Edwin Masao Yamauchi


Historian. Scholar. Director graduate studies, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 1978-82; Professor Department history, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 1973; Associate Professor, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 1969-73; Assistant Professor, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, N.J., 1964-69; graduate Assistant, Brandeis University, Waltham, Mass., 1962-63; Instructor Greek lang., Shelton College, Ringwood, N.J., 1960-61. Student, University of Hawaii, 1957-58; BA, Shelton College, 1960; MA, Brandeis University, 1962; Ph.D., Brandeis University, 1964.

Member: American Oriental Society, Association of Ancient Historians, Evangelical Theological Society (chairman of Eastern section, 1965-66, president, 2003), Society of Biblical Literature, Near East Archaeological Society (Member of board of directors, 1973-present; vice-president, 1978-79), Archaeological Institute of America (president of Oxford chapter, 1973-74), Conference on Faith and History (president, 1974-76), American Scientific Affiliation (Fellow; president, 1983), Institute for Biblical Research (chairman, 1984-86; president, 1987-89), Ohio Academy of History, Ohio Classical Conference, Society of Biblical Literature.

Author: Pre-Christian Gnosticism, 1973, World of the First Christians, 1981, Foes from the North Frontier, 1982, Persia and the Bible, 1990, 7 other books, 1966-99. Senior editor Christianity Today, 1992-94; editor: Africa and Africans in Antiquity, 2001; co-author 2 books, co-editor 2 books.

Has participated in archaeological excavations in Jerusalem and Tel Anafa, Israel.

EDWIN M. YAMAUCHI. Easter: Myth, Hallucination, or History? This article, used by permission of the author, first appeared in two parts in Christianity Today on March 15, 1974 and March 29, 1974.

Edwin M. Yamauchi. "What's so Special About Jesus? Compared with Buddha, Muhammad, Socrates and Zoroaster"

Testimony in Professors Who Believe: The Spiritual Journeys of Christian Faculty, edited by Paul M. Anderson. InterVarsity Press, Downers Grove, IL, 1998. ISBN 0-8308-1599-6.

Faculty page

Mildred Sze-ming Yang


Biologist, educator. Associate Professor, Hong Kong Baptist University, 1995; Lecturer, Hong Kong Baptist University, 1987-95; Research Associate, Medical College Virginia, Richmond, 1980-86; scientist, Sandoz Pharmaceutical Co., Basel, Switzerland, 1979-80. Education: BA, University California, San Diego, 1971; Ph.D., Washington University, St. Louis, 1979.

Member: AAAS, International Society for Study of Xenobiotics, Hong Kong Biochem. Society, Hong Kong Pharmacology Society.

Contributor of articles to professional publications., including Journal Neurosurgery, Journal Neurochemistry, Environmental Tech.; Contributor of chapter to book.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

ResearchGate page

President's award page

Dongwan Yoo


*** Not in Gale

Veterinarian. Associate Professor of Virology, Ontario Veterinary College. DVM, MSc (Seoul), Ph.D. (Ottawa). Research: Animal virology with emphasis on the molecular basis for viral pathogenesis and host cell-virus interactions. Engineering of the bovine coronavirus genomic RNA to study in vivo function of viral glycoproteins and for development of live recombinant gene delivery vehicle. Molecular characterization of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRS).

Faculty webpage, Ontario Veterinary College

Laboratory for Nidovirus Research, Genomics and Proteomics of Coronavirus and Arterivirus

PubMed search

Google Scholar page

ResearchGate page

Current faculty page, University of Illinois

Jong Sik Yoon


Research scientist University of Texas-Austin also Houston, 1965-68; Assistant Professor Yonsei University, 1968-71; research scientist University of Texas-Austin, 1971-78; Associate Professor Bowling Green State University, 1978-83, Professor genetics, 1983, Director National Drosophila Species Resource Center, 1982. Education: B.S., Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, 1961; M.A., University of Texas-Austin, 1964, Ph.D., 1965. Presbyterian.

