Randall Scott Ingermanson


Ohio State University, Columbus, postdoctoral researcher, 1986-88; Maxwell Technologies, Inc., San Diego, CA, senior staff scientist, 1988-96, 1999-2000; Integration Partners, Inc., San Diego, technical lead, 1996-99; Q3DM, San Diego, CA, senior scientist, 2000-present.

Personal website


Giovanni Filippo Ingrassia

(c. 1510-1580)

*** Not in Gale

Italian physician, anatomist.

Who Named It? page

Blogger biography

Galileo Project entry

Ingassia is best known for anatomical studies, especially of the bones, which date from the period in Naples. They show his continuing debt to Vesalius. Ingrassia published on the plague. He is called the founder of legal medicine, which in his case included issues such as the validity of testimony taken under torture. He also contributed to veterinary medicine.

Colonel James Benson Irwin


In 1971, during the U.S. Apollo 15 space mission, James Irwin became the eighth person to walk on the moon. During the first-ever use of the lunar roving vehicle, or "moon buggy," he and mission commander David Scott found a four-billion-year-old rock. Irwin experienced the lunar mission as a religious awakening and later founded an evangelical Christian religious organization.

Decorated NASA Distinguished Service Medal, D.S.M. USAF, City N.Y. Gold Medal, UN Peace medal, City Chicago Gold medal; order Leopold Belgium; recipient David C. Schilling trophy, 1971, Kitty Hawk Memorial award, 1971, Haley Astronautics award AIAA, 1972, John F. Kennedy trophy Arnold Air Society, 1972, Freedoms Foundation Washington medal, 1976, National Citizenship award Military Chaplains Association, 1978, others.
Founder, president High Flight Foundation, Colorado Springs, Colorado, from 1972; lunar module pilot Apollo 15 moon landing crew, July 30, 1971, NASA; backup lunar module pilot Apollo 12, NASA; member support crew Apollo 10, NASA; astronaut, NASA, 1966-72; bureau chief, Advanced Systems Headquarters Air Defense Command, Colorado Springs, Colorado, 1965-66; test pilot, F-12 Test Force, Edwards AFB, California, 1963-65; test director, ASG-18AIM-47 armament system, Edwards AFB, California, 1961-63; project officer, Wright Patterson AFB, 1957-60; advanced through grades to col., USAF, 1971; Commd. 2d Lieutenant, USAF, 1951.
Author: To Rule the Night, 1973, rev. edit. 1982, More Than Earthlings, 1983, More Than an Ark on Ararat, 1985, Destination Moon, 1989.

NASA biography

Arlington Cemetery page

Astronautix page

Testimony in Scientists Who Believe: 21 Tell Their Own Stories, edited by Eric C. Barrett and David Fisher. The Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL. ISBN 0-8024-7634-1.

Chris Isham


Chris J. Isham is Professor of Theoretical Physics at The Blankett Laboratory, Imperial College, London, England.

Theoretical Physics Group Research Interests,

ResearchGate page

Hunayn ibn Ishaq

(c. 808-873)

From MacTutor entry:

Hunayn ibn Ishaq (A.D. 808-873) is most famous as a translator. He was not a mathematician but trained in medicine and made his original contributions to the subject. However, as the leading translator in the House of Wisdom at one of the most remarkable periods of mathematical revival, his influence on the mathematicians of the time is of sufficient importance to merit his inclusion in this archive. His son Ishaq ibn Hunayn, strongly influenced by his father, is famed for his Arabic translation of Euclid's Elements.

National Lubrary of Medicene biography (next to last entry)

Isidore of Seville


Archbishop of Seville is best known for his major work The Etymologies, an encyclopedic work in 20 books containing a wealth of information about ancient culture.

Catholic Encyclopedia entry

Franciscan media page

Catholic Forum biography

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