he completed his advanced degrees, earning a Master’s degree in science and a PhD in physics, both from ASU. Fred was elected a Fellow of the IEEE for contributions to the development of acoustic and optical surface wave devices for electronic systems applications."

Hildegard of Bingen


Through her studies and writings, twelfth-century Benedictine abbess Hildegard of Bingen helped German scholars to emerge from the Dark Ages by presenting a revisioning of the cosmos and the interrelationship between man and his environment.

Biographical entry

Biographical entry

Catholic saint profile

William H. Hildemann



Memorial, Immunogenetics periodical

From California archive obituary:

"[Hildemann was] professor of immunology and immunogenetics in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, UCLA School of Medicine, and director of the Dental Research Institute...[he] earned the B.A. degree in zoology and the M.Sc. in genetics and biochemistry at the University of Southern California. He served from 1951-1953 as a first lieutenant in the First Marine Division during The Korean War. After the war, Bill studied immunogenetics and physiology with Ray Owen at the California Institute of Technology and was awarded the Ph.D. in 1956. He then became a postdoctoral scholar under Peter Medawar at University College, London, England. The Department of Microbiology and Immunology, UCLA School of Medicine, recruited Bill in 1957. He rose to the rank of professor and served as vice-chairman from 1966 to 1968. From 1968 to 1970 he served as acting chairman of microbiology and immunology. Over the years he held various interim appointments including senior postdoctoral fellow, the Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, Maine; visiting professor, University of Otago Medical School, Dunedin, New Zealand; and senior fellow, Australian National Academy of Science, James Cook University, Queensland, Australia. In 1975 Bill served for one year as dean and professor of biology, Hilo College, University of Hawaii. From 1972 until his early death in 1983 he was director of the Dental Research Institute, UCLA."

"Bill Hildemann's scientific work fell mainly into three categories: immunophylogeny, immunogenetics, and immunologic enhancement. The first of these, immunophylogeny, began with his work on scale graft rejection in goldfishes and extended to some outstanding studies on graft versus host reactivity in a variety of lower species including cyclostomes, bony fishes, amphibians, and reptiles. Bill Hildemann was a pioneer in the field of primitive immune recognition of foreign grafts in lower invertebrates. He established foundations for a new discipline that has now evolved into a separate field. This work extended to the immune responsiveness of marine invertebrates. The second main area of Hildemann's endeavor, immunogenetics, included work on some of the weaker transplantation loci. From such work it was learned that non-H2 or HLA histocompatibility barriers are rather easily overcome by drugs or tolerizing treatments. Bill's book on immunogenetics was one of the two most widely recognized texts in the field in the seventies. The third area of Bill's work, immunological enhancement, was pursued by studying chronic transplant rejection. His work revealed how antibodies can affect the process and thereby ensure almost indefinite survival of transplants. This original work is the basis for the present success in foreign organ transplants. Bill initiated experimental animal studies on transplantation of the heart, liver, pancreas, and kidney from nonmatched individuals."

ASA entry

Nathaniel Highmore


*** Not in Gale

English anatomist, embryologist, physiologist, botanist, physician. Anglican.

Galileo Project entry:

Corporis humani disquisitio anatomica, 1651, Highmore's most important work, was the first anatomical textbook to accept the circulation of the blood. In it he described the antrum of Highmore, which (obviously) still bears his name. The History of Generation, 1651, was the result of Highmore's collaboration with Harvey in Oxford. It contains references to a microscope, which he (in contrast to Harvey) may have used in embryology. This work also has important observations of plants. Both of his major works in 1651 contain a great amount of physiology. The Disquisitio clothes anatomy in the physiology of circulation.

Highmore wrote a number of medical works--Discourse of the Cure of Wounds by Sympathy, 1651 (printed with History of Generation); De passione hysterica et de affectionae hypochondriaca, 1660 (a work which engaged Highmore in a controversy with Willis ); Short Treatise . . . of Dysenteria, 1658; papers in the Philosophical Transcations (though Harvey was not a fellow), including one on the medicinal springs in East Somerset.

Who Named It entry

Roger Brian Hill


Occupational studies educator. Assistant Professor Occupational Studies, University of Georgia, Athens, 1993 - present. Areas of Research: Program of research focuses on technology education and work ethic. The implementation of new technologies, particularly information technologies, has produced a high-discretion workplace in which workers must make good decisions regarding use of time and resources. To be appropriately prepared for this work environment, workers must develop technical skills and knowledge, but work ethic and affective work attributes are equally important for success.

Previous: Professor Technical Education Coordinator Academy of Computing, Hiwassee College, Madisonville, Tennessee, 1979-93; graduate teaching Assistant, No. Illinois University, DeKalb, 1978-79; Industrial arts Instructor, Needham Broughton High Sch., Raleigh, N.C., 1974-78. Education: B.S. in Industrial Arts Education, North Carolina State University, 1974; M.S. in Curriculum and Instruction Outdoor Teacher Education and Educational Administration, Northern Illinois University; principal's certification in North Carolina and Illinois, 1979; Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1992.

Eastern region Director Christian High Adventure, 1981-85; Baptist student union director, Hiwassee College, Tennessee, Baptist Convention, 1986-93.

Member: President-Elect (1999-present), National Association of Industrial and Technical Teacher Educators; American Vocational Association, Tennessee Vocational Association, National Association Industrial. and Technology Teacher Educators, International Technology Education Association, Phi Kappa Phi, The Christian Faculty Forum (CFF) at the University of Georgia


Faculty of Engineering, The University of Georgia

Faculty Vitae for NCATE Evaluation

Personal Information

"Roger is a Christian. He has learned that the Bible provides guidance for living, that God is the Intelligent Designer of the earth and the universe, and that the most fulfilling purpose in life is involvement with God's work among people. Roger has experienced a relationship with God made possible because of the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus."

The Work Ethic Site

David M. Hillis

Biologist. Alfred W. Roark Centennial Professor in Natural Sciences Section of Integrative Biology,
University of Texas at Austin.

David Hillis was born in Copenhagen, Denmark, but spent his formative years in tropical Africa and India. In this environment, Hillis learned a love of biology, entertaining himself by making collections of butterflies, amphibians, and reptiles. He moved to Baltimore, Maryland for his secondary education, and to Texas for college. Hillis received his B.S. degree (with honors) from Baylor University in 1980, and M.A., M.Ph. and Ph.D. (all with honors) from The University of Kansas in 1983, 1984, and 1985, respectively. After two years on the faculty at the University of Miami, he joined the Department of Zoology at UT Austin in 1987 and was awarded a prestigious National Science Foundation Presidential Young Investigator Award the same year. In 1992, he was appointed to the Alfred W. Roark Centennial Professorship in Natural Sciences, and in 1998 became the first Director of the School of Biological Sciences at the University of Texas-Austin. He also on the faculties of the Institute for Cellular and Molecular Biology, and the Texas Institute for Computational and Applied Mathematics.

David Hillis's research interests span much of biology, from development of statistical and computational methods for analyzing DNA sequences, to molecular studies of viral epidemiology, to studies of the diversity and phylogeny of life (particularly vertebrates), to the origin and behavior of unisexual organisms. He has published over 130 scholarly articles and two technical books, and has served as Editor or Associate Editor of a dozen scientific journals. He is an active member of many scholarly societies and national research panels, and has served as the President of the Society of Systematic Biologists.

Member: John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Fellow, 1999; Elected Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 2000.

UT Department of Integrative Biology staff page (see 1/3 down>


UT Department of Geological Sciences Outreach Lecture Series

David M. Hillis. "Intellectual Entrepreneurship: 'Educating Citizen-Scholars'"

NAS page

Letter to SBOE from David Hillis and Martin Poenie A letter to the Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) telling its members that they "believe that all of the books conform to the TEKS standards and should be approved and placed on the conforming list of textbooks." November 4, 2003.

Wiley Earl Hines


Dentist. Biologist, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 1963-64, Melpar, Springfield, Virginia, 1964-67; public health dentist N.C. Board Health, Elizabeth City, 1971-73; Private practice dentistry, Ahoskie, N.C., 1973-77, Greenville, N.C., 1977-99. Board of Directors RBC Centura Bank. Commissioner, Planning and Zoning Commission, Greenville, 1981. B.S., Knoxville College, 1963; D.D.S., Meharry Medical College, 1971.

Member Mental Health Association, National Dental Association, Old North State Dental Association, ADA, N.C. Dental Society, 5th District Dental Society, Alpha Phi Alpha. Baptist. Club: 20th Century (Greenville). Lodge: Masons.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Dr. Nancy Hinkle


Veterinary entomologist, who is well known throughout the industry for her research on fleas and lice. She is currently an Associate Professor of entomology at the University of Georgia, responsible for research and public education on the parasites of domestic and companion animals and the pests of livestock and poultry. "As the Extension Veterinary Entomologist for the state of Georgia, I am charged with research and public education regarding domestic and companion animal ectoparasites as well as pests of livestock and poultry. I have a particular interest in insect pests produced as a consequence of confined animal production." Previously, she was an extension veterinary entomologist with the University of California, Riverside. Dr. Nancy Hinkle received her Ph.D. in entomology from the University of Florida, Gainesville, in 1992.

In 2001, the Entomological Society of America awarded Hinkle the Distinguished Achievement Award in Extension. Pi Chi Omega scholarship National Pest Control Honorary, 1990.

Member: The Society for Vector Ecology, Pi Chi Omega, and the Entomological Society of America.

Author: (with others) Flea Rearing in Vivo and in Vitro for Basic and Applied Research, 1992, Methods of Laboratory Rearing of Fleas, 1991; subject editor Journal of Agricultural Entomology, 1993. Contributor of 24 articles to professional journals. She has published a number of articles in PCT magazine and been quoted or appeared in various print and electronic media, including the Los Angeles Times, Science News, USA Today, Discovery Channel, National Public Radio, and NBC News.

