Engelbert Kaempfer


*** Not in Gale

German geographer, botanist. Lutheran.

Galileo Project entry

The History of Japan, giving an account of the ancient and present state and government of that empire, of its temples, palaces, castles and other buildings ... with short biography

Soy Information Center biography

Christopher B(arina) Kaiser


Gordon College, Wenham, MA, part-time lecturer in physics and astronomy, 1968-71; University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland, lecturer in Christian dogmatics, 1973-75; QEI, Inc., Bedford, MA, computer scientist, 1975-76; Western Theological Seminary, Holland, MI, visiting Professor, 1976-77, Assistant Professor, 1977-82, Associate Professor, 1982-88.

Faculty page


Dr. Robert Kaita


Physicist. Achievements include invention of In-situ Determination of Energy Species Yields of Intense Particle Beams; diagnostics for thermonuclear fusion plasmas. Cons. International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, Garching, Federal Republic of Germany, 1990; co-Principal investigator Princeton Beta Experiment-Modification, 1989-94; co-Principal investigator of Current Drive Experiment-Upgrade, 1997; head of plasma diagnostics for National Spherical Torus Experiment, 1995.

Leadership University page


"God, the Universe and Everything" transcript

Joanna Kalliteraki


Born in Athens, Greece. Biologist, researcher. With immunology dept., Laikon Hospital, 1998; researcher, University Athens, Greece, 1995; biologist, Asklipion Hospital, Athens, 1993-95. Education: BSc, Athens, 1990; Ph.D., Pharm. Medical School, Athens, 1995.

Member: Committee for Polytechnic University, Crete, 1997. NVAS, EBPS, Greek Neuroscience Society. Christian Orthodox Church.

Translator: (book) Clinical Pharmacology For Nurses, 1993, Graphology, 1990; inventor in field.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Sir Charles Kuen Kao


Nobel Prize-winning physicist, specialist in optical fiber communication, known as the "father of fibre optics."

From Society of Catholic Scientists entry:

"Charles Kuen Kao converted to the Catholic faith in his youth. In his autobiography, A Time and a Tide, he wrote, “My five years in Catholic school were an important revelation. I was deeply influenced by the sincerity of the Jesuits and I began to view religion as my own personal confessional” and he mentioned that in college he joined and did work for Catholic student groups, where he organized theological debates and discussions."

Biographical entry


Carroll Karkalits


Chemical engineer.

ASA entry

From obituary:

"Dr. Karkalits was Assistant Director of Engineering and Manager of research at Petro-Tex Chemical Corp. He was also the manager of Economic Appraisal at the FMC Corporation and group leader for the Process Development at American Cyamamicl Company. He received 12 patents during his career."

"After a distinguished career in industry, he served as the first Dean of College of Engineering and Technology at McNeese State University for thirty-four years, retiring in 2006. In 2008 he was named Dean and Professor Emeritus at McNeese State University. During his thirty-four years at MSU College of Engineering, the enrollment doubled. He established a college endowment fund and was a founder of the Lake Area Industries / McNeese Engineering Partnership (LAI/MEP) and served as an LAI/MEP Board member."

Haralabos Leonidas Katsoulas


Born in Sydney, Australia, arrived in Greece, 1992. Biologist, certified. Teacher, Bankstown Greek Orthodox Community School, Sydney, 1990-91; Researcher Lab. Applied Geochemistry, University patras, 1993-94; supervisor practicals-cell biology I and II, 1995-96. Education: BSc, University Patras, Greece, 1994; MSc, University Patras, Greece, 1996; Ph.D., University Patras, Greece, 1996.

Member: Hellenic Biochem. and Biophys. Society, Greek Society Biological Sciences, Panhellenic Union Biologists, N.Y. Academy Science.

Honor: Recipient scholarship General Secretary of Research & Tech., Athens, 1996.
Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Michael Newton Keas

*** Not in Gale

Natural scientist. Dr. Keas is Associate Professor of Natural Science, Oklahoma Baptist University, 2000, and a co-designer of its planetarium. Previous: Graduate/Postdoctoral Research Assistant (Library Exhibition Designer), University of Oklahoma Libraries, History of Science Collections, September 1992 - June 1993.

He earned an M.A. (1989) and a Ph.D. (1992) in History of Science from the University of Oklahoma after undergraduate studies in history and the physical and life sciences (B.S., biology, 1984) at Christian Heritage College, El Cajon, California, and miscellaneous cources at
California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo. He experienced some of the last historic moments behind the Berlin wall as a Fulbright scholar in East Germany.

His independent and collaborative academic projects have received funding from agencies such as the National Science Foundation, the Templeton Foundation, and the American Council of Learned Societies. With support from Discovery Institute, he is writing a CD-ROM curriculum module with Stephen Meyer and Jonathan Moneymaker: "The Cambrian Explosion: Biology's Big Bang." The Cambrian explosion refers to the sudden appearance of most of the major animal body plans during a short segment of the Cambrian period of geologic time. He is also co-authoring and co-directing a planetarium show series entitled "Cosmology and Cultures."

Michael Newton Keas investigates how the history, philosophy, and rhetoric of science can improve science education and a liberal arts understanding of science itself. He has addressed this and related topics in presentations given (in German and English) at institutions such as the Akademie der Wissenschaften (Berlin), Humboldt University (Berlin), Wilhelm-Pieck-University (Rostock), Oxford University, Chemical Heritage Foundation (Philadelphia), Wright Center for Science Education (Tufts University, Massachusetts), and the University of Minnesota.

He has contributed articles to several scholarly anthologies and journals, including the American Chemical Society's Nobel Laureates in Chemistry (1901-1992) and the German centennial of A. W. Hofmann's death, Die Allianz von Wissenschaft und Industrie: August Wilhelm Hofmann (1818-1892).

Curriculum vitae summary


Discovery Institute page

Bartholomew Keckermann

(c. 1571 - c. 1609)

*** Not in Gale

German geographer, astronomer, mathematician, optician.

Galileo Project entry:

Though primarily a philosopher and theologian, Keckermann wrote a piece that holds an important place in the history of geography. He also published on astronomy, geometry, and optics, but in all cases only university lectures that contained nothing original.

William Williams Keen Jr.


American surgeon, U.S. army, in Civil War; practiced at Philadelphia (from 1866); Professor at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia (1889-1907). Pioneered in neurosurgery; first US brain surgeon; edited Gray's Anatomy, 1887 and Surgery: Its Principles and Practice (1906-1921). Theistic evolutionist.

A man for all seasons: W.W. Keen

Dr. William Williams Keen, Jr.: A Lifelong Military Surgeon and American Medicine Titan

'America’s First Brain Surgeon' Served During Civil War and World War I

James P. Keener


*** Not in Gale

Mathematician. Bioengineer. Cardiologist. Distinguished Professor of Mathematics & Adjunct Professor of Bioengineering, Department of Mathematics, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah; applied mathematician with a special interest in biological and chemical dynamics, and cardiology.

Author: Principles of Applied Mathematics, 2000; Mathematical Physiology, 1998 (Winner of the 1998 Association of American Publishers "Best New Title in Mathematics"). He has written more than 70 research papers.

Member: Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Society for Mathematical Biology, Biophysical Society, International Society for Complexity, Information and Design, Combined Membership List - (AMS, SIAM, MAA).

James Keener's Home page, Department of Mathematics, University of Utah: Page and Vitae

James P. Keener. Abstract, Defibrillation of Cardiac Tissue. http://www.math.utah.edu/~keener/lectures/abstracts/defibrillation.html

Testimony in Professors Who Believe: The Spiritual Journeys of Christian Faculty, edited by Paul M. Anderson. InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, IL, 1998. ISBN 0-8308-1599-6. "Christianity proclaims that there is a universal and undeniable need to know the Creator and that through Jesus Christ reconciliation of this estranged relationship is possible. Furthermore, failure to recognize our own inadequacy and to live in denial of this empirically verified fact is an example of being out of touch with reality, a spiritual psychosis, a condition of blindness that afflicts the vast majority of my colleagues. It is a curious fact that even among mathematicians the truth is not popular."