Contributor of articles to professional journals.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Bowling Green State University profile:

"Jong Sik Yoon, biological sciences, who retired June 1. A geneticist and evolutionary biologist, Yoon directed the National Drosophilia Species Resources Center, the largest facility of its kind in the world, when it was transferred to Bowling Green from Texas in 1982. Yoon's research concerned the evolution of chromosomes in drosophilia. He examined such topics as the effects of pollutants on chromosome reproduction and the relationship between cell mutation and cancer. In 1981, he hosted the first scientist from the People's Republic of China to visit an Ohio university and the following year he traveled to China for research and to help set up a drosophilia lab there."

Patrick H. Young

From CMI profile:

"Dr Young received a Ph.D. in chemistry from Ohio University in 1984. After graduation he initiated an in-depth research program on the study of lyotropic liquid crystals where he received U. S. patent as co-inventor of a Kevlar® polymer and process modification improving critical properties in high performance composites."

"Since 1988, Dr. Young has been active in the research and development of Mylar® film products for capacitor and thermal transfer media applications. Some of these products include; using MIE scattering theory to develop a polyester film material useful in the manufacture of photoresists, a copolymer film composition useful in flyback transformers and a high dielectric strength polyester film for capacitors that resulted in a U.S. Patent."

Thomas Young


The English physicist Thomas Young is best known for his double-slit interference experiment which validated the wave theory of light and for the elastic modulus named for him. Quaker.

Free Dictionary entry

William Poser. Sir Thomas Young and Statistical Evidence of Historical Relationship

Magnet lab profile

"A Brief Biography of Thomas Young"

Biography in Scientists of Faith: 48 Biographies of Historic Scientists and Their Christian Faith, by Dan Graves. Kregel Resources, Grand Rapids, MI, 1996. ISBN 0-8254-2724-X.

Jar-Fee Yung


Chinese geneticist. Certification: Diplomate American Board Medical GeneticsClinical Cytogenetics. Director Cytogenetics Laboratory, Mercy Hospital, Chicago, 1988; Assistant Director Human Genetics Laboratory, Northwestern Meml. Hospital, Chicago, 1988; Assistant Professor dept. pediatrics and genetics, University of Illinois, Chicago, 1986-88, 89; Associate Director Cytogenetics Laboratory, University of Illinois, Chicago, 1986-88; school fellow, Illinois State Psychiat. Institute, Chicago, 1983. Program Director Cytogenetics Program, Mercy Hospital, 1989; founding fellow American College Medical Genetics; Board directors Genetics Task Force of Illinois, Inc., President, 1999. Education: BA, University of California, Berkeley, 1974; Ph.D., UCLA, 1982.

Member: American Society Human Genetics, Association Cytogenetics Technologists, Association Chinese Geneticists in America.

Contributor of articles to professional journals.

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

ReserachGate page

Center For Medical Genetics, Houston, Texas. About Us page

"The cytogenetics laboratory is headed by Dr. Jar-Fee Yung, Ph.D., FACMG. Dr. Yung received her training in clinical cytogenetics at the University of California, Berkeley. She has served as the laboratory director at Mercy Medical Center in Chicago, Illinois, and was also the director of a clinical cytogeneticist training program while at Mercy. She has headed a national cytogenetics laboratory in New York City for Impath laboratory. She then served with the Laboratory Improvement Department at CAP, College of American Pathologists, the governing agency for accrediting all clinical diagnostic laboratories including cytogenetics. Dr. Yung is board certified through the American Board of Medical Genetics, and is a founding fellow of the American College of Medical Genetics."

Amy Poarch Zachry


Environmental scientist. From pollution control specialist to environmental scientist II, Alabama Dept. Environmental Management, Montgomery, Alabama, 1989. BS, Livingston University, 1990.

Member: Solid Waste Association of North America, Capitol City Jaycees (member-at-large 1995, Board of Directors, Executive Board).

Marquis Who's Who, 2004.

Adam Zaluzansky of Zaluzan

(c. 1555-1613)

*** Not in Gale

Bohemian botanist, physician, pharmacologist, mathematician, astronomer, classical scholar, poet.