Faculty webpage, University of Georgia Entomology


Right on the Money | Transcript - Moving Out of Town.

Entomology and Nematology News, University of Florida December 2000/January 2001

Nancy Hinkle Receives Lifetime Achievement Award

James Hinton


*** Not in Gale

From 1911 Encyclopedia entry:

(1822-1875). English surgeon and author, son of John Howard Hinton (1791-1873), Baptist minister and author of the History and Topography of the United States and other works. After receiving his diploma in 1847, he was for some time assistant surgeon at Newport, Essex, but the same year he went out to Sierra Leone to take medical charge of the free laborers on their voyage thence to Jamaica, where he stayed some time. He returned to England in 1850, and entered into partnership with a surgeon in London, where he soon had his interest awakened specially in aural surgery, and gave also much of his attention to physiology. He made his first appearance as an author in 1856 by contributing papers on physiological and ethical subjects to the Christian Spectator; and in 1859 he published Man and his Dwellingplace. A series of papers entitled Physiological Riddles, in the Coruhill Magazine, afterwards published as Life in Nature (1862), as well as another series entitled Thoughts on Health (1871), proved his aptitude for popular scientific exposition. After being appointed aural surgeon to Guys Hospital in 1863, he speedily acquired a reputation as the most skilful aural surgeon of his day, which was fully borne out by his works, An Atlas of Diseases of the membrana tympani (1874), and Questions of Aural Surgery (1874).

Roland F(elix) Hirsch


Chemist and educator. Roland F. Hirsch is a program manager in the Environmental Remediation Sciences Division, Office of Biological & Environmental Research in the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), 1995 - present, with responsibilities in structural molecular biology, genome instrumentation, and environmental cleanup research. He was research administrator, Office Health & Environmental Research, U.S. Department Energy, Washington, beginning in 1991. Prior to joining DOE he was a health sciences administrator at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, 1988-91. He served on the faculty of Seton Hall University from 1965 to 1988, the last four years on leave at the Chemical Sciences Division of DOE. At Seton Hall he was chair of the Chemistry Department, Associate Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, and mentor to six students receiving the Ph.D. in chemistry. He received his A.B. from Oberlin College (1961) and M.S. and Ph.D. (1965) from the University of Michigan.

Editor: Statistics, 1977; contributor articles to technical journals.

DOE profile page

He has served as chair of the North Jersey Local Section of the American Chemical Society (ACS), as well as the ACS Division of Analytical Chemistry and the ACS Committee on International Activities. Honors: Distinguished Service Award Address for the American Chemical Society Division of Analytical Chemistry. "Analytical Science at the Center of Chemistry and Beyond its Frontier" Award Address, American Chemical Society Division of Analytical Chemistry, Award for Distinguished Service in the Advancement of Analytical Chemistry, Sponsored by Waters Corporation, August 21, 2000.

American Chemical Society Honors Dr. Roland Hirsch for Distinguished Service; Annual Award Sponsored by Waters Corporation, Milford, MA, Monday, August 21, 2000.

American Chemical Society Honors Dr. Roland Hirsch for Distinguished Service

Chemistry and Physics on Stamps Study Unit of the American Topical Association, profile page. Roland F. Hirsch has served as Secretary-Treasurer of CPOSSU since 1991. He has been a stamp collector for forty-five years, currently specializing in the complexities of the Machin-head definitive stamps of Great Britain, hoping one day to develop an exhibit on the chemical aspects of the 33-year old series.

ISCID page. Impact of forty years of advances in chemistry on evolutionary theory, presented on September 8, 2003; Division of the History of Chemistry, American Chemical Society National Meeting, New York City. See also here.

Roland F. Hirsch. Medical Sciences Division, SC-73, Office of Biological & Environmental Research Office of Science, U.S. Department of Energy, Germantown, Maryland 20874-1290 U.S.A.

E-Science Connect profile.

The Roland F. Hirsch Award for Distinguished Service

Edward Hitchcock


Hitchcock, Edward, geologist, educator, and Congregational clergyman. Hitchcock was the first chairman (1840) of the Association of American Geologists and Naturalists which in 1847 became the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

1911 Encyclopedia entry

Biographical entry

Famous Americans page

John Hodges

*** Not in Gale

Animal geneticist. Professor John Hodges served in FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization, United Nations), Rome where he was responsible for animal breeding and genetic resources. Earlier he taught animal genetics at Cambridge University and the University of British Columbia, Canada. He is the former Head of Production Division of the Milk Marketing Board in the UK. He graduated from the Universities of Reading and Cambridge in the UK and has a degree in Business Administration from the Harvard University Business School. He is a Founder Trustee of Rare Breeds International and an Editor of Livestock Production Science. Today he works privately as a consultant and author.

Viktor Cotsyuba. "HANDMADE EPIDEMIC-Will we again follow our primeval reckless desire to compete with our Creator?". Hodges: "In general, as science advances and new possibilities are discovered, it is prudent for mankind to think carefully about the application of biblical principles to new techniques. Biblical truth principles given by God to mankind for successful living are the best way forward for individuals and human society to enjoy quality life which God intends for us all."

Dorothy Mary Crowfoot Hodgkin


English chemist, crystallographer. OM, FRS, Nobel Laureate, Royal Society Gold Medallist, Lomonosov Gold Medallist, Wolfson Research Professor of the University of Oxford (1960-1977) , Professor Emeritus at Oxford from 1977-1994, and, from 1988-1994, Chancellor of the University of Bristol. For her work with vitamin B-12, Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin was awarded the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1964. In 1965 she was awarded Britain's Order of Merit, only the second woman since Florence Nightingale to achieve that honor.Married to African Studies scholar and teacher, Thomas L. Hodgkin (1937-1982).

M. F. Perutz. "Dorothy Hodgkin" Memorial address

PBS profile

Nobel prize page

Nobel Prize Internet Archive

Dorothy Crowfoot Hodgkin Pharmaceutical Achiever

Georgina Ferry. Excerpt from Dorothy Hodgkin: A Life,

Thomas Hodgkin


(misspelled "Hodgkins" in Wicks's article below)

English physician. Quaker. First to describe (1832) Hodgkin's disease.

Hodgkin's son, Richard Howard Hodgkin (1877-1951) was born in Newcastle. He wrote A History of the Anglo-Saxons (1936).

Suzanne R. Wicks. "An Authentic Life: Thomas Hodgkins (1798-1866)," August 1999 Friends Journal:

He brought the first stethoscope [invented by René Théophile Hyacinthe Laennec, see entry] to an English teaching hospital, became the first Lecturer of a course in pathology, and founded and became the first curator of a pathology museum (where he classified and labeled all the specimens). His Quaker upbringing brought a keen sense of humanity to his medical practice. Beginning his life as a doctor in 1825, having qualified as a licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians, he received an appointment as physician to the London dispensary where the desperately poor of the almost one million population of London were treated.

Who Named It entry

Who was Thomas Hodgkin?

Biographical entry

John H. Lienhard. Engines of Ingenuity, No. 817: "HODGKIN'S DISEASE". Click here for audio of Episode 817.

Hodgkin's Disease Overview

Biography in Doctors Who Followed Christ: Thirty-Two Biographies of Eminent Physicians and Their Christian Faith, by Dan Graves. Kregel Resources, Grand Rapids, MI, 1999. ISBN 0-8254-2734-7.

Margaret Hodson, MSc MD MB FRCP DA

*** Not in Gale

Professor of Respiratory Medicine and Head of the Department of Cystic Fibrosis at the National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College School of Medicine, London, and Honorary Consultant Physician to the Royal Brompton Hospital.

Faculty page

Interview: "Cystic fibrosis antibiotics trial proves controversial," The Pharmaceutical Journal, Vol 264 No 7087 p395, March 11, 2000

Testimony in God and the Scientists, edited by Mike Poole. CPO, Worthing, 1997. ISBN 1-901796-02-7.

William Myron Hodson


Geographic systems analyst, consultant. Project Manager, TRW Systems, San Bernardino, California, 1984; Associate Professor remote sensing, Asian Institute Tech., Bangkok, 1982-84; environmental scientist, Environmental Systems Research Institute, Redlands, California, 1977-82; Fulbright Lecturer, University Jordan, Amman, 1974-76. Consultant environmental data base UN Economics and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific Regional Remote Sensing Programme, Bangkok, 1983-84. Education: BA, University Redlands, 1965; MA, UCLA, 1966; Ph.D., University. South Carolina, 1971.

Member: American Society Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing. Chairman committee on national and world missions Redlands First Baptist Church, 1985.

Contributor of articles to professional journals.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Friedrich Hoffmann


German physician. Experimented with various remedies, Hoffmann's anodyne and Hoffmann's drops being named after him; adherent of the iatrophysical school of medicine; an influential theorist and systematizer of medicine.

Galileo Project entry:

Member: the Leopoldina (1696), the Berlin Academy (1701), the Academy of Sciences of the Palatinate ("Ak. d. Wiss. Hopfalzgraf") (1727), the Imperial Russian Academy of Sciences at St. Petersburg (1731 or 1735), and the Royal Society (1720).