Jimmy T(ed) Keeton


(Not Jimmy Keeton / James E. Keeton, associate vice chancellor for Clinical Affairs at UMC, Mississippi)

Meat scientist. Animal scientist. Dr. Jimmy Keeton is a Professor in the meat science section in the Department of Animal Science, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, at Texas A&M University. Dr. Keeton's primary research interests involve enhancing the safety, nutritional value, and quality of meat products with most of his research efforts being devoted to reducing pathogen contamination, evaluating fat reduction systems; developing rapid, accurate assays to ensure the safety of precooked meats; characterizing the functional and sensory properties of novel ingredients; and

developing new process technologies for application to meat foods. Significant accomplishments include:

the discovery of bovine, porcine and avian muscle enzymes that could serve as heating endpoint indicators; validation of dry-cure ham processing procedures that inactivate Trichinalle spiralis, (this research lead to the revision of Title 9 Code of Federal Regulations and lengthened the dry-curing period); a biomechanical measurement technique that predicts tenderness of raw muscle samples;

development of meat products having 50 to 70% less fat or modified fatty acid compositions, and

validation of decontamination agents for ready-to-eat meat products. Previous positions: 1984-1992, Associate Professor, Texas A&M University, Meat Science; 1977-1983, Assistant Professor, North Carolina State University, College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Food Science, Muscle Foods;
Postdoctorate, North Carolina State University, Food Science.

Education: B.S., University of Tennessee, Animal Husbandry/Agricultural Education, 1968; M.S., University of Tennessee, Animal Products (Food Science), 1973; Ph.D., University of Tennessee, Animal Products (Food Science), 1977; Post Doctoral, North Carolina State University, Food Science (Meat Chemistry), 1980.

While at Texas A&M University, Dr. Keeton has authored or co-authored over 50 refereed journal articles, three textbook chapters, applied for two patents, received over $2,086,000 in grant/ contract support as principle investigator and served as a cooperator on projects totaling over $2,200,000.

He was a member of the first editorial board of the Journal of Muscle Foods and presently serves as a peer reviewer and referee for the Journal of Food Science, Journal of Animal Science, Meat Science, Journal of Textural Studies, USDA Competitive Grants Program, US Department of Commerce Small Business Grants Program, USDA-Agricultural Research Service and USDA-FSIS Programs.

Dr. Keeton teaches three undergraduate and three graduate level courses in meat processing/ food science and has been major advisor to over 27 master's and doctoral graduate students. He also teaches principles of HACCP, meat processing technology and analytical chemistry to meat inspectors-in-training at the USDA-FSIS Training Center located in the Texas A&M University Research Park.


A System for Polymerizing Collagen and Collagen Composites in situ for a Tissue Compatible Wound Sealant, Delivery Vehicle Binding Agent and/or Chemically Modifiable Matrix, United States, Patent No. 09/713270, 2002, Institution-owned.
Method and Device for Determining the Presence of an Enzyme Analyte in Bovine, Porcine or Poultry Meat, United States of America, Patent No. 2065.01A (Docket), 1997, Industry-owned.

Dr. Keeton is a professional member of the American Meat Science Association (AMSA), Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), American Chemical Society (ACS), American Society of Animal Science (ASAS), Poultry Science Association (PSA), International Association of Food Protection (IAFP), Sigma Xi, Phi Tau Sigma, Gamma Sigma Delta and Alpha Zeta. He has served as a director of the AMSA, chairman of the 1992 Reciprocal Meat Conference of the AMSA, president of AMSA (1998-99), secretary of the Muscle Foods Division of IFT, president of the Texas A&M chapter of Gamma Sigma Delta (the Honor Society of Agriculture), and president of the Texas A&M chapter of Phi Tau Sigma (the Honor Society for Food Science). He has also served on the board of directors of the Federation of Animal Science Societies (FASS) and as the Secretary/ Treasurer. Dr. Keeton is a member of the Graduate Faculty of Nutrition and the Faculty of Food Science and Technology. He has also served as a consultant to the United Nations Industrial Development Organization, the Organization of American States, the United States Department of Agriculture-Food Safety and Inspection Service, the International HACCP Alliance and various companies, suppliers and commodity support groups associated with the meat industry.

Curriculum vitae

American Meat Science Association profile

Faculty page

Honors: Signal Service Award, American Meat Science Association, 2001; Meat Processing Award, American Meat Science Association, 1993; Ph.D. Graduate Scholarship, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1974; Academic Achievement Award, U.S. Army, Ft. Campbell, KY, 1969; M.S. Scholarship, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, 1968.

"Acid 'Stops Listeria in its Tracks',"

"Surface solutions to cut food poisoning - 06/01/2003". A new product - acidified calcium sulphate - is currently showing potential as an effective way to kill Listeria monocytogenes and to keep foods safer for consumers.
"Our goal was to look at different treatments that might be used to decontaminate the surface of cooked products to ensure that Listeria was killed and it had very little opportunity to grow after that," said Dr Jimmy Keeton, professor with the department of animal science at Texas A&M University. "Listeria grows at refrigerator temperatures," he added.

James Keill


***Not in Gale

Scottish anatomist, iatromechanist, physiologist, physician, chemist. Anglican. Younger brother of John Keill.

Galileo Project entry:

Keill revised, completed, and published the translation of Lemery's Course of Chymistry, 1698. Anatomy of the Human Body Abridged, 1698--largely derivative although later edition incorporated Keill's own increasing knowledge of anatomy. Despite its derivative nature, it was the most popular English compensium of anatomy of its time.

Keill was an iatromechanist in the tradition of Pitcairne. His physiological theories showed up in later editions of the Anatomy. In 1708, An Account of Animal Secretion . . . and Muscular Motion, which drew heavily on the Newtonian concept of attraction, Keill was the first to calculate, on dubious grounds, the rate at which the blood flows. Essays on Several Parts of Animal Oeconomy, 1717, was the second edition of Secretion. Tentamina medico-physica, 1718, translated the Essays into Latin.

Keill attempted to relate his physiology to practice. His Medica statica, 1718, conclused with a number of health precepts and with two medical essays.

Member: Royal Society, 1712. Informal Connections: Friendship and extensive medical correspondence with Sir Hans Sloane.

Significant Scots entry

John Keill


***Not in Gale

Scottish physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher Savilian Professor of Astronomy at Oxford, 1712. Keill was a high church Anglican. Older brother of James Keill.

Galileo Project entry

Keill's first publication, An Examination of Dr. Burnet's Theory of the Earth, 1698, was an attack on cosmogonical theories of the origin of the universe held by some mechanical philosophers. Keill became a propagator of Newtonian philosophy. Introductio ad veram physicam, 1725 (later also in English). Keill constantly compared the atheistic tendencies in Cartesian natural philosophy with the Newtonian philosophy.

He wrote an article on short range forces between particles in the Philosophical Transactions. He also wrote Euclides elementorum libri priores sex, 1715, with treatises on trigonometry and logarithms attached.

Keill became Newton's champion (or mouthpiece) in the priority dispute.

Member: Royal Society, 1700.

JMacTutor entry

NAHSTE entry

Significant Scots entry

Mary Kenneth Keller


Computer science pioneer. From Vatican Observatory profile:

"[Keller] went to DePaul University in Chicago, where she received a B.S. in mathematics in 1943, and continued on to receive an M.S. in mathematics and physics in 1953. During her graduate studies, she was also affiliated with other universities, including Dartmouth, Purdue, the University of Michigan, and the University of Wisconsin. She was part of the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s brand-new computer science program, and received its first Ph.D. on June 7, 1965."

"This makes her one of the first two people in the United States to receive a doctorate in computer sciences (Irving Tang at Washington University in St. Louis received a Sci.D. on the same day), and perhaps the first woman ever to receive a Ph.D. in the field...After finishing her degree, the Sisters of Charity of the B.V.M. assigned her to Clarke College in Dubuque, Iowa. There, she founded and directed the computer science department, where she stayed for the next 20 years. During this time, she was a strong advocate both for women in computer sciences and for the use of computing resources in education. She founded the Association of Small Computer Users in Education...."

"Sr. Mary Kenneth Keller is most noteworthy for her role in helping develop the BASIC computer programming language. She had received an exception from what was then male-only Dartmouth College to attend their National Science Foundation workshop on computer science. At this workshop, she worked with John G. Kemeny and Thomas E. Kurtz on the implementation of the BASIC kernel. Keller also anticipated the ubiquity of computing in fields outside of computer science, as well as the development of artificial intelligence. The computer center at Clarke University is named in her honor. The university has also endowed a computer science scholarship that bears her name."

University of Wisconsin profile

The Legacy of Mary Kenneth Keller, First U.S. Ph.D. in Computer Science

Centre for Computing History profile

David Kellner


**Not in Gale

German physician and scientist. Personal physician to the ruler of Prussia.