Galileo Project entry:

Author of Methodi herbariae libri tres, (Prague, 1592). Republished in Frankfurt in 1604. In this work Zaluzansky discussed the concept that plants have sex. However, he did not recognize male and female sexes in plants, but held rather that plants have a separate, mixed sex. Rad Apotekarsky (Pharmaceutical Order), 1592, resulted from Zaluzansky's work as supervisor of pharmacy in the Old City of Prague. Cena neb vymereni vseck lekarstvi (Prices or Standards of All Medicine), 1596, 1604, 1659, 1699, 1737, published in Czech, German, and French. Galenumet vicenam libri VII attacked old-fashioned superstitions in medicine and a plea for a return to the natural way of healing. The work was dedicated to Emperor Rudolf II.

Zaluzansky had close relations with specialists in medicine--Adam Hubr of Ryzmpach, and Mat. Borbonius and Theodor Sixtus of Ottersdorf--and with a prosecution lawyer, Jachym of Technice. Protestant, an Utraquist, a denomination descended from Huss.

Giuseppe Zambeccari

(c. 1655-1728)

*** Not in Gale

Italian scientist, physiologist, anatomist. Catholic.

"Dizionario-Biografico (in Italian)

Scientific Itinteraries biography

Galileo Project entry

Zambeccari experimented on dogs, removing organs in order to understand the function they performed in the living animal- -the spleen, for example. Sometime after the organ was removed, he would kill the dog and dissect it in order to attempt to observe what changes had resulted. He developed a general, iatromechanical physiology of the nerves in "Concerning Sleep . . .", a manuscript unpublished in his own day.

After completing his medical degree, Zambeccari lived in Florence with Redi for a couple of years and worked with him, and to Redi he dedicated his Experiments Concerning the Excision of Various Organs, 1680. From letters by Redi it appears that he was instrumental in Zambeccari's appointment in Pisa, and later of his promotion.

He knew Guido Grandi and corresponded with him.

Paul A(lbert) Zimmerman


A chemist and former president of Concordia Lutheran College in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Ordained Lutheran minister in 1944; Bethany College, chemistry and theology teacher; Concordia Teachers College, chemistry and theology teacher; Concordia Lutheran Junior College, president, 1961-73; Concordia College, River Forest, IL, president, beginning 1973. Education: student, Concordia College, Ft. Wayne, Indiana, 1936-39; BA, Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, 1941; M.Div., Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, 1944; MA, University Illinois, 1947; Ph.D., University Illinois, 1951; D.D., Concordia Seminary, Springfield, Illinois, 1975; LLD, Concordia College, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1994.

Member: Fellow Creation Research Association.

Author: Observations on the Rare Earths: Some Electrochemical Studies on Non-aqueous Solutions of Rare Earth Metal Salts, n.p. (Urbana, IL), 1951; (Editor with others) Darwin, Evolution, and Creation, Concordia, 1959; (Editor) Rock Strata and the Bible Record, Concordia (St. Louis, MO), 1970; (Editor) Creation, Evolution, and God's Word, Concordia (St. Louis, MO), 1972.

Zimmerman library


Dr. Peter Zöller-Greer


** Not in Gale

Mathematics, Physics and Information Science. Since 1993 Professor for Computer Science, State University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. Work and main points of research:
Computer science: Artificial intelligence, neural one of nets, Fuzzy Logic, genetic one, algorithms, software engineering, Multi Media systems; Physics: Quantum physics, faith and scientific Apologetik.

1972-1975, Teachings Physiklaborant (BASF AG Ludwigshafen) & specialized Abitur
1975-1981, Study mathematics and theoretical physics (University of Victories and University of Heidelberg), Conclusion as a diploma mathematician, recess area: Mathematical physics
1981-1983, System analysts and programmers with BBR Mannheim (reactor physics)
1983-1987, Data processing adviser for office communication with ABB Mannheim (ABB computer science GmbH)
1987-1990, Music producer and composer, publishing house leader of a music publishing house, managing director of the Composia GmbH, numerous publications within the clay/tone carrier range, film music, television.
1990, Graduation at the University of Mannheim (Dr.rer.nat.) over theory of approximation and one
numeric application to a problem from quantum mechanics
1990-1993, Lecturer to the FH Heidelberg, FB computer science (donation rehablitation)

Member: The New York Academy of Sciences, Fellow and Member of the International Society for Complexity, Information and Design, Awarded Member of the American Association for the Advancement ofScience (AAAS), Member in the Professor Forum, Professional School Frankfurt am Main University of Applied Sciences, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Peter Zöller-Greer, University of Applied Sciences, FH-Frankfurt am Main, Fachbereich Mathematik, Naturwissenschaften Datenverarbeitung, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. "Genesis, Quantum Physics and Reality: How the Bible agrees with Quantum Physics-An Anthropic Principle of Another Kind: The Divine Anthropic Principle". From Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 52 (March 2000): 8.