Biographical profile

Forrest Douglas Holcombe


Business administration educator, retired naval officer. Senior scientist, McWane & Co., Inc., Arlington, Virginia, 1994; Assistant Professor bus. adminstrn. Lubbock Center, Wayland Baptist University, Lubbock, Texas, 1994; ret., 1994; head human factors division, USN Biodynamics Laboratory, New Orleans, 1990-94; head human factors br., USN Safety Center, Norfolk, Virginia, 1987-90; head operation support division, USN Aerospace Medical Institute, Pensacola, 1984-87; student aerospace Experimental psychologist, USN Aerospace Medical Institute, Pensacola, 1983-84; Assistant Professor mgmt., Marshall University, Huntington, West Virginia, 1981-83; Teaching Associate, Ohio State University, Columbus, 1977-81; naval flight officer instructor Training squadron 10, USN, Pensacola, Florida, 1973-77; naval flight officer, tactical coordinator patrol squadron 5, USN, Jacksonville, Florida, 1970-73; advanced through grades to Lieutenant Commander, USN, 1987; commd., USN, 1969. Adjunct Instructor Franklin University, Columbus, 1978-79; Adjunct Professor University West Florida, Pensacola, 1984-85, Troy State University, Pensacola, 1986-87. Education: BS, Ohio State University, 1969; PH.D., Ohio State University, 1982; MBA, University West Florida, 1977.

Member: NRA, National Academy of Management, Ret. Officers Association, Ohio State University Alumni Association, Phi Kappa Phi. Schoenbaum Fellow, Ohio State University, 1979.

Editor, Aeromedical Newsletter, 1988-90.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Elias Holl


German architect. One of the most important German architects of the the Renaissance, he was city architect (master Builder) of Augsburg (1602-35), at a time when Augsburg was the largest city in Germany. It is for his Augsburg building programme (which included schools, guildhalls, warehouses, houses, and city gates) that he is known, although he also executed commissions outside the city. His most acclaimed building is the town hall (1615-20) with its famous "Goldner Saal," which combines classical and Germanic styles. He also designed Augsburg Zeughaus (1602-07) and WertachbruggerTor (1615).

German entry

Biographical entry

German entry

Mary Jean Carey Holland


Biologist, educator. Assoc. microbiologist Merck & Co., Rahway, N.J., 1965-67; instructor Lehman College, Bronx, N.Y., 1970-71; research Assistant Professor NYU Medical Center., N.Y.C., 1980; Assistant Professor Baruch College, N.Y.C., 1982-86, Associate Professor, 1987; research collaborator Brookhaven National Lab., Upton, N.Y., 1980. Education: A.B. cum laude, Vassar College, 1963; M.S., NYU, 1969, Ph.D., 1971.

Secretary, West Broadway Arches Coop. Housing Corp., N.Y.C., 1982-84, President, 1984-87. Fellow Fulbright Foundation, 1963-64, NIH, 1971-73, National Foundation March Dimes, 1973-74, Arthritis Foundation, 1975-79. Member American Society Microbiology, American Society Cell Biology, AAAS (sec. N.E. branch Tissue Culture Association, 1982-84, Treasurer 1984-85). Presbyterian. Club: Vassar (N.Y.C.).

Contributor of articles to professional publications.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

David Wason Hollar, Jr.


(Born 1960). Medical technician. Writer. Instructor in science. SARDI/RRTC, School of Medicine, Wright State University, Dayton, OH, United States. Roanoke-Chowan Community College, Ahoskie, NC, instructor in science, 1986-89; Rockingham Community College, Wentworth, NC, instructor in biology, 1989-present. Volunteer emergency medical technician, Ahoskie Rescue Squad, 1986-89, Reidsville Rescue Squad, 1989-90, and Eden Rescue Squad, 1990-93.

Education: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, B.S., 1982; Vanderbilt University, M.S., 1984; University of North Carolina at Greensboro, doctoral study, 1992-present.

Member: Planetary Society, Divers Alert Network. Baptist.

Author: The Origin and Evolution of Life on Earth, Salem Press, 1992. Work represented in anthologies.


Faculty page

Kelly Hollowell, J.D., Ph.D.

Molecular and Cellular Pharmacologist and Patent Attorney. Dr. Hollowell is the founder of Science Ministries, Inc. Before that, she worked as Corporate Counsel and Executive Editor of Science at Inc. Previously, Dr Hollowell has worked at the following: 1998-2000: Patent Attorney at Kaufman & Canoles, Norfolk, Virginia; 1997-1998: Science Consultant at BAPIC Environment Technologies in Virginia Beach, Virginia;1995-1996: Forensic Toxicologist at DUI Laboratory, Department of Clinical Pathology, Miami School of Medicine, Miami FL; 1989-1990: Assistant Director of Technical Analysis at Robertson Laboratory Corporation, Madison, NJ; 1987-1988: Research Assistant for Rad-Cure Corporation, Livingston, NJ.

Education: Admitted To Practice:1999 - Virginia State Bar; 1998 - U.S. Patent and Trademark Office

Degrees: J.D. - Regent University, Virginia Beach, Virginia: 1996-1999, Cum. GPA 3.5; Ph.D. in Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology - University of Miami, Miami, Florida: 1990-1996, Cum. GPA 3.4; Doctoral Thesis: DNA Technology, Cloning, Analysis; B.A. - New College, Sarasota, Florida: 1983-1987, Cum. GPA NA.

Honors/Awards/Associations: Regent University Law School: Dean's Scholarship, Law Grant; National Institute of Health Scholarship for Scientific Research; University of Miami: Department of Pharmacology Scholastic Scholarship; New College: Foundation Scholastic Scholarship

Hollowell Patent Group

CMI profile

Christian Answers profile

Frederic L(awrence) Holmes


Historian of medicine and science. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, assistant professor of humanities and history of science, 1962-64; Yale University, New Haven, CT, assistant professor, 1964-70, associate professor, 1970-72, professor of history of medicine, beginning 1972, head of department, 1972-79; University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, professor of history of medicine and science and head of department, 1972-79. Education: Massachusetts Institute of Technology, B.S., 1954; Harvard University, M.A., 1958, Ph.D., 1962.

Obituary, Contemporary Authors Online, Gale, 2004. "Holmes was an authority on the history of medicine and science. After earning a B.S. from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1954, he went on to receive his Ph.D. from Harvard University in 1962. He then returned to MIT as an assistant professor of humanities and history of science for two years. This was followed by eight years at Yale University. From 1972 to 1979 he was a professor in the same disciplines at the University of Western Ontario before going back to Yale. He spent the rest of his career there and played an important role in reestablishing Yale's doctoral program in the history of medicine. Holmes himself was a highly regarded expert in the field whose meticulous research into the processes by which scientists developed their theories and made their discoveries led to landmark books such as the two-volume Hans Krebs (1991, 1993), Lavoisier and the Chemistry of Life (1985), Meselson, Stahl, and the Replication of DNA: A History of the Most Beautiful Experiment in Biology (2001), and Reworking the Bench: Research Notebooks in the History of Sciences (2003), the last which he edited with Jürgen Renn and Hans-Jörg Rheinberger. Holmes gathered his data not only from interviews and trips to the library, but also by analyzing laboratory notebooks to reconstruct scientists' thought processes. He published ten books in all before his death, the last of which, completed just at before his death, being a study on geneticist Seymour Benzer."

Member of History of Science Society (vice president, 1978-80; president, 1981-83), American Association for the History of Medicine, Canadian Society for the History and Philosophy of Science (second vice president, 1977-79), Hamden Human Relations Area Council, 1970-72. Military service: U.S. Air Force, 1955-57; became first lieutenant.

Awards: Schumann Prize, History of Science Society, 1961; Pfizer Prize, History of Science Society, 1975, and William Welch Medal, American Association for the History of Medicine, 1978, both for Claude Bernard and Animal Chemistry.

Author: Claude Bernard and Animal Chemistry, Harvard University Press (Cambridge, MA), 1974; (Editor) Dictionary of Scientific Biography, Volumes 17-18, Scribner (New York, NY), 1981; Lavoisier and the Chemistry of Life: An Exploration of Scientific Creativity, University of Wisconsin Press (Madison, WI), 1985;

(Editor, with William Coleman) The Investigative Enterprise: Experimental Physiology in Nineteenth-Century Medicine, University of California Press (Berkeley, CA), 1988; Eighteenth-Century Chemistry As an Investigative Enterprise, University of California Press (Berkeley, CA), 1989; Hans Krebs, two volumes, Oxford University Press (New York, NY), Volume 1: The Formation of a Scientific Life, 1900- 1933, 1991, Volume 2: Architect of Intermediary Metabolism, 1933-1937, 1994; Between Biology and Medicine: The Formation of Intermediary Metabolism, University of California Press (Berkeley, CA), 1992; Antoine Lavoisier--The Next Crucial Year; or, The Sources of His Quantitative Method in Chemistry, Princeton University Press (Princeton, NJ), 1998; (Editor, with Trevor H. Levere) Instruments and Experimentation in the History of Chemistry, MIT Press (Cambridge, MA), 2000; Meselson, Stahl, and the Replication of DNA: A History of "The Most Beautiful Experiment in Biology," Yale University Press (New Haven, CT), 2001.

Contributor of articles and reviews to journals on the history of science and medicine.

“The Life and Work of Linus Pauling (1901-1994): A Discourse on the Art of Biography” -- lecture by Holmes

Biographical profile

Edmond W. Holroyd, III

*** Not in Gale

Meteorologist. Research physical scientist from the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado.

Dr. Holroyd did cloud physics and weather modification research for C.S.I.R.O. in Australia from 1971 to 1974. He has a B.S. in astrophysics ('66, University of Rochester, NY), a Ph.D. in atmospheric science ('71, State University of NY at Albany), and continuing education in geology (early 90s, Colorado School of Mines). He did cloud physics and weather modification research for C.S.I.R.O. in Australia from 1971 to 1974.