Galileo Project entry:

The second of Kellner's surgical dissertations is dedicated to Johann Langguth, a physician in the service of Duke Ernst of Saxony. It is possible that Langguth advanced Kellner in his work. A reference in his Schenkeldiener (1690) mentions that he wrote the book in 1683 when he was with Duke Heinrich, his prince and overlord, in Roemhild. The book itself is dedicated to Johann Scheib, the surgeon and barber of Gotha (the prince's city of residence) whom Kellner calls his friend and patron.

Author: Hochnutzbar und bewahrte edle Bierbraukunst, mit einem Anhang ueber Wein und Essig (Leipzig- Gotha, 1690; 2nd ed., Leipzig, Eisenach, 1710).

Howard A(twood) Kelly


Howard Atwood Kelly served as one of the four original medical professors when Johns Hopkins Medical School was formed. He developed new techniques in abdominal surgery, particularly gynecologic surgery, and was one of the first to recognize the potential for treating cancer with radium.

Penn Libraries biography

Biography in Doctors Who Followed Christ: Thirty-Two Biographies of Eminent Physicians and Their Christian Faith, by Dan Graves. Kregel Resources, Grand Rapids, MI, 1999. ISBN 0-8254-2734-7.

Lord Kelvin / William Thomson


William (Lord Kelvin) Thomson is recognized as the premier scientific mind of the nineteenth century, and perhaps the greatest thinker since Isaac Newton (1642-1727). He originated new schools of thought in physics, thermodynamics, electronics, and mathematics. He was knighted in 1866 for his work in salvaging the first telegraph cable to span the Atlantic, became wealthy enough to own a 126-ton yacht and an estate, and in 1892 was made Baron Kelvin of Largs.

MacTutor entry

Magnet Lab entry

NAHSTE biography

Biography in Scientists of Faith: 48 Biographies of Historic Scientists and Their Christian Faith, by Dan Graves. Kregel Resources, Grand Rapids, MI, 1996. ISBN 0-8254-2724-X.

Dr. Elaine Kennedy

Geologist. Research scientist at the Geoscience Research Institute, Loma Linda, California. She holds a B.S. in geology from Phillips University, a B.S. in teaching sciences from Phillips University, an M.S. in geology from Loma Linda University and a Ph.D. in geology from the University of Southern California. Dr. Kennedy's current research involves a study of an unusual occurrence of dinosaur eggshell fragments in a storm surge deposit in Patagonia, Argentina.

Elaine Kennedy,Home page

Elaine Kennedy. "A little about my faith ..." Testimony

Christian Answers profile

Testimony in In Six Days: Why Fifty Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation, edited by John F. Ashton, Ph.D. Master Books, Inc., Green Forest, AR, 2001. ISBN 0-89051-341-4.

Dean H. Kenyon


From Open Debate on Life’s Origins -- account of Kenyon's dealings with San Francisco State University:

"Kenyon is an authority on chemical evolutionary theory and the scientific study of the origin of life. After receiving a Ph.D. in biophysics at Stanford, he later completed post-doctoral work at Oxford, NASA and the University of California, Berkeley. In 1969, he co-authored a seminal theoretical work titled Biochemical Predestination. The book articulated what was arguably the most plausible evolutionary account of how a living cell might have organized itself from chemicals in the 'primordial soup.' "

"Kenyon’s subsequent work resulted in numerous scientific publications. As evidence rolled in during the late 1970s, however, he began to question his own earlier ideas. When run under realistic conditions, so-called “simulation” experiments repeatedly produced irrelevant sludge or low yields of desired amino acids. Further, molecular biology had revealed the presence of encoded messages along the spine of large biomolecules such as DNA. Both experiments and developments in a field known as information theory suggested that simple chemicals do not arrange themselves into such complex information-bearing molecules — without, that is, 'guidance' from human experimenters."

Discovery Institute profile

Johannes Kepler


The German astronomer and mathematician Johannes Kepler was one of the chief founders of modern astronomy because of his discovery of three basic laws underlying the motion of planets. He studied at Tubingen under Michael Mastlin, who imparted to him Copernican principles. Professor, Graz (1594); assistant to Tycho Brahe at observatory near Prague (1600); succeeded Brahe at observatory and as imperial mathematician and court astronomer (1601). Mathematician to the states of Upper Austria at Linz (1612); moved to Ulm (1626); completed and published Brahe's Tabulae Rudolphinae (1627); moved to Sagan in Silesia (1628). Discovered Kepler's laws of planetary motion, announcing the first two in his Astronomia nova (1609) and the third in Harmonice mundi (1619). Also published Mysterium cosmographicum (1596), De stella nova (1606), Epitome astronomiae Copernicanae (1618-21), Somnium seu astronomia lunari (1634). Considered founder of modern optics by his postulation of the ray theory of light to explain vision. Did pioneer work that led to invention of calculus. Lutheran. Lunar Crater Kepler and Crater Kepler on Mars named in his honor.

Galileo Project entry

MacTutor entry

FAU biography

Cal State biography

Free Dictionary entry

Annotation: Posner Family Collection in Electronic Format Harmonices mvndi The Harmony of the Worlds in fulltext facsimile in Latin.

As for Kepler the scientist, he published two important works while he was in Linz. One was the Harmonice mundi (1618), in which his third law was announced. According to it the squares of the sidereal periods of any two planets are to each other as the cubes of their mean distances from the sun. The law was, however, derived not from celestial mechanics (Newton's Principia was still 6 decades away) but from Kepler's conviction that nature had to be patterned along quantitative relationships since God created it according to "weight, measure and number." Shortly after his first book appeared, he wrote in a letter: "Since God established everything in the universe along quantitative norms, he endowed man with a mind to comprehend them. For just as the eye is fitted for the perception of colors, the ear for sounds, so is man's mind created not for anything but for the grasping of quantities." In the Harmonice mundi he wrote merely a variation on the same theme as he spoke of geometry which "supplied God with a model for the creation of the world. Geometry was implanted into human nature along with God's image and not through man's visual perception and experience." "Johannes Kepler." Encyclopedia of World Biography, 2nd ed. 17 Vols. Gale Research, 1998.

Biography in Scientists of Faith: 48 Biographies of Historic Scientists and Their Christian Faith, by Dan Graves. Kregel Resources, Grand Rapids, MI, 1996. ISBN 0-8254-2724-X.

Edward Luther Kessel


Biologist. Instructor zoology, entomology Marquette University, Milwaukee, 1928-30; editor Wasmann Journal Biology, 1940-75, from Assistant Professor to Chairman department of biology University San Francisco, 1930-75, emeritus Professor biology, 1975. Education: Student Greenville College, Illinois, 1922-24, Church Division School of Pacific, 1925; B.S., University California-Berkeley, 1925, M.S., 1928, Ph.D., 1936.

Honors: Recipient Distinguished Teaching award, University San Francisco, 1970, Outstanding Educator America award, 1972; NSF grantee. Fellow AAAS, California Academy Sciences (Associate curator of insects, emeritus curator 1975, technical publications, papers, proceedings and memoirs, 1940-75).

Member: Pacific Coast Entomology Society (President 1940-41), Society Systematic Zoology (section councilor 1955), Biosystematics Wilderness Soc, Nature Conservancy, American Scientific Affiliation, Women's Evang. Caucus, Sigma Xi, Alpha Sigma Nu, Beta Beta Beta, Phi Sigma. Chairman Christian citizenship and social action committee, Marin County Council of Churches, California, 1962-65; Chairman Protestant Interracial Fellowship, 1962-65; Member executive board Marin County Branch NAACP; Member North California chapter Presbyterian Interracial Council; Member committee racial and cultural relations No. California-Nev. Council of Churches, 1961-64; Member Urban League.

Contributor of Evidence of God in an Expanding Universe, 1958. Editor: A Century of Progress in the Natural Sciences, 1953. Author monographs A Monograph on Echeveria, 1972, Nudibranchs, 1966, Flora of Kern County, California, 1967. Contributor of articles to professional journals.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

ASA profile

Harold H. Key


Professor emeritus of anthropology and linguistics at Cal State University at Long Beach.