Biography (in German)

Peter Zöller-Greer. "Zur Historizität der Auferstehung Jesus Christus". Abstract:

"Christianity stands and falls with the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Bible reports on it, but there are also extra-Biblical historical vouchers for this event. The scholar for Roman history, Professor Thomas Arnold, 15 years Headmaster of Rugby, author of the 3-volume standard work History of Rome, and owners of the chair for modern history at the Oxford university, very well familiarly in handling proofs for the determination of historical facts, said: 'I have been used for many years to study histories of other times, and to examine and weigh the evidence of those who have written about them, and I know of no better and fuller evidence of every sort, to the understanding of a fair inquirer, than the great sign which God hath given us that Christ died and rose again from the dead.' Meanwhile there are further historical realizations, which are to be described in this article."

Research page

Faculty page

Niccolo Zucchi


Italian optician, astronomer, mechanic, physicist, specialist in magnetism. Zucchi was a very skilled telescope-maker and in the Dictionary of Scientific Biography, Luigi Campedelli gives credit to Zucchi for ground-breaking contributions to the use of the reflecting telescope, antedating those of James Gregory and Sir Isaac Newton.

"Nicolas Zucchi, S.J. (1586 - 1670), the renowned telescope maker"

Linda Hall Library entry

Galileo Project entry:

Zucchi entered the Jesuit order as a novice on 28 October 1602 and spent his whole life in the order. It is of interest that from a family of eight children, seven embraced a religious life--all three daughters as nuns, three sons as Jesuits, and one son as a secular priest. Zucchi developed an interest in astronomy from meeting Johannes Kepler.

About 1608, or perhaps 1616, Zucchi used a lens to observe the image produced by a concave mirror, and thus produced a primitive reflecting telescope, apparently the first one. Later, in Optica philosophica, 1652, he described it. Zucchi was the first one to observe the spots on Jupiter, in 1630. He published two works, in 1646 and 1649 on the philosophy of machines, that is, analyses of mechanics. In one of these books there was a section on magnetism. He also wrote on the barometer, denying the existence of a vacuum. In all, clearly a rock-ribbed conservative in natural philosophy.

Henry Zuill


*** Not in Gale

Ph.D. and M.A. in biology from Loma Linda University, California, U.S.A.; B.A. in biology from Atlantic Union College; Curator of the Joshua C. Turner Arboretum, Nebraska, U.S.A.; Professor of Biology at Union Hills College in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Christian Answers profile

Adventist Encyclopedia entry

Testimony in In Six Days: Why Fifty Scientists Choose to Believe in Creation, edited by John F. Ashton, Ph.D. Master Books, Inc., Green Forest, AR, 2001. ISBN 0-89051-341-4. "Biodiversity is a powerful testimony about the Creator that confirms Romans 1:20: 'From the creation of the world, God's invisible qualitites, his eternal power and divine nature have been clearly observed in what he made.'" Chapter.

Jeffrey A. Zweerink

From Carl F. H. Henry Center profile:

"Jeff Zweerink (PhD Iowa State University) is a Project Scientist at UCLA and a Senior Research Scholar at Reasons to Believe. He is the author of Who’s Afraid of the Multiverse? (RTB Press, 2008) and Is There Life Out There? (RTB Press, 2017)."

Faculty listing (see last entry)

Johan Zwelfer


Alternate spellings: Zwelffer / Zwölfer

*** Not in Gale

German pharmacologist, physician, chemist, botanist, apothecary.

Online Books by Zwelfer.

Galileo Project entry

Zwelfer worked initially for 16 years in his native region as an apothecary. After receiving his M.D., he moved to Vienna, where he apparently stayed for the rest of his life.

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