Steve Cardno and Carl Wieland. "Clouds, coins, and creation, An airport encounter with professional scientist and creationist Dr Edmond Holroyd"

First published in Creation Ex Nihilo 20(1):22-23, December 1997 - February 1998.

Dr. Edmond W. Holroyd, III. "Scientists for Creation"

CMI profile

Christian Answers profile

Edmond W. Holroyd III, "Many scientists accept creationism". From The Denver Post, January 30, 2000, Page 4H.

Testimony in In Six Days: Why Fifty Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation, edited by John F. Ashton, Ph.D. Master Books, Inc., Green Forest, AR, 2001. ISBN 0-89051-341-4.

Wilhelm Homberg


Dutch naturalist, physicist, botanist, instrument-maker and chemist, b. Batavia, Java. Practiced medicine at Paris (1682-85, and after 1691) and Rome (1685-90); helped establish analytical chemical techniques in studies of acid-alkali reactions, etc.; discovered boric acid (1702).

Galieo Project entry:

In addition to his work of chemistry, part of which had a practical bent, Homberg developed a new sedative.

Homberg made his own microscopes and his own pneumatic machine. Apprently he developed the split ring socket tripod support for the microscope. More importantly, he made an instrument to measure the specific gravity of fluids.

All Homberg's work was published in the form of Mémoires of the Académie royale des sciences (1692-1714), mainly on chemical subjects. He also published on pneumatics and botany.

Member: Académie Royal des Sciences, 1691-1715.

Robert Hooke


English scientist involved in many disciplines including microscopy, mechanics, architecture, navigation, cartography and instrumentation. Also astronomer, geologist, physiologist, optician. Assistant to Thomas Willis in chemistry researches and to Robert Boyle with his air pump; propounded (1660) Hooke's law of elasticity; curator of experiments to Royal Society (1662); Gresham professor of geometry, Oxford (1665); surveyor of London and designer of Montague House, Bethlehem Hospital, and College of Physicians. Author of Micrographia (1665), in which he published results of his microscopic investigations; first used term cell to designate individual cavities observed in cork; discussed crystalline structure of snowflakes. Proved experimentally that center of gravity of earth and moon is the point describing an ellipse around sun; discovered fifth star in Orion; inferred rotation of Jupiter; discovered phenomenon of diffraction (1672) and propounded wave theory of light; suggested a kinetic hypothesis of gases (1678); anticipated Newton in formulation of law of inverse squares (1678); constructed first Gregorian telescope; invented a marine barometer.

Though mechanics was certainly his first love, Hooke turned to architecture after a great fire burned most of London in 1666. To help with the reconstruction of the city and to aid his colleague, English architect Christopher Wren (1632-1723), Hooke designed several prominent buildings, most of which still stand. Because his architectural interests took much time away from his scientific work, he was ultimately forced to retire as Curator of Experiments for the Royal Society in favor of his new vocation. Lunar Crater Hooke and Crater Hooke on Mars named in his honor.

Galileo Project entry:

Hooke's first publication was a pamphlet on capillary action in 1661. Micrographia, 1665, the first important set of observations with the microscope, included a theory of light. Micrographia also contained a theory of combustion with the analogy to respiration. Hooke performed experiments about respiration on dogs for the Royal Society.

Later Hooke delivered a series of lectures on light to the Royal Society. He was the first one to publish the phenomena of thin films and with the phenomena the suggestion that they were periodic. Lectiones cutlerianae state the law of elasticity that still bears Hooke's name (1678), and the suggestion that a vibrating string is dynamically equivalent to a pendulum. In another of the lectures he proposed the reform in the understanding of circular motion (substituting a force toward the center for one away from it), and with his he also proposed a celestial dynamics based on that principle.

He was very important in the development of all sorts of instruments, not only the microscope, and his writings on method stress the importance of instruments as aids to the senses. "Lectures and Discourses of Earthquakes," which were spread over a period of thirty years, make Hooke a major figure in early geology, especially in regard to fossils and to crystals.

Hooke ranged very widely and could be listed as well under a number of other sciences. He did a fair bit of astronomical observation; he was the first to infer the rotation of Jupiter. He tried to observe parallax. He wrote a discourse on comets. Physics (here subsumed under Mechanics), Natural Philosophy, Meteorology (he has been called the founder of meteorological science), and Music (to which he devoted attention, at the theoretical as well as practical level, throughout his life) would also be valid entries.

Scientific instruments: Modern air pump, wheel barometer, double barometer, the anchor escapement of clocks, spring driven watches, marine barometer, arithmetic machine, the first Gregorian telescope. Optical instruments, especially the microscope. He also developed a micrometer and applied telescopic sights to surveying instruments. His contributions to instrumentation go on and on-- suggested the freezing point of water as the zero point on the thermometer; proposed a weather clock to record barometric pressure, temperature, rainfall, humidity, and wind velocity on a rotating drum; proposed an equatorial quadrant; a number of different scales; a number of levels; a depth-sounding machine; a refractometer to measure the index of refraction of liquids; surveying instruments, a way-wiser attached to a carriage to measure distances.

Some of the instruments shade into mechanical devices--the first dividing engine, the first spiral gear (to adjust the setting of telescopes), the universal joint, the iris diaphragm, a lense grinding machine. In addition there were purely mechanical devices--a variety of carriages, a windmill that would turn itself to the wind, a new type of horizontal sail for windmills, a springy saddle, an air gun. His work on watches always had navigation, the determination of longitude, as its purpose.

Hook was involved in the work of rebuilding London city after the Great Fire as a surveyor and architect. He was architect of the Royal College of Physicians, Bethlehem (Bedlam) Hospital, the Monument, and a number of private houses including Montague House. He probably did a map of the polar regions for Pitt's English Atlas. He shared in the cartographical schemes of John Ogilby and John Adams.

Royal Society, 1662-1702; Curator of experiments, 1662-77; Secretary, 1677-82.

Robert Hooke home page

MacTutor entry

Kenneth B. Hoover


Ecologist. From ASA entry:

"He attended Messiah College from 1930-33, earned his A.B. at John Fletcher College in Iowa in 1934, his M.S. at Kansas State University in 1941, and his Ph.D. in ecology at Pennsylvania State University in 1952. In 1936 he began his teaching career at Jabbok Bible School in Oklahoma as Instructor in Science and Mathematics. In 1942 Messiah College appointed him as Instructor in Biology. Five years later he became chairman of the college’s Division of Social Sciences. In 1977 he was named Professor Emeritus of Biology."

Dr. Timothy R. Hoover

*** Not in Gale

Microbiologist. Associate Professor of Microbiology, Associate Head of Microbiology, and Undergraduate Coordinator, Microbiology Department, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Georgia. Associate Department Head, 2001; Associate Professor, 1997. Assistant Professor, University of Georgia, College of Arts and Sciences, Microbiology 1991-1997; Postdoctoral Researcher, University of California, 1990-1991; Postdoctoral Researcher, University of California, 1988-1990; Research Assistant, University of Wisconsin, 1982-1988. B.A., Susquehanna University, Biology, 1982; Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley, 1988; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Madison, Biochemistry, 1988.

Member: American Society for Microbiology

Faculty page

Timothy R. Hoover, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Microbiology, Associate Head of Microbiology, and Undergraduate Coordinator, Home page

ResearchGate page

George R. Horner


Anthropologist. From ASA entry:

"George was Professor in the Department of Anthropology and Sociology at Eastern Nazarene College, Wollaston Park, Quincy, MA in the 50s and 60s...A missionary anthropologist he graduated from Wheaton College in 1940, received his masters at Columbia University in 1943, and doctorate at the Sorbonne...He served as anthropology instructor at Wheaton from 1946-48 prior to completing his doctoral studies, In the 1970's George moved to Bridgewater State College to found the Anthropology major and undertook ethnographic investigations in West Africa as well as archaeological investigations in the Boston area. He promoted a multi-sub-disciplinary approach to the field of Anthropology in the classroom as well as in the field."

"The Dr. George B. Horner Award for Academic Excellence in Anthropology is presented annually to outstanding graduating Anthropology majors. He was a founding member of the African Studies Association in 1958 and the African Research and Studies Program at Boston University. He published in the American Anthropologist in the 70s."

Dr. George R. Horner Award for Academic Excellence in Anthropology

Peder Nielsen Horrebow


*** Not in Gale

Danish astronomer, mathematician, physicist, cartographer, instrument-maker, specialist in natigation, physician. Lutheran.

Galileo Project entry

Education: 1716, M.A., University of Copenhagen, 1716; M.D., University of Copenhagen, 1725.

Horrebow invented a way to determine a place's latitude from the stars. The method was soon forgotten despite its value until it was reinvented by the American astronomer Andrew Talcott in 1833. The method now bears both names. He learned how to correct inherent flaws in instruments long before Tobias Mayer introduced his theory of correction in 1756. He did in fact practice medicine in order to support his twenty children.

Member of the Académie Royal des Sciences (1725), the Berlin Academy (date uncertain), and Videnskabernes Selskab (Society of Scientists in Denmark) in 1747.

Jeremiah Horrocks

(c. 1617-1641)

English astronomer. After correcting Kepler's Rudolphine Tables, made first observation of a transit of Venus (1639); assigned to the Moon an elliptical orbit with the earth at one of the foci; improved lunar theory; calculated long unsurpassed value for solar parallax; studied planetary perturbations.

Galileo Project entry

MacTutor entry

Engines of Our Ingenuity page

Biographical entry

David Darling encyclopedia entry

Martinus Hortensius

(c. 1605-1639)

aka Martinus Ortensius / Maarten Van den Hove

*** Not in Gale

Dutch astronomer, instrument-maker, specialist in optics and navigation.