ASA entry

Thomas Donnell Sporer Key


(Born in Marshall, Texas, United States). Minister, biology educator. Biology instructor, Hinds Community College, Raymond, 1990-95; pastor, Springridge Bible Church, Raymond, Mississippi, 1990-91; pastor, Skyview Congl. Methodist Church, Laurel, Mississippi, 1989-90; pastor, 1st Congl. Methodist Church, Magee, Mississippi, 1986-89; pastor, 1st Independent Methodist Church, Bainbridge, Georgia, 1985-86; pastor, Wesleyan Congl. Church, Citronelle, Alabama, 1982-85; chair biology dept., Oglethorpe University, 1969-74; biology instructor, Ball State University, 1965-69. Board of Directors Immanuel Baptist Seminary, Sharpsburg, Georgia, v.p. development, 1973-99; Board of Directors Methodist Bible Hour Caribbean Mission. Education: BA, MA, Southern Methodist University, 1952; EdD, Ball State University, 1969; ThD and Ph.D., Antioch Seminary, 1984, 1986; ScD, Immanuel College, 1978. Certification: Ordained to ministry Congl. Methodist Church as elder, 1984. Dr. Key is currently semi-retired and serving as a part time minister.

Member: Fellow American Science Affiliation; Grace Gospel Fellowship, Grace Evangelical Society, Phi Delta Kappa Honorary; Member of China Mission Board; Lamplighter's 98 Leadership in a Time of Change; American Association for the Advancement of Science; Atlanta Area Microbiology Association.

Honors: Georgia Governor's Board of Ecology; Decree of Merit from International Biographical Centre at Cambridge, England; Research Board of Advisers 2000 of American Biographical Institute; Personalities of the South; Department of Defense Office of Civil Defense at Staff College, Battle Creek , Michigan (Radiological Defense Officer); Radiological Monitoring for Instructors; included in 2000 Outstanding Scholars of the 20th Century; SIGMA ZETA Honorary Science Society; Fellow of American Scientific Affiliation; Research Board of Advisers of American Biographical Association.

Author: Key to Headache Control, 1997, The Book of Mormon in the Light of Science, 1997, Key to Pest Control, 1997, others; co-author: Evolution and Christian Thought Today, 1959; Contributor of articles to professional journals.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Key: "As both a professional biologist and pastor, I have had the privilege of knowing the works of God and the Word of God. My life goal is to help sinners come to the Creator who is our Savior and Lord."

Vadim Tarasovich Khmurchik


(Born in Perm, USSR). Biologist, researcher. Senior Research scientist, Perm State Tech. University, 2000-01; Senior Research scientist, Russian Academy Sciences, Perm, 1998-99; Research scientist, Russian Academy Sciences, Perm, 1993-98; jr. Research scientist, Russian Academy Sciences, Perm, 1991-93; engr. Institute Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms, Russian Academy Sciences, Perm, 1990-91. Education: Graduate, Perm State University, 1989; Ph.D., Russian Academy Sciences, Perm, 1997.

Honor: Grantee Spl. Fund for Granting Talented Young Scientists, 1993.

Chairman Council Public Self-Government of Micro-District Stakhanovsky, Perm, 1998-2000. Christian Orthodox.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

ResearchGate page

Gabriel Shukri Khodr


(Born in Beirut, Lebanon). Physician, geneticist, company executive. Certification: Diplomate American Board Medical Genetics, American Board Ob-gyn. Achievements include patent in human chorionic gonadotropin releasing factor; discovery of placental gonadotropins and work on functions. President, Southwest Genetics P.A., San Antonio, 1982; Associate Professor, University of Texas, San Antonio, 1979-82; Assistant Professor ob-gyn., University of Texas, San Antonio, 1976-79; Assistant Professor ob-gyn., American University of Beirut, 1973-76; postgraduate fellow, University San Diego, 1970-73. Education: MD, American University of Beirut, 1967.

Member: Fellow American College Ob-gyn., American College Medical Genetics; AMA, Society Gynecologic Investigation, Texas Medical Association

Contributor of articles to professional journals.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

John Kidd


*** Not in Gale

From Free Dictionary:

John Kidd was born in Westminster, the son of a naval officer. He was educated at Christ Church, Oxford. He became reader in chemistry at Oxford in 1801, and in 1803 was elected the first Aidrichian Professor of chemistry. He then voluntarily gave courses of lectures on mineralogy and geology: these were delivered in the dark chambers under the Ashmolean Museum, and there William Conybeare, William Buckland, Charles Daubeny and others gained their first lessons in geology. Kidd was a popular and instructive lecturer, and through his efforts the geological chair, first held by Buckland, was established. In 1818 he became a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians; in 1822 regius Professor of medicine in succession to Sir Christopher Pegge; and in 1834 he was appointed keeper of the Radcliffe Library. He delivered the Harveian oration before the Royal College of Physicians in 1834.

Publications: Outlines of Mineralogy (1809); A Geological Essay on the Imperfect Evidence in Support of a Theory of the Earth (1815); On the Adaptation of External Nature to the Physical Condition of Man (1833).

1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica entry

Wilhelm Killing



MacTutor entry

Society of Catholic Scientrists entry

Kyong-Tai Kim, Ph.D.

Neurophysiologist. Associate Professor, Department of Life Science, Division of Molecular and Life Sciences, POSTECH, Korea. Neurophysiology Ph.D., University of Massachusetts, Amherst , 1989; Research Investigator, Genetic Engineering Research Center, Korea Institute of Science and Technology, 1982-1985; Postdoctoral Fellow, Laboratory Molecular Neurobiology, Cornell University Medical College, 1989-1991;Visiting Scientist, Department of Physiol. & Biophys., University of Washington 1997-1998. (Research Scientist) M.S. in Biology (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology), 1982. B.S. in Agricultural Chemistry, Seoul National University, 1980.

Fields of Specialization: Signaling systems in neuronal cells, Secretory mechanism of neurotransmitters and hormones, Regulation of neurotransmitter synthetic enzyme genes, Cloning of clock controlled genes, Identification of anchoring proteins for receptors and ion channels, Identification of signaling modulators in neurotransmission.

IEEE profile

ResearchGate page

Faculty page 1

Faculty page 2

Life as a POSTECH Professor

Se Kim

ASA member.

AAAS profile

From BioLogos profile:

"Se Kim is the Project Director of the Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Religion (DoSER) program at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), the world’s largest multidisciplinary scientific society. Contributing to the AAAS’ mission to advance science and serve society, she oversees the variety of projects of the DoSER program which facilitates communication between scientific and religious communities. Se received her Ph.D. in Human and Molecular Genetics from Baylor College of Medicine, and continued her research at Rice University as a NIH post-doctoral fellow. Her research work has included topics ranging from genetics, neuroscience, and plant cell biology. Married to a pastor, Se is keenly aware of the challenges often faced by the rising generation when forced to chose between science and their Christian faith. She is committed to working with seminary and church leaders to bridging the scientific and faith communities through education and constructive dialogue."

ResearchGate page

Dr. Se Kim Leads Faith and Science Chapel

George Kinoti

***Not in Gale

Not the same George Kinoti who was Kenya's head of investigations.

Zoologist, scholar. Professor of Zoology at The University of Nairobi. Executive director, African Institute for Scientific Research and Development, ASA profile

George Kinoti. http://www.fum.org/about/triennial_George.htm. "… the Gospel of Christ is a holistic gospel. It is concerned with the whole of life. It is good news not only for our spiritual and moral lives but also for every aspect of life. Our world badly needs the holistic gospel of Jesus."

George Kinoti. Hope for Africa, pp. 52-54. "Why have the standards declined (in African Education)? The first reason is political interference in educational matters. In many African countries government has taken complete control of the educational system, including nationalisation of church schools and colleges. Professional educators have little say in educational policy or in the running of educational institutions in many African countries . . . If Africa is to have leaders of integrity, ability and a genuine concern for others, the Church must once again become a leader in the educational field. First, Christians need to play a leading role in the formulation of national educational policy."

Testimony in God and the Scientists, edited by Mike Poole. CPO, Worthing, 1997. ISBN 1-901796-02-7.

Celebrating Black Scientists entry

William Kirby


***Not in Gale

Kirby has been called the "Father of Entomology" in England and was probably one of the most famous entomologists of all time. He was a minister for 58 years and extensively studied insects during that time.

Who was William Kirby, the father of entomology?

Kirby's Introduction to Entomology

Gottfried Kirch


*** Not in Gale

German astronomer, instrument-maker. Lutheran.

Galileo Project entry

Kirch made a number of instruments, and also invented a new circular micrometer (1679).

Member: Kirch was the first astronomer at the observatory of the newly-established Berlin academy (1700).

