Enslaved to Presuppositions:
Christians Against Slavery

There's a lot of controversy about slavery in America and what Christians did about it. Skeptics point to Christians defending slavery in the 1800s, ignoring the fact that (1. Christ, as head of the Church, did not endorse slavery, (2. that many slaves--like Frederick Douglass and Samuel Ward--were Christians and (3. the anti-slavery movement was founded by Christians. This page is a repository of Christian anti-slavery literature.

A great resource for this subject is the Samuel J. May Anti-Slavery Collection. There's also From Slavery to Freedom: The African-American Pamphlet Collection, 1822-1909, The Antislavery Literature Project and Records that pertain to American Slavery and the International Slave Trade from the National Archives.

Adams, Alice Dana

Allen, William

American Anti-Slavery Society


Anti-Slavery Society of Canada
(1851- )


Barnes, Albert

Barrow, David

Barton, David

Baxter, Richard

Beecher, Charles

Beecher, Edward

Congregationalist clergyman, educator. Senior editor of The Congregationalist (1849-1855), and an associate editor of the Christian Union from 1870. Read about Beecher here, here and here.


Benezet, Anthony

Bibb, Henry Walton

Bingham, Caleb

Birney, James Gillespie

Bolles, John R.

Booth, Abraham

Bourne, George / Sturt, George

Branagan, Thomas

Brooke, Samuel

Brougham, Henry / Brougham and Vaux, Henry Brougham, Baron

Brown, Frederick Thomas

Buckingham, Goodsell

Burrill, James, Jr.

Channing, William Ellery

Cheever, George Barrell

Cheever, Henry

Clarke, Adam
(ca. 1762-1832)

Clarkson, Thomas

Coffey, John
(Fl. 21st Century)

Dexter, Henry Martyn

American clergyman and author. Read about Dexter here and here.

Douglass, Frederick

Drisler, Henry

American classical scholar, Jay Professor of Greek Language and Literature, Columbia College. Of Drisler Encyclopedia Britannica notes, "He was ardently opposed to slavery, and brilliantly refuted The Bible View of Slavery, written by Bishop J. H. Hopkins of Vermont, in a Reply (1863), which meets the bishop on purely Biblical ground and displays the wide range of Dr. Drisler's scholarship."

Edwards, Jonathan, Jr.

Elliott, Charles

Fee, John Gregg

Fitton James

Fox, Charles James

Fox, George

Fox, William
(fl. 1791-1813)

Furness, William Henry
(fl. 1791-1813)

Garfield, President James

Attorney, minister, educator, soldier. 20th President of the United States. Read about President Garfield here, here and here.


Garrison, William Lloyd

Giddings, Joshua Reed

Gloucester, Jeremiah

Godwin, Morgan/Godwyn, Morgan
(fl. 1685)

Goodell, William

Goodwin, Daniel R. (Raynes)

Grant, President Ulysses S.

Green, Beriah

Gregory XVI, Pope

Grimké, Angelina Emile

Grimké, Francis J. (James)

Grimké, Sarah

Grimmelsman, Henry J.

Hall, Nathaniel

Haskell, Thomas Nelson

Hatch, Reuben

Higginson, Thomas Wentworth

Hodgman, Stephen Alexander

Hopkins, Samuel

Ivimey, Joseph

Jay, John

Jefferson, Thomas

Jones, Absalom

Keefer, Justus

Kelley, William Darrah

Laurens, Henry

Lawrence, George

Lay, Benjamin

Lee, Richard Henry

Lincoln, President Abraham

16th American President. Read more about President Lincoln here and at The Library of Congress.

Lovejoy, Elijah P. (Parish)

Lundy, Benjamin

Lundy, John P. (Patterson)

Marshall, David P.
(Fl. 21st Century)

Matlack, Lucius C.
(Fl. 19th Century)

May, James

McDowell, Stephen
(Fl. 21st Century)

McKeen, Silas

McLeod, Alexander

M'Laughlin, John
(Fl. 19th Century)

Miller, Glenn

Miller, Samuel

Miller, William
(fl. 1810)

Montgomery, John Warwick
(1931- )

Morse, Jedidiah

Mott, Lucretia

Newton, John

O'Connor, Arthur

Paley, William

Parrott, Russell

Parsons, Theophilous

Patton, William W. (William Weston)

Paxton, John D.

Pearne, Thomas Hall
(b. 1820)

Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society

Phelps, Amos

Phillips, Wendell

Pillsbury, Parker

Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham

Pitt, William

Poole, William Frederick

Porter, Noah

Rankin, John

Reilly, Wilfred
(Fl. 21st century)

Religious Society of Friends/Quakers

Robinson, Robert

Rush, Benjamin

Sarfati, Jonathan D.
(1964- )

Sawyer, Leicester A. (Ambrose)

Schmidt, Alvin J. (John)
(1932- )

Sharp, Granville

Sheridan, Richard Brinsley

Smith, Gerrit

Smith, Goldwin

Stevens, Thaddeus

Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth (Beecher)

Sunderland, La Roy

Thompson, Joseph Parrish

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

University of Pittsburgh

Vail, Stephen M. (Stephen Montford),

Vinton, Alexander H. (Alexander Hamilton)

Boston clergyman. Slavery abolitionist.


Walker, David

Wallace, J. Warner
(Fl. 21st century)

Warburton, William

Ward, Samuel Ringgold

Waters, R. P.

Webster, Daniel

Weld, Theodore Dwight

Wesley, John

Wilberforce, William

Williams, Peter J.
(Fl. 21st century)

Woolman, John

Secular Acknowledgement of Christian Opposition to Slavery

Comte, Auguste / Compte, Isidore Auguste Marie François Xavier

Storch, Heinrich Friedrich von

Troplong, M. (Raymond-Théodore),


Whether Ricardo Cardwell is a Christian is currently and publicly unknown, his comments about America's response to slavery are salient. Breitbart News posted this video on July 11, 2018:

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