Galileo Project entry

After Snel's death, Hortensius completed and published his final work. He lectured on optics at Amsterdam in 1635, and he lectured on navigation in 1637. In 1638, he was a member of the commission negotiating with Galileo on the determination of longitude by the method of the satellites of Jupiter. He developed a method for measuring the diameters of planets based on the measured visual angle that his telescope embraced.

Linda Hall Library entry

Online books

Tomuo (Tom) Hoshiko


Professor of Physiology and Biophysics at Case Western University.

From memorial:

"He received his Bachelor of Science degree from Kent State University in 1949 and his Ph. D. from the University of Minnesota in 1953, and was a Research Fellow at the University of Copenhagen in Denmark."

"A Professor Emeritus, Dr. Hishiko was Professor of Physiology and Biophysics at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. During Sabbatical years he was also Visiting Professor at the Illinois Institute of Technology, at the Tokyo Medical and Dental University, and at the Katholieke Universitiet Leuven, Belgium. He had many presentations and research publications in the area of transport across biological membranes."

"Tom was President of the Society of General Physiologists from 1982-1983, a member of the Council of Scientific Society Presidents, and a long time member of the Society of General Physiologists, Biophysical Society, and American Physiological Society. He was also a member and Fellow of the American Scientific Affiliation, a network of Christians in science, and was founder of the University Christian Forum at Case Western University."

ASA entry

Robert (Bob) W. Hosken

*** Not in Gale

Biochemist. Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of Newcastle, Australia; M.S. in biochemistry from Monash University; M.B.A. from the University of Newcastle; B.S. in biochemistry from the University of Western Australia; Author of over 50 research papers; Senior Lecturer in food technology at the University of Newcastle.

Christian Answers profile

University of Newcastle, Australia. Faculty page

Testimony in In Six Days: Why Fifty Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation, edited by John F. Ashton, Ph.D. Master Books, Inc., Green Forest, AR, 2001. ISBN 0-89051-341-4. Chapter online

Testimony in On the Seventh Day: Forty Scientists and Academics Explain Why They Believe in God, edited by John F. Ashton, Ph.D. Master Books, Inc., Green Forest, AR, 2002. ISBN 0-89051-376-7.

Floyd E. Hosmer

Medical graphics specialist. Floyd received his medical training at the Medical College of Georgia where he received his master's degree in Medical Illustration. He worked for the College of Veterinary Medicine for several years and then went on to illustrate for the Mayo Clinic for over 12 years. Floyd resides in Birmingham, Alabama where he has owned and operated FEH Illustrations since 1989. His work has appeared in many national and international medical publications. He has also illustrated several laparoscopic surgical books.

William D. Edwards, MD; Wesley J. Gabel, MDiv; Floyd E Hosmer, MS, AMI. "ON THE PHYSICAL DEATH OF JESUS CHRIST," From the Departments of Pathology (Dr. Edwards) and Medical Graphics (Mr. Hosmer), Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota; and the Homestead United Methodist Church, Rochester, Minnesota, and the West Bethel United Methodist Church, Bethel, Minnesota (Pastor Gabel).

Reprint requests to Department of Pathology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN (Dr. Edwards). Article here

See William D. Edwards entry for abstract.

Artist Floyd Hosmer: Giving AFP a Touch of Light

Sir John Theodore Houghton, Kt (1991), CBE (1983), FRS


Sir John Houghton is the chairman of the John Ray Initiative. He is co-chairman of the Scientific Assessment Working Group for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and a member of the Government Panel on Sustainable Development, and from 1991 to 1998 was Chairman of the Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution. He has written several books including Global Warming: the Complete Briefing and The Search for God: Can Science Help?

Speaker's profile

John Houghton. "The Christian Challenge of Caring for the Earth"

Sir John Houghton in his book, The Search For God, p. 216: "Theology by its very nature should have very wide horizons. God, after all, if he is God at all, is involved in everything. Yet so often our view of God is a limited one; we allow him to be present in the spiritual side of life, but give him little say in more material things. Yet I have been at pains to point out the two revelations of God - the revelation in nature and the revelation in the person of Jesus. I began by suggesting that including God in the scientific picture is like the inclusion of perspective in a picture. But a picture is still a two dimensional image. Adding God's self-revelation in Jesus is like having binocular vision of a three dimensional scene. An appreciation of depth is present when a scene is viewed with both eyes or through a pair of binoculars rather than through one eye…Our appreciation of God is very flat unless we look at the whole range of his activity in an integrated way. …Science and religion are not poles apart. Both are searching for reality and truth…A common experience of those who pursue the search for God is the discovery that God is quietly but intently searching for them. If you feel that God is pursuing you, don't play hard to get!"

Testimony in God and the Scientists, edited by Mike Poole. CPO, Worthing, 1997. ISBN 1-901796-02-7.


Willie Walter Houston, Jr.


Biology educator, developmental cell biologist, researcher. Graduate teaching Assistant Clark College, Atlanta, 1978-79; Lecturer Spelman College, Atlanta, 1979; instructor Ky. State University, Frankfort, 1979-80; Associate Professor, Acting Chairman biology Central State University, Wilberforce, Ohio, 1980, Minority Access to Research Careers Faculty Member, 1983; Member Jack and Jill faculty, Wilberforce, 1983; Visiting Professor Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, 1980-82, Faculty Member minority access retention program, 1986; instructor school nursing Springfield, Ohio, 1984-85. Teacher, supt. Middle Run Baptist Church, Xenia, Ohio, 1980-84; Teacher Mt. Enon Missionary Baptist Church, Dayton, summer 1984; Assistant superintendent Sunday school teacher; campaign vol. 1985, 86; Charter Member Ellis Island Centennial Commission, 1984. Education: B.S., Morehouse College, 1974; M.S., Atlanta University, 1976, Ph.D., 1981.

Member: National Institute of Science, Midwestern Developmental Biology Society, American Men and Women Science (1985 sponsor), Smithsonian Institution, Central State University Biological Society, AAUP, NAACP, International Platform Association, Beta Beta Beta, Beta Kappa Chi, Alpha Phi Alpha.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Tanya Millicent Howard


(Born in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, United States). Computer systems engineer. Close-Up Foundation, Alexandria, VA, transportation clerk, 1989-present; Department of Defense, Washington, DC, technical clerk, 1989-present; Martin Marietta, Air Traffic Systems, systems engineer, 1991-present. Education: Howard University, Washington, DC, bachelor of science in engineering, 1991.

Member: Region II secretary, National Society of Black Engineers, 1990-91; chairperson, Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers, 1990-91; committee chair, Springfield Baptist Church, 1990-91; news editor, Howard Engineer Magazine, 1989-91; secretary, Howard University School of Engineering, 1989-90; Toastmasters, Inc, 1991-92; National Association of Female Executives, 1991-92.

Honor: Academic Award, National Society of Black Engineers, 1990.

Who's Who Among African Americans, 17th ed. Gale Group, 2004.

George F(ranklin) Howe


*** Not in Gale

Botanist and biologist. (Retired) Professor and Chairman Division of Natural Sciences, The Master's College, Newhall, California. Editor of the Creation Research Society Quarterly (1969-1973); Director of CRS Grand Canyon Experimental Station. Former Assistant Professor of biology and botany at Westmont College, Santa Barbara, California. B.S. in Botany from Wheaton College, Ph.D. and M.Sc. in Botany from Ohio State University (1959, 1956). Charles F. Kettering Fellow while at Ohio State. Post-doctoral studies in radiation biology, Cornell University (1965-66); Post-doctoral studies in botany, Washington State University (1961); Post-doctoral studies in desert biology, Arizona State University (1963); Post-doctoral studies in radiation biology, Cornell University. Published papers in scientific journals including: Bulletin of the Southern California Academy of Sciences, Ohio Journal of Science, and Creation Research Society Quarterly. Charter member and former President of the Creation Research Society (1977-1983).

Christian Answers profile

Testimony in In Six Days: Why Fifty Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation, edited by John F. Ashton, Ph.D. Master Books, Inc., Green Forest, AR, 2001. ISBN 0-89051-341-4.

Dr. Frank M(obley) Howell


*** Not in Gale

Sociologist. Frank M. Howell is Professor of Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work, Mississippi State University. Education: BA, Georgia College, 1975; MA, Mississippi State University, 1977, Ph.D., 1979.

Dr. Frank M. Howell, Professor of Sociology, Anthropology and Social Work, MSU, faculty page

He teaches courses in research design, social statistics, techniques of survey research, and spatial analysis in the Department of Sociology, Anthropology, and Social Work. Frank conducts research on communities, the environment, and public policy and holds a courtesy appointment as a member of the Graduate Faculty, School of Public Health,University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He is also Panel Manager for the USDA National Research Initiative Competitive Grants Program in Rural Development, administering the scientific peer-review and budgeting process for this federal research grants program. Dr. Howell previously served as Head of the Mississippi Agricultural & Forestry Experiment Station-sponsored Rural Sociology research program at the Social Science Research Center; Campus Coordinator of the NASA-sponsored Mississippi Space Commerce Initiative; and Administrator of the Statewide Remote Sensing Software Licensing Program for the Mississippi Institutes of Higher Learning.
Dr. Howell has published widely in the social sciences, totaling over 80 books, monographs, technical reports, chapters, and journal articles in many of the leading journals in his field. He is a frequent source for national and regional news media on issues of social policy and his research has been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, the Associated Press, and USA Weekend magazine. Frank has had a long-standing interest in the application of high technology to social research. During the 1980s, he pioneered the use of large-scale computer networks for professional communication, the application of geographical information systems in social research, and co-founded the journal, the Social Science Computer Review (Sage). His research today continues that interest in improving social research methods through the use of high technology.
Member: American Sociological Association, American Educational Research Association, Rural Sociological Society, Alpha Kappa Delta (Sociology), Gamma Sigma Delta (Agriculture), Phi Kappa Phi (Scholastic), Phi Delta Kappa (Education), and is Past-President of the MSU Chapter of Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society, and the Alabama-Mississippi Sociological Association. Baptist.