Biographical entry

Maria Kirch


Fuller name: Maria Margarethe Winkelmann Kirch

German astronomer. First woman to discover a comet, 1702. Lutheran. Meteorologist for the Berlin Academy. Wife of Gottfried Kirch. She was actively involved in the establishment of the Berlin Academy of Sciences, but lost her position there after her husband's death.

Author: (Winkelmann) Vorstellung des Himmels bey der Zusammenkunfft dreyer Grossmächtigsten Könige. Potsdam, 1709; (Winkelmann) Vorbereitung, zur grossen Opposition, oder merckwürdige Himmels- Gestalt im 1712. Cölln an der Spree, 1711.

Galileo Project entry

MacTutor entry

Athanasius Kircher, S.J.


(1601-1680) German Jesuit and scholar. Taught mathematics and Hebrew at the College of Rome (from c.1638); gave up teaching to study hieroglyphics and archaeology (1643). Credited with invention of the magic lantern.

Athanasius Kircher Links, with a Geoscience Bias:

Fairfield University entry

"German Jesuit archaeologist, mathematician, biologist, philologist, astronomer, musicologist, and physicist. One of the world's great polymaths, he knew Hebrew, Aramaic, Coptic, Persian, Latin, and Greek as well as various modern languages. Kircher was interested in all branches of science, especially in subterranean phenomena (volcanic forces in particular), in the deciphering of hieroglyphics (albeit incorrectly), the chronologgy of ancient Egyptian dynasties, and in linguistic relations. He also aided Bernini in the erection of an Egyptian obelisk in Rome's Piazza Navona and in the construction of his fountain. Kircher's frequently playful inventions included an early slide projector, a talking and eavesdropping statue that employed a primitive intercom, a chamber of mirrors, and a vomiting machine."

1911 Encyclopedia entry

His principal work is the Latin compendium Musurgia universalis, sive Ars magna consoni et dissoni (Rome, 1650; ed. by W. Goldhan, Leipzig, 1988), one of the most significant treatises on music, most notably for its originality. He also wrote Magnes, sive De arte magnetica (Rome, 1641; 2nd ed., rev., 1643), Ars magna lucis et umbrae (Rome, 1646), Oedipus aegiptiacus (Rome, 1652-54), Iter exstaticum coeleste (Rome, 1656), Organum mathematicum (Würzburg, 1668; in collaboration with C. Schott), Ars magna sciendi (Amsterdam, 1669), Phourgia nova, sive Conuigium mechanico-physicum artis et naturae (Kenpten, 1673), Tariffa Kircheriana (Rome, 1679), and Vita admodum reverendi P. Athanasii Kircheri SJ viri toto orbe celebratissimi (MS).

Galileo Project entry

Kircher described a device for measuring magentic force using a balance, promulgated the use of magnetic inclinations to find longitude, described a graduated aerometer, and described the method of measuring temperature by the bouyancy of small balls. He also designed and built sundials at Koblenz and Mainz.

From time to time he also did surveying and mapping, e.g., for the Elector of Mainz, and while in Narbonne (before he arrived at Avignon). In connection with this he developed a triangulation instrument.

1638, Kircher wrote and dedicated to Paul Lascaris, the Grand Master of the Order of the Knights of St. John (the Johanniterordens), a book for the use of knights designed to help them solve "the most important mathematical and physical problems." This involved a mathematical instrument, called Kircher's pantometer.

Connections: He acted as a kind of astronomical clearing house for observations between G.B. Riccioli, G.D. Cassini, and Hevelius. Kircher worked closely with Caspar Schott, S.J., and Joseph Petrucci.

Catholic Encyclopedia entry

John Story Kirkbride


*** Not in Gale

Physician. From "Dr. Thomas Story Kirkbride":

Kirkbride was a founding member of the Association of Medical Superintendents of American Institutions for the Insane (AMSAII)-forerunner of the American Psychiatric Association-serving first as secretary, then later as president. Through this association and in his writings, Kirkbride promoted a standardized method of asylum construction and mental health treatment, popularly known as the Kirkbride Plan, which significantly influenced the entire American asylum community during his lifetime.

"Dr. Thomas Story Kirkbride and the Magic Lantern"

KIRKBRIDE'S HOSPITAL, Also known as Institute of Pennsylvania Hospital: Placed on the National Register of Historic Places July 24, 1975

Biography in Doctors Who Followed Christ: Thirty-Two Biographies of Eminent Physicians and Their Christian Faith, by Dan Graves. Kregel Resources, Grand Rapids, MI, 1999. ISBN 0-8254-2734-7.

Perry William Kirklin


Scientist. Rohm & Haas Co, analyst group leader 1964-70; Mobil Research & Dev Corp, Senior research chemist 1970-78, Associate chemist 1978-91; Proj Fuels Research Leader, 1978-91; Bloomfield College, Associate Professor of chemistry, 1991-95; Cheyney University of Pennsylvania, adjunct Professor, 1996-97; St Mary Academy, sub teacher.Education: Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pennsylvania, BS, 1957; University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, Ph.D., 1964.

Memberships: Montgomery County College, summer bridges Professor, 1995-01; Chairman, ASTM Aviation Fuel Commission, 1977-91; Chairman Buckes County Health Planning 1968-72; Director, PHILA Regional Health Planning 1968-74; Pennsylvania State Health Planning Council 1970-74; President, vice President for Assistant treasurer, Salem Federal Credit Union 1972-present; Director, Bucks County Commission Center 1965-74; member Salem Baptist Church Jenkingtown Pennsylvania 1968-present; Natl Org Black Chemists & Chemical Engineers, 1979-present.

Honors: Pennsylvania Regional Introduction of Minorities to Engineering Award, 1988; ASTM Award of Appreciation, 1990; Westminster College Distinguished Chemistry Alumni Award, 1997.

Perry W. Kirklin, writer; Peter David, editor. Aviation Fuel: Thermal Stability Requirements, June 1992, American Society for Testing & Materials. Numerous technical articles published; numerous technical journals, 1964.

"Perry William Kirklin, Dr." Who's Who Among African Americans, 17th ed. Gale Group, 2004.


Richard Kirwan


Irish chemist. Author of Elements of Mineralogy (1784), first English systematic treatise on this subject.

Richard Kirwan: The Dublin Philosopher- Pioneering Scientist, Hypochondriac & Eccentric

Royal Irish Academy lecture

ChemEurope biography

James L(ester) Kitchens


(Not James Kitchens, Department of Sociology, University of North Texas)

Health physicist. Quality Assurance Officer and Collateral Safety, Health, & Environmental Manager (Physical Scientist) at the USEPA, Ecosystems Research Division in Athens, Georgia and the Quality Assurance Officer for the facility. Expertise: Occupational Health & Safety, Industrial Hygiene (RPIH), Health Physics, Fire Safety Education, & Analytical Chemistry, Certified Hazardous Material Manager (CHMM). Previous positions: Chemical technologist Story Chemical Corp., Athens, Georgia, 1972-73; Environmental scientist Environmental Protection Division, State of Georgia, Atlanta, 1973-77; chemist, Bionetics Corp., Athens, 1977-80; radiation safety officer University Georgia, Athens, 1980. Education: B.S., Chemistry, University of Georgia.

Member: Health Physics Society - Plenary member (President elect 1985-86, President 1986-87), Program Committee, RSO Section Nominating Committee; American Society of Safety Engineers - Professional member; Association of Hazardous Materials Managers; Association of Professional Industrial Hygienist - Registered Professional Industrial Hygienist; American Congress of Governmental Industrial Hygienist, Member; Project Safe Georgia, ERD Representative; Atlanta Federal Health and Safety Council, Past Chair; ORD Safety Team, Charter member, SHEMCHATTER editor. Baptist.

Staff Member Page, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Ecosystems Research Division

Environmental Compliance and Safety Officer

Honor: Recipient Environmental Safety Officer of Year award University Georgia, 1983.

Joanna Kelin

Ph. D. in genetics.

Faculty page

John W(illiam) Klotz


Biologist and Geneticist. Seminary educator, author, minister. Chief Academic Officer, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis. Director Graduate Studies, Concordia Seminary., St. Louis, 1978; Professor practical theology, Dean Academic affairs, Concordia Seminary., St. Louis, 1974-78; Professor and Academic Dean, Concordia Senior. College, Ft. Wayne, Indiana, 1959-74; Professor Religious Studies, Concordia Teachers. College, River Forest, Ill., 1945-59; Instructor, Bethany Luth. College, Mankato, Minnesota, 1943-45; Instructor, Concorida College, Bronxville, N.Y., 1941-43. MDiv, Concordia Seminary., 1941; Ph.D in Biology from the University of Pittsburgh, 1947.