Awards: In 1997, Dr. Howell was a recipient of MSU's Outstanding Research Scientist Award and the University Alumni Association's Graduate-Level Teaching Award. In 2000, he received the Southern Rural Sociological Association's highest honor, the Excellence in Research Award. His efforts led to MSU's receipt in 1999 of a leading industry award, Special Achievement in Geographic Information Systems Award, from the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI).

He served for over twelve years on the Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research at Texas Christian University and Mississippi State University and has published on data management and security aspects of human subjects' protection.

Author: Making Life Plans, 1982; Contributor of articles to professional journals.

"Frank Howell appointed to national urban agriculture task force". November 13, 2000.

"MSU prof on national team making urban/ag recommendations"

. May 30, 2002.

ResearchGate page

Henry H. Howell


Biologist. from ASA entry:

"...he had received an A.B. at Birmingham-Southern College, an M.S. in biology from Auburn, a B.D. from Asbury Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. from the U. of Alabama. He was a member of a number of scientific societies, especially the American Fisheries and Wildlife Society. He had been president of the Midwest Benthological Society and general secretary of the Kentucky Academy of Sciences."

Charles Hoyle



ASA entry

ResearchGate page

From memorial, Division of Polymer Chemistry:

"It is with great sadness that we relay the unexpected passing on September 7, 2009 of Dr. Charles E. Hoyle, a pioneer and leading scientist in the photopolymerization and photochemistry fields. Charlie received a B.S. degree in Chemistry from Baylor University in Texas in 1972. He subsequently obtained Masters and Doctorate degrees in Chemistry under the direction of Professor Fred Lewis at Northwestern University, concentrating on small molecule photochemistry. After spending almost two years at the University of Toronto in Jim Guillet's lab dealing with polymer photophysics, he joined Armstrong World Industries in Lancaster, PA in 1978 where he investigated polymer photodegradation and photoinitiated polymerization. In 1983, he came to the University of Southern Mississippi, where he obtained dual appointments in Polymer Science and Chemistry. During his 25-plus years at the University of Southern Mississippi, he focused on all aspects of polymer photochemistry and photophysics including photopolymerization, photodegradation, polymer luminescence, and laser flash photolysis. He earned world-renown as a photo-chemist with special emphasis on the photochemistry and photophysics of polymers in which he studied the interaction of light with polymer molecules and also the use of light to initiate the formation of polymers. He is the author of more than 160 refereed publications. His work has been cited nearly 2500 times."

Robert Alan Hromas


(Born in West Lafayette, Indiana, United States). Hematologist, molecular biologist. Certification: Diplomate American Board Internal Medicine. Achievements include discovery of the MZF oncogene, characterization of the hem family of proteins, description of the use of t-cell addbacks following marrow transplantation. Associate Professor, Department of Medicine, Division of Hematology/Oncology, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, 1995-present; Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, 1995-present; Associate Member, Walther Oncology Center, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, 1995-present. "My lab is interested in defining the genes involved in normal versus leukemic blood cells development."

Previous positions: Assistant Professor of Medicine, Indiana University Medical Center, Indianapolis, 1990-95; hematology fellow, University of Washington, Seattle, 1988-90; Research Associate, VA Medical Center., Iowa City, 1987-88; medicine resident, University Iowa, Iowa city, 1984-88. Reviewer, NSF, Washington, , VA, Washington, 1994, NASA, Washington, 1994; Board Member Midwest Blood Club, Chicago, 1994. Education: BS, Wheaton ( Illinois) College, 1978; MS, Oral Roberts University, 1980; MD, University of Texas, Houston, 1984.

Member: AAAS, American Society Hematology, American Federal Clinical Research. Speaker Focus on the Family, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1993; Board Member Eastview Christian Fellowship, Indianapolis, 1994.

Honors: Hematology honoree Midwest Blood Club, Chicago, 1992; scholar Leukemia Society of America, N.Y.C., 1994.

Contributor of 3 book chapters, 62 articles to professional journals.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.


Staff profile

Wayne W. Huang

*** Not in Gale

Information systems specialist. Dr. Wayne Huang is Associate Professor of Management Information Systems at the Department of Management Information Systems, College of Business, Ohio University, Athens, Ohio, since 2001. Professor Huang has more than 12 years' teaching and research experience at research universities worldwide including USA, Australia, Singapore and Hong Kong. Previously he served as Associate Professor at the School of Information Systems, Faculty of Commerce and Economics, at theUniversity of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia, from 1998-2001. He worked as a system analyst in IT industry before joining academic field. His research areas include eCommerce, mobile commerce, groupware, computer-mediated communication, and eEducation. Education: M.S. in Information Systems, National University of Singapore; Ph.D., MIS, joint Ph.D. program between the University of Georgia and National University of Singapore.

Honor: Sir Anthony Mason Fellow awarded by the University of New South Sales (UNSW), Sydney, Australia.

Wayne has published more than 60 academic & professional papers including Journal of MIS, Decision Support Systems, Information & Management, IEEE transactions, European Journal of Information Systems, International Journal of Information Management, Behavior and Information Technology, and Journal of Global Information Management. He is now on the editorial boards of a few international MIS/IS journals such as Information & Management, Journal of Global Information Management, and Journal of Data Management.

Biographical entry

Virtual Enterprise Research Network page

Ohio University, Faculty/Staff Profile

Testimony in On the Seventh Day: Forty Scientists and Academics Explain Why They Believe in God, edited by John F. Ashton, Ph.D. Master Books, Inc., Green Forest, AR, 2002. ISBN 0-89051-376-7.

Johan van Waveren Hudde


aka Jan Hudde

Dutch mathematician. Contributed to general solutions of higher-degree equations; anticipated power series expansion. Author of papers as De reductione aequationum and De maximis et minimis.

Galileo Project entry

MacTutor entry

Jan Hudde’s Second Letter: On Maxima and Minima - Historical Setting: Life and Letters

Edward Remick Huff


Agricultural engineer.

ASA entry

From obiturary:

"He worked as an engineer for General Electric Company for 6 1/2 years, then taught at Wentworth Institute in Boston for 1 1/2 years. In 1962 he moved to Maine with his wife and young daughter, where he got an MS in Agricultural Engineering at the University of Maine in 1966. He taught in that department, later called Bio-Resource Engineering, until his retirement in 1997, with two years taken off to obtain his PhD from the University of Nebraska in 1979 and to work at Valmont Industries in Valley, Nebraska."

"He was a member of the United Baptist Church of Old Town, Peniel Bible Conference of Lake Luzerne, NY, The American Society of Agricultural Engineers, and the American Scientific Affiliation (Christians in science & engineering), and was a registered Professional Engineer. He was known for his energy, curiosity, humor, and dedication to God, science, and his family."

Sir William Huggins


The English astronomer Sir William Huggins pioneered in applying the techniques of spectrum analysis, or spectroscopy, to the study of the stars.

Biographical entry

Linda Hall Library entry

Bruce Medalist page

Dr. Margaret Ann Hughes


Research scientist, The Wound Healing Institute, Department of Dermatology, Churchill Hospital, Headington, Oxford, England. Clinical scientist, Department of Dermatology, Oxford Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, England, 1989; postdoctorate, Inorganic Chemical Laboratory, Oxford, England, 1985-88; Educational missionary, Baptist Missionary Society, Zaire, Africa, 1959-81; Teacher, Kent County Council, England, 1953-55. BSc, University College, Aberystwyth, Wales, 1976; Ph.D., University Wales Institute Science and Technology, U.K., 1985.

Member: Royal Society of Chemistry.

Co-author (chapter) Oxford Textbook of Surgery, 1995; Contributor of articles to professional journals.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Wound Healing Institute, Churchill Hospital, Headington, Oxford, UK, website

Louisa (Sue) Hulett

*** Not in Gale

Political Scientist. Louisa S. Hulett is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois (1980 - present). A.B., International Relations, 1971, University of Southern California; A.M., International Relations, 1973, University of Southern California; Ph.D., International Relations, 1979, University of Southern California.

Activities and Recognitions: Pi Sigma Alpha Chapter Grant (2001); Hewlett Diversity Grant (2001);

Organizer and Speaker, Knox College panel discussions on Terror, Foreign policy, and Just War, 2001;

National Public Radio commentator on ballistic missile defense, 2001; Delegate, Baptist General Conference, Midwest meeting, Galesburg, Illinois, 1998; Billy Graham Center Research Grant, 1997;

Exchange Professor, Russia, 1995; Faculty Seminar on Teaching Security National Strategy Information Center, 1993; Faculty Development Seminar in Russia Council for International Educational Exchange, 1992; Lilly Faculty Development Grants, 1990 and 1993; Ford Foundation Fellowship, 1989-1990.

Faculty advisor, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Fellowship of Christian Athletes.

As Author: contributed to professional journals including four commentaries on Supreme Court cases on the Religion Clauses of the First Amendment to Paul Finkelman's Religion and American Law: An Encyclopedia, Garland Press, 2000; "A Prodigal Child Finds Faith." Professors Who Believe: The Spiritual Journeys of Christian Faculty, edited by Paul Anderson, Intervarsity Press, 1998.

Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois, Faculty page

Professor Colin John Humphreys, CBE, FREng


Physicist. Colin Humphreys is a renowned Cambridge University physicist who has received considerable publicity for his ideas and research, which span many fields from computer chips to microprinting, eternal lightbulbs, and computer chips in the brain. His passion for more than 20 years has been examining the Bible in the light of science, and he is expert not only in Physics, but in Materials Science, Chemistry, Astronomy and Geology. He is President of the Institute of Materials, Goldsmiths' Professor of Materials Science and Head of the Rolls Royce University Technology Centre at Cambridge University. He was recently honoured by the Queen with the title of Commander, Order of the British Empire (CBE), for Services to Science Research and Communication.
Humphreys is a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Fellow of the Institute of Physics, and a Fellow of the Institute of Materials. He has been awarded an Honorary D.Sc. by the University of Leicester. He has been President of the Physics Section of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. He has published over 400 scientific papers and given plenary lectures at major international conferences throughout the world. Author: High Voltage Electron Microscopy (ed, 1974), Electron Diffraction 1927-77 (ed, 1978), Creation and Evolution (1985, translated into Chinese 1988), Understanding Materials (ed, 2002), The Miracles of Exodus (2003).

Honors: Royal Society Arts Medal 1963, Reginald Mitchell Medal 1989, Rosenhain Medal and Prize 1989, Templeton Award 1994, Elegant Work Prize Inst of Materials 1996, Kelvin Medal and Prize Inst of Physics 1999, Euro Materials Gold Medal Fedn of Euro Materials Socs 2001, Robert Franklin Mehl Gold Medal Minerals Metals and Materials Society USA 2003.

Colin Humphreys. "The Star of Bethlehem". From Science and Christian Belief , Vol 5, (October 1995): 83-101.

Biographical entry


David Humphreys

*** Not in Gale

Science Educator. Emeritus Professor of Chemistry at McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and adjunct Professor of science and religion in the Divinity College at McMaster. The recipient of numerous awards, a text book author, and leader in science education, he is noted for making science accessible to the public. He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. from the University of London, England, where he taught chemistry before moving to McMaster in 1965. He received his Ph.D. from McMaster in 1969, and was made full Professor there in 1987.

From Genesis Quest profile:

He was the founding director of the Shell Merit Fellowship Program and the Shell Centre for Science Teachers at McMaster University. He also established the Instructional Development Centre and the M.Sc. (Teaching) program at McMaster University. Through these programmes he has conducted a number of educational research and development projects in chemical education, and also produced a number of television programs, including the award-winning Dimensions in Science series for Canadian television. He was director of a major research study on the effectiveness of individualized instruction for the Ministry of Education in Ontario, and the originator of a series of programs which are used in distance education in a variety of institutions around the world.

Dr. Humphreys is the author of scientific papers, innovative science text books and multimedia presentations. He co-authored the text Atoms, Molecules and Reactions published by Prentice-Hall. He has introduced chemistry to some twenty thousand students and has been recognized for his efforts in using video taped experiments and interesting demonstrations to integrate reactions and reality with theory and principles.

His current interests include promoting science in schools and communities throughout Canada and in developing countries. He has recently developed a new course on Frontiers of Science and Christianity for the Divinity College, which has been recognised by receiving the Sir John Templeton Award for Science and Religion courses. He is currently lecturing extensively on aspects of science and faith with special emphasis on the mystery of the origin of life.

Dr. Humphreys is one of a very select group of faculty members to be promoted to Full Professor based on his educational activities.
Professor Humphreys was the 1994 St-Mary's College Fellow, and Visiting Professor at Beijing, China; Gotoborg, Sweden, and the University of Durham in England, where he conducted workshops on a variety of topics centering around the theme "Bringing Knowledge to Life". He is a Fellow of the Chemical Institute of Canada, an honourary lifetime Fellow of the Canadian Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, and a former Honourary President of the Science Teachers Association of Ontario. He is a Fellow of the American Scientific Affiliation, and past Executive Director of the Canadian Scientific Christian Association. He is also HERDSA Fellow in Australia and New Zealand.

Awards: The "Catalyst Award" from the Manufacturing Chemists Association (one of only three Canadians in the 30 year history of the award) in 1997, the Science Teachers' Association of Ontario award (1981) and the Science Faculty award from the McMaster Students' Union (1985), 3M National Teaching Award in 1989, Union Carbide Award (national award given by the Chemical Institute of Canada for outstanding contributions to chemical education) in 1991, Distinguished Educator Award from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education in 1993, and the President's Award for Excellence in Educational Leadership, McMaster University in 1994.

"Who is Dr. Humphreys?"

"Science Shorts with Dr. David Humphreys"

Genesis Quest and Science Shorts are sponsored by World of Science and edited by Dr. David A. Humphreys, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry

D. Russell Humphreys


*** Not in Gale

Physicist. Dr. Humphreys was awarded his Ph.D. in physics from Louisiana State University in 1972, by which time he was a fully convinced creationist. For the next 6 years he worked in the High Voltage Laboratory of General Electric Company. Since 1979, he has worked for Sandia National Laboratories[Albuquerque, New Mexico] in nuclear physics, geophysics, pulsed power research, theoretical atomic and nuclear physics, and the Particle Beam Fusion Project. Dr. Humphreys is an adjunct Professor of Geophysics and Astrophysics at the Institute for Creation Research in San Diego, a Board member of the Creation Research Society and is president of the Creation Science Fellowship of New Mexico. He is also the author of the book Starlight and Time: Solving the Puzzle of Distant Starlight in a Young Universe, Master Books, 1994 (ISBN 0-89051- 202-7) which details his white hole cosmology theory.

Russell Humphreys said in a 1993 interview: "I'm part of a fairly large scientific community in New Mexico, and a good number of these are creationists. Many don't actively belong to any creationist organization. Based on those proportions and knowing the membership of the Creation Research Society, it's probably a conservative estimate that there are in the US alone around 10,000 practicing scientists who are biblical creationists." ("Creation in the Physics Lab," Creation Ex Nihilo Magazine, Vol. 15, No. 3, pages 20-23)

FromDavid Buckna. "Do Creationists Publish in Notable Refereed Journals?"

ICR orofile

D.R. Humphreys, "Progress Toward a Young-earth Relativistic Cosmology," Proceedings 3rd ICC, Pittsburgh, 1994, pp. 267-286.

Charles E. Hunt

Professor of electrical engineering. From biographical entry:

"Charles E. Hunt: B.S.E.E. and M.S.E.E. degrees from the University of Utah and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Cornell University. From 1979 to 1983 he served as Staff Engineer to the VLSI Design Research Group at the Computer Science Department of the University of Utah,. Since 1986, he has been in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of California at Davis, where he is presently Professor, as well as a Staff Consultant for the Engineering Research Division of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. He also holds the appointment of Visiting Professor of Electronics in the Faculty of Physics of the University of Barcelona. Professor Hunt teaches IC fabrication technology and semiconductor device physics. His research centers on microfabrication technology and design for electronic materials, electronic devices and circuits, and microstructures. His major research emphasis has been in the areas of field-emission vacuum microelectronics, semiconductor wafer bonding, silicon on insulator (SOI) materials and devices, and CVD epitaxy. Professor Hunt is a Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, and is Author or Co-Author of over one hundred refereed publications, eight books, and holds eleven patents. From 1997-2004 he served as Editor of the journal, Solid-State Electronics. He has Chaired the International Vacuum Microelectronics Conference (2001), and has been Co-Organizer of the Electrochemical Society Symposia on Semiconductor Wafer Bonding."

Faculty page

IEEE profile page

Cornelius G. Hunter

<*** Not in Gale

Biophysicist. Author. Resident, Cameron Park, California. Cornelius G. Hunter was senior vice president of Seagull Technology, Inc., a high tech firm in Silicon Valley. He completed a Ph.D. in biophysics at the University of Illinois, 2003.

Author: Darwin's God: Evolution and the Problem of Evil, 2001, Darwin's Proof: The Triumph of Religion Over Science, 2003.

Darwin's Proof The Triumph of Religion over Science

Discovery Institute page


John Hunter


John Hunter was a Scottish physiologist and surgeon who lived during the eighteenth century. Considered the father of scientific surgery/modern surgical techniques, he is also well known for his large collection of anatomical specimens. Assistant to his brother William (1748-59); surgeon at St. George's, London (1756); staff surgeon with English army (1760-63); practiced in London (1763); took house pupils, among whom was Edward Jenner (q.v.); began to lecture on surgery (1773); surgeon extraordinary to George III (1776); surgeon general to army (1790). His investigations included venereal diseases, work relating to the descent of the testes in the fetus, course of the olfactory nerves, formation of pus, placental circulation, function of lymphatics, coagulation of blood, digestion in hibernating snakes and lizards, recovery of people apparently drowned, the structure of whales, bees, growth of deer's antlers; discovered that smaller arteries increase in size to compensate when circulation is arrested in larger ones; first to ligate artery for aneurysm (1785). Author of Natural History of the Human Teeth (1771), Treatise on the Venereal Disease (1786), Animal Oeconomy (1786).

John, the youngest of William Hunter's brothers, received no formal education. At the age of 20 he followed William south to London, and quickly acquired a reputation as an anatomist, which in time surpassed that of his brother. John Hunter made great advances in biological research, and built up a second Hunterian Museum, now housed at the Royal College of Surgeons, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London.

The Royal College of Surgeons of England. The Hunterian Collection

Biographical entry

"Significant Scots: William & John Hunter"

National Records of Scotland entry

William Hunter


*** Not in Gale

Scottish surgeon, physiologistpathologist, anatomist, obstetrician. Elder brother of John Hunter. The founder of modern obstetrics. Surgeon-accoucheur, Middlesex Hospital (1748), British Lying-in Hospital (1749); physician extraordinary to Queen Charlotte Sophia (1764); first professor of anatomy, Royal Academy (1768). Began teaching (1746); devoted practice to obstetrics (from 1756). Author of Anatomy of the Human Gravid Uterus (1774).