Member: Editorial Board of the Creation Research Society Quarterly. AAAS, American. Institute Biol. Science, Izaak Walton League, Nature Conservancy.

Author: Genes, Genesis and Evolution, 1955, The Challenge of the Space Age, 1961, Modern Science in the Christian Life, 1961, Abortion, 1973, Ecology Crisis, 1973, Studies in Creation, 1985, Men, Medicine and Their Maker, 1991.

Christian Answers profile


Dr. Nancy F(lanagan) Knapp

*** Not in Gale

(Not Nancy Knapp, Mental health administrator, born June 2, 1922 in Cleveland, Ohio)

Educational Psychologist. Associate Professor, Dept. of Educational Psychology, University of Georgia, 2002-present; Assistant Professor, Dept. of Educational Psychology, University of Georgia, 1994-2001; Instructor, Adult Basic Education, Midstate Technical College, Stevens Point, WI, 1978-1989; Teacher, English and Speech, Janesville Craig High School, Janesville, WI, 1975-1976; Paraprofessional, Math and Science, Carleton Washburne Junior High, Winnetka, IL, 1972-1973. B.A. in English with Honors, Beloit College, 1975; M.A. in Teaching, Beloit College, 1975; Ph.D. in Educational Psychology, Michigan State University, 1994.

Honors: 2003 Outstanding Teaching Award, College of Education, University of Georgia.

Outstanding Teaching Faculty Award, University of Georgia, 2003.

Member: American Educational Research Association, 1991-present; Relating Research to Practice Award Committee, 2003-2005; Chair, Teaching Educational Psychology Special Interest Group (SIG), 2000-2001; Program Chair, Teaching Educational Psychology SIG, 1999-2000; Graduate Student Coordinator, Teaching Educational Psychology SIG, 1993-1995; Proposal reviewer, Divisions C, G, K, 1994-present; International Reading Association, 1997-present; Invisible College of Research on Teaching, 1991-present; National Reading Conference, 1993-present; Chair, Committee on Ethics, 2001-2003; Proposal reviewer, 1995-present; Phi Beta Kappa, 1975-present; Portage County Literacy Council, Board of Directors, 1987-1989. Co-developer, M.Ed. program in Applied Cognition and Development, Department of Educational Psychology, College of Education, University of Georgia.

Author: Pre-GED science skills. Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1988 (a science reading text for adult basic education, reissued in 1989 as Breakthroughs in science skills ); In defense of Harry Potter: An apologia. School Libraries Worldwide (in press), et. Al. See Curriculum vitae for publications list.

Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Literacy Research, 1999-present; Editorial Reviewer, Qualitative inquiry, 2001-present.

Faculty page and curriculum vitae

ResearchGate page

Alvin R(aleigh) Knight


(Born in Suffolk, Virginia, United States). Training director. Biologist. Director training, Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, Virginia, 1989; employee relations specialist, Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, Virginia, 1986-89; employee development specialist, Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, Virginia, 1981-86; Deputy EEO officer, Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, Virginia, 1976-81; Research medical technologist, Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, Virginia, 1974-76; head toxicology br., Naval Hospital, Portsmouth, Virginia, 1972-74; Teacher, Nansemond County Schools, Suffolk, 1970-72; biologist, Melpar, Inc., Fall Church, Virginia, 1966-70. Associate coordinator general studies division National Christian Education Congress, 1992. Education: BS, Virginia State University, 1963; MS, Howard University, 1970.

Education advisory committee Portsmouth Virginia Employment Commission, 1986; President Baptist Sunday School, Baptist Training Union Congress Virginia, 1988. With U.S. Army, 1963-65.

Honor: Named Most Improved Speaker Dale Carnegie, 1976.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.


D(onald) E(rvin) Knuth


Computer scientist. Contemporary Authors: "Donald E. Knuth has done for computer science what Albert Einstein did for physics with his theory of relativity." Professor Emeritus, Stanford University, 1993; Professor, Stanford (California) University, 1968-92; Associate Professor, California Institute Technology, Pasadena, 1966-68; Assistant Professor, California Institute Technology, Pasadena, 1963-66.

Education: BS, MS, Case Institute Technology, 1960; Ph.D., California Institute Technology, 1963; DSc (Honorary), Case Western Res. University, 1980; DSc (Honorary), Luther College, Decorah, 1985; DSc (hon.), Lawrence University, 1985; DSc (Honorary), Muhlenberg College, 1986; DSc (Honorary), University of Pennsylvania, 1986; DSc (Honorary), University of Rochester, 1986; DSc (Honorary), SUNY, Stony, 1987; DSc (Honorary), Valparaiso University, 1988; DSc (Honorary), Oxford (England) University, 1988; DSc (Honorary), Brown University, 1988; DSc (Honorary), Grinnell College, 1989; DSc (Honorary), Dartmouth College, 1990; DSc (Honorary), Concordia University, Montreal, 1991; DSc (Honorary), Adelphi University, 1993; DSc (Honorary), Masaryk University, Brno, 1996; DSc (Honorary), Duke University, 1998; DSc (Honorary), St. Andrews University, 1998; DSc (Honorary), Williams College, 2000; Docteur, University Paris-Sud, Orsay, 1986; Marne-la-Vallee, 1993; D Technology, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, 1991; Pochetnogo Doktora, St. Petersburg University, Russia, 1992; DLitt (Honorary), University Waterloo, 2000.

MacTutor entry one or two

Knuth has made many contributions to mathematics and computing, such as the Knuth-Bendix algorithm, one of the fundamental algorithms for computing with algebraic structures, particularly with groups and semigroups. This important contribution, published jointly with his student Peter B. Bendix in 1970, attempts to solve solve the word problem in algebraic systems by deriving consequences of given relations to give, in some sense, a complete set. Another contribution, which has totally changed the whole way that mathematics is printed and communicated, is Knuth's invention of TeX, a language for typesetting mathematical and scientific articles. Other contributions: attribution grammar; the development of LR(k) parsing; the Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm which searches for a string of characters; and structured documentation and literate programming.

He was the first recipient of the Grace Murray Hopper Award from the Association for Computing Machinery in 1971; in 1974 he won the Alan M Turing Award from the Association for Computing Machinery; he was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1975; in the same year he won the Lester R Ford Award from the Mathematical Association of America; he was awarded the National Science Medal in 1979 (presented to him by President Carter); he was elected to the National Academy of Engineering in 1981; he was elected an honorary member of the IEEE in 1982 and awarded their Computer Pioneer Award in the same year; he was awarded the Steele Prize for Expository Writing from the American Mathematical Society in 1986; he was awarded the Franklin Medal in 1988; he was elected to the Académie des Sciences in 1992; he was awarded the Adelskold Medal from the Swedish Academy of Sciences in 1994; he was awarded the John von Neumann Medal from the IEEE in 1995; and the Kyoto Prize from the Inamori Foundation in 1996.

Member: Elected a Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Science in 1973; IEEE, NAS, National Academy of Engineering, Association for Computing Machinery, Academy of Science (foreign Associate Paris, Oslo and Munich).

Author: The Art of Computer Programming, 1968 (Steele prize 1987), Computers and Typesetting, 1986, Things a Computer Scientist Rarely Talks About: God and Computers, 2001.

Donald E. Knuth. Things a Computer Scientist Rarely Talks About" ( Stanford, California: Center for the Study of Language and Information, 2001), xi+257 pp. (CSLI Lecture Notes, no. 136.) ISBN 1-57586-327-8. "I consider that my main goal in life is to do what God wants me to do, so I try to understand what God wants me to do. And I believe that by understanding the Bible I get very good clues about this." and

"God definitely wants people to be actively searching for better understanding of life's mysteries."

Author of numerous academic papers. The Art of Computer Programming has been translated into numerous languages, including French, German, Russian, Romanian, Hungarian, Polish, and Chinese.

Donald E. Knuth, Professor Emeritus of The Art of Computer Programming at Stanford University, welcomes you to his home page here

Curriculum Vitae

Booksin Print by Donald E. Knuth

Free Dictionary entry

Nhan Nguyen biographical paper

Emanuel Koenig


*** Not in Gale

Swiss physician, natural historian. Calvinist.

Galileo Project entry

In 1682, he became a member of the Accademia Naturae Curiosorum (after 1687, the Accademia Caesarae Leopoldina), taking the name "Avicenna."

Gina Lee Koenig


(Born in Scranton, Pennsylvania, United States). Microbiologist. Certified specialist microbiologist in Biological safety microbiology, National Registry of Microbiologists. Principal scientist, Roche Molecular Systems, Alameda, California, 1997; Senior scientist, Roche Molecular Systems, Alameda, California, 1996-97; Member Instructional Biological safety committee, Roche Molecular Systems, Alameda, California, 1992; Research scientist, curator culture collection dept., Roche Molecular Systems, Alameda, California, 1992-96; microbiologist, Genencor, International, South San Francisco, 1987-92; Research Assistant, Monterey Mushrooms, Watsonville, California, 1985-87; fisheries biologist, National Marine Fisheries Service, Seattle, 1984-85; Research Assistant, Center for Air Environmental Studies, State College, Pennsylvania, 1983-84.Education: BS, Pennsylvania State University, 1984; MA, San Francicso State University, 1993.

Member: American Society Microbiology (committee for symposium convener 1998, 2000, committee for culture collections 1994-2001), Society for Cryobiology, American Biological Safety Association (registered Biological safety professional 1999, certified), U.S. Federation Culture Collections (program committee 1992, Chairman publicity committee 1992-94, exec. Board of Directors-at-large 1993-96, v.p. 1996-98, President 1998-2000, past President 2000-02), World Federation Culture Collections (program committee 1996, Board of Directors 2000), Mycol. Society of America, Mycol. Society San Francisco, Pennsylvania State University Alumni Association, Society for Indsl. Microbiology (convener 1997 symposium, workshop instructor 2002), Task Force on Biological Infrastructure and Databases, Planned Parenthood, Toastmasters (v.p. education 1996, Competent Toastmaster award 1996).

Honor: Recipient 1st pl. award California State University Biology Student Research Competition, 1992.

Contributor of articles to professional journals.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

ResearchGate page

Suzanne Kolare


*** Not in Gale

Cell biologist. Medical researcher. Lecturer, Department of Neuroscience in the Faculty of Medicine at the Karolinska Institute, Sweden. DDS in Faculty of Odontology and a Ph.D. in Immunobiology from the Faculty of Medicine at the Karolinska Institute. Published 22 over research papers and abstracts.

Testimony in On the Seventh Day: Forty Scientists and Academics Explain Why They Believe in God, edited by John F. Ashton, Ph.D. Master Books, Inc., Green Forest, AR, 2002. ISBN 0-89051-376-7.

Robert C(harles) Koons


Dr. Robert Koons is a Professor of philosophy at the University of Texas, Austin, where he has been since he earned his doctorate from UCLA in 1987 (promoted from Assistant to Associate Professor in 1994 and to full Professor in 2000). Koons has taught logic (both pure and applied), business ethics, philosophy of education, epistemology, metaphysics, human nature, and contemporary Christian philosophy. His research has been in the areas of philosophical logic, artificial intelligence, metaphysics, and the theory of causation and proper function. He is currently working on the logic of causation and the metaphysics of life and the mind. Education: B.A., Philosophy, Michigan State University. Summa cum laude, 1979; B.A., Philosophy and Theology, Oxford University. First Class Honours, 1981; Ph.D., Philosophy, UCLA,1987.

Member: Society of Christian Philosophers and the Association for Symbolic Logic. Koons is a Fellow of the International Society for Complexity Information and Design and the Texas Public Policy Foundation.

Honors: Gustave O. Arlt Award (Council of Graduate Schools) 1992; Carnap Prize (UCLA) 1987; Danforth Fellow, l979-85; Dillistone Scholar (Oriel College, Oxford), l980; Marshall Scholar, l979-1981.

Author: Paradoxes of Belief and Strategic Rationality (Cambridge University Press, 1992), for which Koons received the Gustave O. Arlt Award in the Humanities from the Council of Graduate Schools, Realism Regained: An Exact Theory of Causation, Teleology and the Mind (Oxford University Press, 2000, New York).

Robert Koons. Autobiographical sketch

The Virtual Office of Robert C. Koons

Curriculum Vitae

Dr. Koon's Realism Regained: Applications of an Exact Theory of Causation and Teleology

Robert Koons. "Are Probabilities Indispensable to the Design Inference?

Dr. C(harles) Everett Koop


Pediatric surgeon, Professor, author. Surgeon-general of the U.S., 1982-89; leader of public education campaign to combat AIDS epidemic. He helped found the C. Everett Koop Institute at Dartmouth in 1992, and continues to lead it, as well as serving as a senior scholar and Professor of surgery there. Medal of the Legion of Honor (France), 1980; Inducted Royal College of Surgeons of England, 1982; Public Health Service Distinguished Service Medal, 1983; Inducted Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, 1987; National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Emmy Award, 1991, for documentary C. Everett Koop, M.D.; Heinz Award in Public Policy, 1995; Surgeon General's Exemplary Service Medal and Surgeon General's Medallion, 1995; Presidential Medal of Freedom, the nation's highest civilian honor.

Koop has written or co-written numerous books, including his most recent, Dr. Folkman's War: Angiogenesis and the Struggle to Defeat Cancer (2001). In 1991 he was given an Emmy Award in the news and documentary category for C. Everett Koop, M.D., a five-part film series on health care reform. Koop is also chairman of the board of drkoop.com, an Internet consumer health resource, and founder of Shape Up, America!, a.national initiative to promote healthy weight and increased physical activity.

Biographical entry

The C. Everett Koop Institute

Finding Aid to the C. Everett Koop Papers, 1937-2003 (bulk 1960-2000)

Testimony in Scientists Who Believe: 21 Tell Their Own Stories, edited by Eric C. Barrett and David Fisher. The Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, IL. ISBN 0-8024-7634-1. "I think that the hallmark of my existence is the integration of my surgical life with my Christian faith."

Biography in Doctors Who Followed Christ: Thirty-Two Biographies of Eminent Physicians and Their Christian Faith, by Dan Graves. Kregel Resources, Grand Rapids, MI, 1999. ISBN 0-8254-2734-7.

Konstantinos Aristomenis Kormas


(Born in Kavala, Greece). Biologist, researcher. Guest investigator, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 2000; researcher, University of Athens, 1992-98. Education: BSc, University Athens, Greece, 1994; Ph.D., University Athens, Greece, 1998. Christian Orthodox.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

ResearchGate page

Leonid Ivanovitch Korochkin


Geneticist, artist, philosopher. Doctor of medical sciences. Professor of Genetics at Yale University. Head of the Molecular Biology Development laboratory of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Head of laboratory, Institute of Gene Biology, Moscow, 1991; Head of laboratory, Institute Developmental Biology, Moscow, 1980; Head of laboratory, Institute Cytology and Genetics, Novosibirsk, Russia, 1965-79; Head of laboratory, Medical Institute, Tomsk, 1962-64. Education: MD, Medical Institute, Tomsk, Russia, 1960; Kand., Medical Institute, Tomsk, Russia, 1961; Dr. Medical Science, Medical Institute, Tomsk, Russia, 1968.

Member: Russian Academy Sciences (corr.), Russian Academy Natural Sciences (academician)

Author: Gene Interactions in Development, 1981 (Koltzov's prize 1995), Light and Dark (against Marxism), 1993. Contributor of articles to professional journals; Member editorial board, Journal of Biochemical Genetics, 1967 - present, Developmental Genetics, 1980-90, Russian Genetics, 1987 - present, Russian Journal Developmental Biology, 1969.

Award: State Prize of Russia, 1996.

Personal webpage

Russian Academy Of Sciences, Koltzov INSTITUTE of DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY

Christian Answers profile

ResearchGate page

Dr. Arie Marinus Catharinus Antonius Koster


Mathematician, Scientific Computing - Optimization Zuse Institute Berlin

From biographical entry:

Arie Koster was born on Schoonhoven, the Netherlands. After completion of the VWO (pre-university education) at the Christelijke Scholengemeenschap Willem de Zwijger in Schoonhoven, he started in 1991 his studies in Technical Mathematics at Delft University of Technology. He specialized in Operations Research, and graduated in 1995 cum laude at the department of Statistics, Probability Theory and Operations Research on DualNet, a software package for the graphical representation of minimum cost flow network problems and algorithms. From September 1995 to August 1999, he was appointed as a Ph.D. student at the department of Quantitative Economics of the Universiteit Maastrich, where he completed his Doctoral thesis on frequency assignment. Since December 1, 1999, Arie Koster is affiliated as a (postdoctoral) researcher on Operations Research and Telecommunication at the Konrad Zuse Zentrum f\"ur Informationstechnik Berlin (ZIB).