Royal College of Surgeons entry:

"William Hunter was born at Long Calderwood Farm near Glasgow in 1718. He matriculated at Glasgow University in 1731 and later studied medicine at Edinburgh. In 1741 he moved to London. William Hunter quickly became well-known as a physician, especially as an obstetrician, and built up a distinguished clientèle which included members of the Royal Family. He also established himself as a teacher of surgery and anatomy, and assembled a collection of anatomical and pathological specimens, which were used to support his teaching work. In 1768 he opened a medical school at his house in Great Windmill Street. As his reputation - and wealth - grew, Hunter also collected works of art as well as coins, books, manuscripts and curiosities. After his death in 1783 William Hunter bequeathed his entire collection to Glasgow University, where it formed the basis of the Hunterian Museum which opened in 1807."

Biographical entry

Biographical entry

Biographical entry

John and William Hunter - Pioneers of Surgery and Medicine.

"Significant Scots: William & John Hunter"

William Hunter


*** Not in Gale

Scottish physician.

William Hunter (1861-1937) & the Order of St. Sava

Excerpts from Who Named It entry:
William Hunter studied medicine at Edinburgh University, graduating in 1883. He served as a house physician at the Royal Infirmary, Edinburgh, and studied overseas at Leipzig, Vienna, and Strassburg. From 1887 to 1890 he worked full time on laboratory research at Cambridge, devoting himself to pernicious anaemia. He was the first person to note that the alimentary and the nervous system were often affected in this disorder, and he regarded the haemolytic element as being most important and made numerous observations on the excessive pigmentation and iron deposition in the liver.
From 1895, Hunter was affiliated with the Charing Cross Hospital and the London Fever Hospital. During World War I her served in Serbia where developed de-lousing techniques to control typhus. Hunter was a sound clinician and a good teacher of medical students.
Author: Oral sepsis as a cause of septic gastritis, London, 1901; Pernicious anaemia, London, 1901; Severest anaemias, London, 1909; Historical account of Charing Cross Hospital and Medical School (University of London), London, 1914; Serbian epidemics of typhus and relapsing fever in 1915, London, 1920.

Associated eponyms: Hunter's glossitis (William Hunter), Ucerous glossitis in pernicious anaemia; Möller's glossitis (William Hunter), Superficial excorcitation of the tongue, principally of its tip and edges; Serbian barrel, Used for eradicating lice during World War I in Serbia.

Rick Douglas Husband, Colonel, USAF


American Air Force officer, test pilot, Space shuttle astronaut. Born in Amarillo, Texas. Died over the southern United States when Space Shuttle Columbia and her crew perished during entry, 16 minutes prior to scheduled landing. After graduation from Texas Tech University in May 1980, Husband was commissioned a second lieutenant in the USAF and attended pilot training at Vance Air Force Base (AFB), Oklahoma. He graduated in October 1981, and was assigned to F-4 training at Homestead AFB, Florida. After completion of F-4 training in September 1982, Husband was assigned to Moody AFB, Georgia flying the F-4E. From September to November 1985, he attended F-4 Instructor School at Homestead AFB and was assigned as an F-4E instructor pilot and academic instructor at George AFB, California in December 1985. In December 1987, Husband was assigned to Edwards AFB, California, where he attended the USAF Test Pilot School. Upon completion of Test Pilot School, Husband served as a test pilot flying the F-4 and all five models of the F-15. In the F-15 Combined Test Force, Husband was the program manager for the Pratt & Whitney F100-PW-229 increased performance engine, and also served as the F-15 Aerial Demonstration Pilot. In June 1992, Husband was assigned to the Aircraft and Armament Evaluation Establishment at Boscombe Down, England, as an exchange test pilot with the Royal Air Force. At Boscombe Down, Husband was the Tornado GR1 and GR4 Project Pilot and served as a test pilot in the Hawk, Hunter, Buccaneer, Jet Provost, Tucano, and Harvard. He logged over 3800 hours of flight time in more than 40 different types of aircraft. Husband was selected as an astronaut candidate by NASA in December 1994. He reported to the Johnson Space Center in March 1995 to begin a year of training and evaluation. Upon completion of training, he was named the Astronaut Office representative for Advanced Projects at Johnson Space Center, working on Space Shuttle Upgrades, the Crew Return Vehicle (CRV) and studies to return to the Moon and travel to Mars. He also served as Chief of Safety for the Astronaut Office. Husband was pilot on STS-96 (1999) and crew commander on STS-107 (2003), logging 24 days, 51 hours and 33 minutes in space. He received a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering from Texas Tech University in 1980, and a master of science degree in mechanical engineering from California State University, Fresno, in 1990.

Member: Society of Experimental Test Pilots, Tau Beta Pi, Air Force Association, and the Texas Tech Ex-Students Association.

Honors: Posthumously awarded the NASA Space Flight Medal, the NASA Distinguished Service Medal, the Defense Distinguished Service Medal (DDSM), and the Congressional Space Medal of Freedom. Prior honors: Distinguished Graduate of AFROTC, Undergraduate Pilot Training, Squadron Officers School, F-4 Instructor School, and USAF Test Pilot School; Outstanding Engineering Student Award, Texas Tech University, 1980; F-4 Tactical Air Command Instructor Pilot of the Year (1987); named a 1997 Distinguished Engineer of the College of Engineering, Texas Tech University. Military decorations include the Meritorious Service Medal with two Oak Leaf Clusters, the Aerial Achievement Medal, the Air Force Commendation Medal, the National Defense Service Medal, two NASA Group Achievement Awards for work on the X-38 Development Team and the Orbiter Upgrade Definition Team.

From "Rick Douglas Husband," Biography Resource Center Online. Gale Group, 2004:

"One August morning, between his first space flight in 1999, and the one he would take in January 2003, Rick Husband told the congregation of First Presbyterian Church in his hometown of Amarillo, Texas that, 'As exciting as a ride on the space shuttle may seem, I have to say that it's not as important as my relationship with Jesus. If it came to a point where I had to choose one or the other, I'd give up the shuttle ride in a minute.'"

NASA Astronauts with Texas Roots

Biographical entry

Biographical entry

Obituary in The Guardian, February 3, 2003. here

Obed Hussey


American inventor. Invented a reaper (patented 1833; improved model, 1847), which he manufactured (1834-58) in competition with the McCormick reaper. Quaker.

Follett L Greeno. Obed Hussey, who, of all inventors, made bread cheap being a true record of his life and struggles to introduce his greatest invention, the reaper, and its success. Publisher: Rochester, N.Y. : The Rochester Herald Pub. Co., 1912.

Ohio History entry

Obed Hussey Who, of All Inventors, Made Bread Cheap

Model of Hussey's Reaping Machine, 1833

Ian Horner Hutchinson


Plasma physicist, nuclear engineering educator. Head of Department of Nuclear Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Senior scientific officer, UKAEA, Culham, United Kingdom, 1980-83; Professor, MIT, Cambridge, 1989; Associate Professor nuclear engineering, MIT, Cambridge, 1983-89; Principal research scientist, MIT, Cambridge, 1979; research scientist, MIT, Cambridge, 1976-78. Career-Related: head Alcator Tokamak program MIT, 1987-2003, nuc. engineering Department head, 2003. Author: Principles of Plasma Diagnostics, 1987, 2d edit., 2002.

Personal webpage

MIT personal page

MIT professional webpage

I.H.Hutchinson. Plasma Science and Fusion Center and Department of Nuclear Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. ASA Conference, 4 August 2002

"Science: Christian and Natural". Includes testimony.

Ian H.Hutchinson. "The Faith of Great Scientists," MIT Independent Activities Period, 14 Jan 96, "Michael Faraday: Scientist and Nonconformist"

Ian Hutchinson.

"Astrophysics and Mysticism: the life of Arthur Stanley Eddington," December 2002

Ian Hutchinson. "James Clerk Maxwell and the Christian Proposition," MIT IAP Seminar: The Faith of Great Scientists, Jan 98

Recommends Science and Christianity: Conflict or Coherence? by Henry F. Schaefer III. The Apollos Trust, Watkinsville, GA, 2003. ISBN 0-9742-975-0X.

John Hutchinson


English theologian. Author of Moses's Principia (1724), attacking Newton, and works of religious symbolism; taught that Hebrew scriptures contain a complete system of natural science and theology, and gained many followers (known as Hutchinsonians).

Encyclopedia entry

Christiaan Huygens


The Dutch mathematician, astronomer, and physicist Christiaan Huygens was the first to recognize the rings of Saturn, made pioneering studies of the dynamics of moving bodies, and was the leading advocate of the wave, or pulse, theory of light (1678). Son of Sir Constantijn Huygens. With his brother Constantijn, he discovered improved method of grinding and polishing lenses (1655); discovered a satellite of Saturn (1655), stars in the Orion nebula (1656), true shape of Saturn's rings (1659); devised negative eyepiece and micrometer for use in telescopes; first to use pendulum to regulate movement of clocks (1656) and to determine acceleration due to gravity. In Paris (1666-81); a founder of French Academy of Sciences (1666). Published Horologium oscillatorium (1673) solving problems involving rotation of bodies, centrifugal force, pendulums, etc. Enunciated laws governing the impact of elastic bodies (1669); enunciated Huygen's principle according to which the surface constituting a wave front is determined;investigated polarization of light. Author also of Discours de la cause de la pesanteur (1690), Traite de la lumiere (1690), etc.

Galileo Project entry

MacTutor entry

Biographical entry


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