Grant Krafft

***Not in Gale

Molecular pharmacologist, gerontologist, neurobiologist. Scientist specializing in Alzheimer's research

Grant Krafft is co-founder, Chairman and Chief Science Officer of Acumen Pharmaceuticals, responsible for Acumen's research and development programs and scientific strategies. Dr. Krafft is the author and co-inventor of Acumen's patent portfolio covering Alzheimer's disease mechanisms, therapeutics and diagnostics. Director of research development at Evanston Northwestern Healthcare Research Institute in Evanston, Illinois, and Professor of neurology at Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago.

Dr. Krafft obtained his B.S. degree with special honors in Chemistry at Valparaiso University, and his Ph.D. degree in Organic Chemistry at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign in 1980. He was an NIH post-doctoral Fellow in the Chemistry Department at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.

Dr. Krafft is an author of more than 75 scientific papers and a co-inventor of more than 20 issued and pending patents. He has been the principal investigator on more than a dozen NIH, NSF, ACS and Alzheimer's Association Grants and received the Alzheimer's Association T.L.L. Temple Award in 1999.

Kathleen M. Kostel. "Grant Krafft '76 Can He Cure Alzheimer's?, published in Valpo, the Magazine of Valparaiso University, Spring 2004.

Acumen Pharmaceuticals with profile page

John K.G. Kramer

*** Not in Gale

Biochemist. From biographical entry:

Ph.D. in biochemistry from the University of Minnesota, U.S.A.; B.S. (hons) and M.S in biochemistry from the University of Manitoba, Canada. Post-doctoral studies as a Hormel Fellow at the Hormel Institute (three years); Post-doctoral studies as an NRC Fellow at the University of Ottawa, Canada

Associate editor of the scientific journal LIPIDS; Research scientist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

John K.G. Kramer, Ph.D. Biochemistry. ICR profile

ResearchGate page

Christian Answers profile

Testimony in In Six Days: Why Fifty Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation, edited by John F. Ashton, Ph.D. Master Books, Inc., Green Forest, AR, 2001. ISBN 0-89051-341-4. Chapter.

Richard Douglas Kramer


(Not Richard D. Kramer, Ph.D., Board Certified Entomologist, Director of Technical Services, American Pest Management, Inc.)

Aerospace engineer. Dr. Richard D. Kramer has over 37 years experience in engineering and management. He has held senior positions with government and private industry, and has taught engineering and management science at the undergraduate and graduate levels. He is currently employed at Teledyne Solutions, Inc., responsible for propulsion systems engineering support to the National Missile Defense Ground Based Interceptor Program.

University of Alabama in Huntsville Continuing Education

Aerospace engineer NASA, Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, 1969-82; Senior systems engineer Teledyne Brown Engineering, Huntsville, 1982-83; Senior staff scientist, SRS Technologies, Huntsville, 1983; Teacher physics and engineering Calhoun Jr. College, 1982-83, University Alabama-Huntsville, 1982-85, SE Institute Tech., 1983-85. Served with U.S. Army, 1971-72. B.Aerospace Engineering, Auburn University, 1969; M.S., University Alabama, 1976; M.S. in Industrial Engineering, University Alabama-Huntsville, 1982, Ph.D. in Mech. Engineering, 1982.

Honor: Reserve ret. Recipient Directors Commendation, Marshall Space Flight Center, 1972.

Member: Reserve Officers Association, ASME, AIAA. Baptist.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Leopold Kronecker


German mathematician. Lecturer (1861-83), Professor (1883 ff.), Berlin; known chiefly for work in elliptic numbers, the theory of algebraic equations, and the theory of algebraic numbers.

MacTutor entry

University of Kansas biographical entry

Andrews University biographical entry

Johan J. Kruger

Zoologist and Ph. D. in nematology. From CMI profile:

"Born in 1950 and raised in a traditional Afrikaans home, Johan was instilled with the fear of God and respect for His Word, the Bible, from a very young age. However, his faith was challenged when he sought advice from one of his 'agnostic' zoology lecturers at university—asking if it was possible to 'reconcile' the Bible with evolution."

"Over the next 10 years—and while reading up on both sides of the creation/evolution controversy—he completed an M.Sc. in animal reproductive physiology in 1982, and a Ph.D. in nematology in 1986. He also worked as a technical/research assistant, and then as a postdoctoral research fellow."

"Later, as a senior zoology lecturer at a local university, he was responsible for Human and Sports Physiology courses, and also developed Biology courses for a teachers training program. He has authored/co-authored 22 research articles which have been published in peer-reviewed scientific journals."

ResearchGate page

Daniel Kuebler

Dean of Natural and Applied Sciences, Professor of Biology at Franciscan University. Ph.D. in Molecular and Cell Biology. Writes on the integration of science and faith.

Faculty page with vitae and publications list

Catholic Scientists entry

Purposeful Lab Podcast

Boris Kuharetz


Astrophysicist, Ph.D. in physics.

ResearchGate page

ASA entry

John Laurence Kulp


*** Not in Gale

Physical chemist, Environmental scientist.

His research interests included radiocarbon dating and other isotope geochronology, and in 1960 he published a widely cited geologic time scale (Rep. International. Geological Cong. 21st Session, Part III, p. 18-27). With Maurice Ewing, he was one of the leaders in the development of the Lamont Geological Observatory of Columbia University. In the mid-1960s he left academia to work for Isotopes, Inc., Teledyne, and Weyerhauser. In the 1980s he was the Reagan Administration's director of the National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program, and he was noted for a controversial report arguing that relatively little forest had been damaged by acid rain. He later was an expert for the American Council on Science and Health, a corporate-funded group dealing with environmental issues. As recently as 1997, he was an adjunct faculty member at the University of Washington and lecturing on the long-term availablity of natural resources. From University of Georgia.

Qualifications: Ph.D. in physical chemistry, Princeton University (1945); M.S., Ohio State University (1943); M.A., Princeton University (1944); B.S., Wheaton College (1942); Consultant, energy and environmental issues; Fellow, American Chemical Society; and author, "Phytosphere as a Sink for Carbon Dioxide," Electric Power Research Institute (1990), and "Interim Assessment, National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program," U.S. Government Printing Office (1987). Principal areas of expertise/interest: Air/water pollution, acid rain, global warming, and solid and nuclear waste disposal. Cited by the Directory of Environmental Scientists and Economists, published by The Environmental Policy Task Force of The National Center for Public Policy Research.

Ronald E. Doel. "Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory Explores Its History,"


Brethrenpedia entry

Johann Kunckel

(c. 1630-1703)

*** Not in Gale

Swedish chemist, alchemist, pharmacologist, instrument-maker.

Galileo Project entry

Kunckel was deeply involved in alchemy. As a chemist he had something to do with phosphorus, and he contributed to the chemistry concerned with glass. In 1679 he published a translation of Neri's Ars vitraria, augmented by himself.

Kunckel experimented with chemistry to produce valuable colored glass. His ruby glass, which was produced by introducing gold, was his greatest achievement, though he produced others as well. He also published a practical text on glass making in 1679. Kunckel improved upon the furnace used in glassmaking.

Member: In 1693, member of the Academia Caesarea Leopoldina, taking the name "Hermes." In 1699, Académie Royal des Sciences.

Heather Grace Kuruvilla


(Born in Olean, New York, United States). Biologist, educator. Assistant Professor, Cedarville (Ohio) University, 1997. Grant, science program, Consultant New Life Christian School, Franklinville, N.Y., 1997. Education: BS, Houghton College, 1992; Ph.D., SUNY, Buffalo, 1997.

Contributor of articles to professional journals.

Faculty page

Published works

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Stephanie L. Kwolek


Polymer chmeist who invented Kevlar.

Biographical entry

Society of Catholic Scientists entry


Younghun Kwon

***Not in Gale

Physicist. Visiting Professor, Theoretical High Energy Physics, University of Rochester, NY.

Professor, Department of Physics, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea. Associate Professor, 1961, Mathematical Physics. Major: Theoretical and Mathematical High Energy Physics.

Contact page

Younghun Kwon. "Quantum Search: Its Progress"

ResearchGate page

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